irust 0.4.5

Cross Platform Rust Repl
use crate::irust::printer::{ColoredPrinterItem, Printer};
use crate::irust::IRust;
use crossterm::Color;

impl IRust {
    pub fn help(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<Printer> {
        let mut outputs = Printer::default();

        outputs.push("### Keywords / Tips & Tricks ###".to_output(Color::DarkYellow));
:help => print help

:reset => reset repl

:show => show repl current code

:add <dep_list> => add dependencies (requires cargo-edit)

:load => load a rust script into the repl

:: => run a shell command, example ::ls

You can use arrow keys to cycle through commands history"
### Keybindings ###"

ctrl-l clear screen

ctrl-c clear line, double click to exit

ctrl-d exit if buffer is empty

ctrl-z [unix only] send IRust to the background

HOME/END go to line start / line end"
