ironoxide 0.6.0

A pure-Rust SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform
pub use crate::internal::group_api::{
    GroupAccessEditErr, GroupAccessEditResult, GroupGetResult, GroupId, GroupListResult,
    GroupMetaResult, GroupName,
use crate::{
    internal::{group_api, user_api::UserId},
use tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime;

/// Options for group creation.
pub struct GroupCreateOpts {
    /// unique id of a group within a segment. If none, the server will assign an id.
    id: Option<GroupId>,
    /// human readable name of the group. Does not need to be unique.
    name: Option<GroupName>,
    /// true (default) - creating user will be added to the group's membership;
    /// false - creating user will not be added to the group's membership
    add_as_member: bool,

impl GroupCreateOpts {
    /// Constructor. Also see `default()`
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - Unique id of a group within a segment. If none, the server will assign an id.
    /// - `name` - Human readable name of the group. Does not need to be unique. Will **not** be encrypted.
    /// - `add_as_member`
    ///   - `true` - The creating user should be added as a member (in addition to being a group admin)
    ///   - `false` - The creating user will not be a member of the group, but will still be an admin.
    pub fn new(
        id: Option<GroupId>,
        name: Option<GroupName>,
        add_as_member: bool,
    ) -> GroupCreateOpts {
        GroupCreateOpts {

impl Default for GroupCreateOpts {
    fn default() -> Self {
        // membership is the default!
        GroupCreateOpts::new(None, None, true)

pub trait GroupOps {
    /// List all of the groups that the current user is either an admin or member of.
    /// # Returns
    /// `GroupListResult` List of (abbreviated) metadata about each group the user is a part of.
    fn group_list(&self) -> Result<GroupListResult>;

    /// Create a group. The creating user will become a group admin and by default a group member.
    /// # Arguments
    /// `group_create_opts` - See `GroupCreateOpts`. Use the `Default` implementation for defaults.
    fn group_create(&mut self, group_create_opts: &GroupCreateOpts) -> Result<GroupMetaResult>;

    /// Get the full metadata for a specific group given its ID.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - Unique ID of the group to retrieve
    /// # Returns
    /// `GroupMetaResult` with details about the requested group.
    fn group_get_metadata(&self, id: &GroupId) -> Result<GroupGetResult>;

    /// Delete the identified group. Group does not have to be empty of admins/members in order to
    /// delete the group. **Warning: Deletion of a group will cause all documents encrypted to that
    /// group to no longer be decryptable. Caution should be used when deleting groups.**
    /// # Arguments
    /// `id` - Unique id of group
    /// # Returns
    /// Deleted group id or error
    fn group_delete(&self, id: &GroupId) -> Result<GroupId>;

    /// Update a group name to a new value or clear its value.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - ID of the group to update
    /// - `name` - New name for the group. Provide a Some to update to a new name and a None to clear the name field.
    /// # Returns
    /// `Result<GroupMetaResult>` Metadata about the group that was updated.
    fn group_update_name(&self, id: &GroupId, name: Option<&GroupName>) -> Result<GroupMetaResult>;

    /// Add the users as members of a group.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - ID of the group to add members to
    /// - `users` - The list of users thet will be added to the group as members.
    /// # Returns
    /// GroupAccessEditResult, which contains all the users that were added. It also contains the users that were not added and
    ///   the reason they were not.
    fn group_add_members(
        &mut self,
        id: &GroupId,
        users: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult>;

    /// Remove a list of users as members from the group.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - ID of the group to remove members from
    /// - `revoke_list` - List of user IDs to remove as members
    /// # Returns
    /// `Result<GroupAccessEditResult>` List of users that were removed. Also contains the users that failed to be removed
    ///    and the reason they were not.
    fn group_remove_members(
        id: &GroupId,
        revoke_list: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult>;

    /// Add the users as admins of a group.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - ID of the group to add admins to
    /// - `users` - The list of users that will be added to the group as admins.
    /// # Returns
    /// GroupAccessEditResult, which contains all the users that were added. It also contains the users that were not added and
    ///   the reason they were not.
    fn group_add_admins(&mut self, id: &GroupId, users: &[UserId])
        -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult>;

    /// Remove a list of users as admins from the group.
    /// # Arguments
    /// - `id` - ID of the group
    /// - `revoke_list` - List of user IDs to remove as admins
    /// # Returns
    /// `Result<GroupAccessEditResult>` List of users that were removed. Also contains the users that failed to be removed
    ///    and the reason they were not.
    fn group_remove_admins(
        id: &GroupId,
        revoke_list: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult>;

impl GroupOps for crate::IronOxide {
    fn group_list(&self) -> Result<GroupListResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        rt.block_on(group_api::list(self.device.auth(), None))

    fn group_create(&mut self, opts: &GroupCreateOpts) -> Result<GroupMetaResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        let GroupCreateOpts {
            id: maybe_id,
            name: maybe_name,
        } = opts.clone();

            &mut self.recrypt,

    fn group_get_metadata(&self, id: &GroupId) -> Result<GroupGetResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        rt.block_on(group_api::get_metadata(self.device.auth(), id))

    fn group_delete(&self, id: &GroupId) -> Result<GroupId> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        rt.block_on(group_api::group_delete(self.device.auth(), id))

    fn group_update_name(&self, id: &GroupId, name: Option<&GroupName>) -> Result<GroupMetaResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
        rt.block_on(group_api::update_group_name(self.device.auth(), id, name))

    fn group_add_members(
        &mut self,
        id: &GroupId,
        grant_list: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
            &mut self.recrypt,

    fn group_remove_members(
        id: &GroupId,
        revoke_list: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();

    fn group_add_admins(
        &mut self,
        id: &GroupId,
        users: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
            &mut self.recrypt,

    fn group_remove_admins(
        id: &GroupId,
        revoke_list: &[UserId],
    ) -> Result<GroupAccessEditResult> {
        let mut rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();

mod test {
    use crate::group::GroupCreateOpts;

    fn build_group_create_opts_default() {
        let opts = GroupCreateOpts::default();
        assert_eq!(true, opts.add_as_member);