ironoxide 0.25.2

A pure-Rust SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform
Release Checklist

* Make sure all changes to be released are on `main`
* Compare `main`'s commit history to the change log to ensure all public API changes are included as well as notable internal changes
* Sanity check the version number set in `Cargo.toml` with the change log. Remember, we use semver!
* Commit `Cargo.toml` (if needed) and `` to your local git. 
  - paste change log for the release into the commit message (For Github releases)
* `cargo package` to see if there are any issues
* Tag the release, using the changelog entry as the commit message
  - `git tag -a <NEW_VER_NUM>`
  - `git push origin <NEW_VER_NUM> && git push` (eg: 0.5.2)
* `cargo publish`
* Check and sites for new version