ironoxide 0.10.1

A pure-Rust SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform
Integration Testing

Our integration tests require that we point to the IronCore staging environment. In order to swap that out at compile time we use a Rust feature flag to causes the SDK to point to stage. To prevent us from having to always pass `--features` when running our tests, we created an alias so that `cargo t` will automatically apply that feature flag. If you run `cargo test` you'll get failures that will hopefully clue you in that you need to use `cargo t` instead.

Running *only* the unit tests (IronOxide users - this is what you want):

`cargo t --lib`

Running *only* the integration tests:

`cargo t --test group_ops --test user_ops --test document_ops`

Running all the tests:

`cargo t`

#### Integration Tests

Integration tests are run as part of a PR build on Travis. These keys are stored as a Travis secret.

The integration test run against IronCore's staging environment and require some tests keys. These can be found in `tests/testkeys/rsa_private.pem.iron`. _Currently only IronCore devs have access to these keys._ The following ironhide command will decrypt the developer test keys. 

`$ ironhide file:decrypt rsa_private.pem.iron`