iron_rose 0.1.1

Rust implementation of Invertable Bloom Filters & Strata Estimators as found in
use crate::{cell::Cell, Side};
use fasthash::{HasherExt, Murmur3HasherExt as ElmHasher};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
    ops::{BitXor, BitXorAssign, Sub},

/// Core Invertable Bloom Filter Data Structure. This allows us to store and differentially retreive
/// a set of u128s, provided that the two IBFs have enough information in them. This is a
/// raw building block, and is useful for passing around IDs.
/// ```rust
/// use iron_rose::{IBF, Side};
/// let mut left = IBF::new(20);
/// let mut right = IBF::new(20);
/// left.encode(10); left.encode(20); left.encode(30);
/// right.encode(10); right.encode(33); right.encode(42);
/// let mut diff = (left - right).expect("We are using two same sized IBFs");
/// let set = diff.decode().expect("We should be able to fully retreive the data");
/// assert!(set.contains(&Side::Left(20)));
/// assert!(set.contains(&Side::Right(42)));
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct IBF<T>
    T: Clone
        + std::hash::Hash
        + BitXor<Output = T>
        + BitXorAssign
        + Default
        + PartialEq
        + Eq
        + Debug,
    cells: Box<[Cell<T>]>,
    hash_count: usize,
    size: usize,

impl<T> IBF<T>
    T: Clone
        + std::hash::Hash
        + BitXor<Output = T>
        + BitXorAssign
        + Default
        + PartialEq
        + Eq
        + Debug,
    /// New IBF, limited to having size number of buckets, and a default hash_count of 3 (as per the paper)
    pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
        Self::new_with_hash_count(size, 3)

    /// New IBF, limited to having size number of buckets, and a settable hash_count
    pub fn new_with_hash_count(size: usize, hash_count: usize) -> Self {
        let buckets = vec![Cell::default(); size].into_boxed_slice();
        Self {
            cells: buckets,

    /// Encodes an element into hash_count # of buckets for future retreival
    pub fn encode(&mut self, element: T) {
        for i in 0..self.hash_count {
            self.get_ith_cell(i, &element).encode(element.clone())

    /// Allows you to decode an IBF into a [HashSet](HashSet) of [Sides](Side). Each side tells
    /// You from which original IBF the data came from (After a subtraction). Returns an Err
    /// In the case that we don't have enough information to fully decode the IBF.
    pub fn decode(mut self) -> Result<HashSet<Side<T>>, String> {
        let mut set = HashSet::new();
        loop {
            if let Some(next_pure) = self.cells.iter().find(|cell| cell.is_pure()) {
                let next_pure = next_pure.clone();
                let element = next_pure.decode().expect("Only grabbing pure elements");
            } else {
                if self.cells.iter().all(|cell| cell.is_empty()) {
                    return Ok(set);
                } else {
                    let not_empty = self
                        .filter(|cell| !cell.is_empty())
                    return Err(format!("Unable to fully decode: {:#?}", not_empty));

    fn remove(&mut self, cell: Cell<T>) {
        let element = &*cell.decode().expect("Only removing pure cells");
        for i in 0..self.hash_count {
            *self.get_ith_cell(i, &element) -= cell.clone();

    fn get_ith_cell(&mut self, i: usize, element: &T) -> &mut Cell<T> {
        let mut hasher: ElmHasher = Default::default();
        element.hash(&mut hasher);
        i.hash(&mut hasher);

        let cell_idx = (hasher.finish_ext() % (self.size as u128)) as usize;
        &mut self.cells[cell_idx]

impl<T> Sub for IBF<T>
    T: Clone
        + std::hash::Hash
        + BitXor<Output = T>
        + BitXorAssign
        + Default
        + PartialEq
        + Eq
        + Debug,
    type Output = Result<IBF<T>, String>;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        if self.hash_count != rhs.hash_count || self.size != rhs.size {
            return Err("IBFs are not configured the same".to_string());
        Ok(Self {
            cells: self
                .map(|(l, r)| l - r)

impl<T> Sub for &IBF<T>
    T: Clone
        + std::hash::Hash
        + BitXor<Output = T>
        + BitXorAssign
        + Default
        + PartialEq
        + Eq
        + Debug,
    type Output = Result<IBF<T>, String>;

    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        if self.hash_count != rhs.hash_count || self.size != rhs.size {
            return Err("IBFs are not configured the same".to_string());
        Ok(IBF {
            cells: self
                .map(|(l, r)| l - r)
            hash_count: self.hash_count,
            size: self.size,