iron-cors 0.1.0

A CORS middleware implementation for Iron.

CORS Middleware for Iron

Travis CI

A CORS Middleware for Iron.

See for reference.

The middleware will return HTTP 400 Bad Request if the origin host is missing or not allowed.

Preflight requests are not yet supported. Neither is it currently possible to simply allow any origin host.

Currently, the user of the middleware must specify a list of allowed hosts (port or protocol aren't being checked by the middleware). The wrapped handler will only be executed if the hostname in the Origin header matches one of the allowed hosts.


Initialize the middleware with a vector of allowed host strings:

extern crate iron_cors;

use iron_cors::CorsMiddleware;

let allowed_hosts = vec!["".to_string()];
let middleware = CorsMiddleware::new(allowed_hosts);

See examples/ for a full usage example.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.