[][src]Struct iredismodule::context::Context

#[repr(C)]pub struct Context { /* fields omitted */ }

Wrap raw pointer raw::RedisModuleCtx


impl Context[src]

pub fn get_blocked_client_ready_key(&self) -> Option<RStr>[src]

Get the key that is ready when the reply callback is called in the context of a client blocked by Context::block_client_on_keys.

pub fn block_client_on_keys<T>(
    reply_callbck: RedisModuleCmdFunc,
    timeout_callback: RedisModuleCmdFunc,
    free_privdata: FreePrivateDataFunc,
    timeout_ms: Duration,
    keys: &[&RStr],
    privdata: T
) -> Option<BlockClient>

This call is similar to Context::block_client, however in this case we don't just block the client, but also ask Redis to unblock it automatically once certain keys become "ready", that is, contain more data.

Basically this is similar to what a typical Redis command usually does, like BLPOP or ZPOPMAX: the client blocks if it cannot be served ASAP, and later when the key receives new data (a list push for instance), the client is unblocked and served.

However in the case of this module API, when the client is unblocked?

  1. If you block ok a key of a type that has blocking operations associated, like a list, a sorted set, a stream, and so forth, the client may be unblocked once the relevant key is targeted by an operation that normally unblocks the native blocking operations for that type. So if we block on a list key, an RPUSH command may unblock our client and so forth.
  2. If you are implementing your native data type, or if you want to add new unblocking conditions in addition to "1", you can call the modules API Context::signal_key_as_ready.

Anyway we can't be sure if the client should be unblocked just because the key is signaled as ready: for instance a successive operation may change the key, or a client in queue before this one can be served, modifying the key as well and making it empty again. So when a client is blocked with Context::block_client_on_keys the reply callback is not called after BlockClient::unlock is called, but every time a key is signaled as ready: if the reply callback can serve the client, it returns OK and the client is unblocked, otherwise it will return ERR and we'll try again later.

The reply callback can access the key that was signaled as ready by calling the API Context::get_blocked_client_ready_key, that returns just the string name of the key as a string::RStr object.

Thanks to this system we can setup complex blocking scenarios, like unblocking a client only if a list contains at least 5 items or other more fancy logics.

Note that another difference with Context::block_client is that here we pass the private data directly when blocking the client: it will be accessible later in the reply callback. Normally when blocking with Context::block_client the private data to reply to the client is passed when calling BlockClient::unblock but here the unblocking is performed by Redis itself, so we need to have some private data before hand. The private data is used to store any information about the specific unblocking operation that you are implementing. Such information will be freed using the free_privdata callback provided by the user.

However the reply callback will be able to access the argument vector of the command, so the private data is often not needed.

Note: Under normal circumstances BlockClient::unblock should not be called for clients that are blocked on keys (Either the key will become ready or a timeout will occur). If for some reason you do want to call BlockClient::unblock it is possible: Client will be handled as if it were timed-out (You must implement the timeout callback in that case).

pub fn block_client(
    reply_callbck: RedisModuleCmdFunc,
    timeout_callback: RedisModuleCmdFunc,
    free_privdata: FreePrivateDataFunc,
    timeout_ms: Duration
) -> Option<BlockClient>

Block a client in the context of a blocking command, returning an handle which will be used, later, in order to unblock the client with a call to BlockClient::unblock. The arguments specify callback functions and a timeout after which the client is unblocked.

The callbacks are called in the following contexts: reply_callback: called after a successful BlockClient.unblock call in order to reply to the client and unblock it. reply_timeout: called when the timeout is reached in order to send an error to the client. free_privdata: called in order to free the private data that is passed by BlockClient.unblock call. Note: BlockClient.unblock should be called for every blocked client, even if client was killed, timed-out or disconnected. Failing to do so will result in memory leaks.

pub fn is_blocked_reply_request(&self) -> bool[src]

Return false if a module command was called in order to fill the reply for a blocked client.

pub fn is_blocked_timeout_request(&self) -> bool[src]

Return false if a module command was called in order to fill the reply for a blocked client that timed out.

pub fn get_block_client_private_data<T>(&self) -> &mut T[src]

Get the private data set by BlockClient.unlock

pub fn get_block_client_handle(&self) -> Option<BlockClient>[src]

Get the blocked client associated with a given context. This is useful in the reply and timeout callbacks of blocked clients, before sometimes the module has the blocked client handle references around, and wants to cleanup it

pub fn blocked_client_disconnected(&self) -> bool[src]

Return true if when the free callback of a blocked client is called, the reason for the client to be unblocked is that it disconnected while it was blocked.

impl Context[src]

pub fn get_cluster_nodes_list(&self) -> Vec<String>[src]

Return an list cluster node id.

However if this function is called by a module not running an a Redis instance with Redis Cluster enabled.

The IDs returned can be used with Context::get_cluster_node_info in order to get more information about single nodes.

pub fn set_cluster_flags(&self, flags: u32)[src]

Set Redis Cluster flags in order to change the normal behavior of Redis Cluster, especially with the goal of disabling certain functions. This is useful for modules that use the Cluster API in order to create a different distributed system, but still want to use the Redis Cluster message bus. Flags that can be set:


With the following effects: NO_FAILOVER: prevent Redis Cluster slaves to failover a failing master. Also disables the replica migration feature. NO_REDIRECTION: Every node will accept any key, without trying to perform partitioning according to the user Redis Cluster algorithm. Slots informations will still be propagated across the cluster, but without effects.

pub fn get_cluster_node_info<T: AsRef<str>>(
    id: T
) -> Result<ClusterNodeInfo, Error>

Get the specified info for the node having as ID the specified 'id'.

if the node ID does not exist from the POV of this local node, Err will be returned.

pub fn register_cluster_message_receiver(
    msg_type: MsgType,
    callback: RedisModuleClusterMessageReceiver

Register a callback receiver for cluster messages of type 'type'. If there was already a registered callback, this will replace the callback function with the one provided, otherwise if the callback is set to None and there is already a callback for this function, the callback is unregistered (so this API call is also used in order to delete the receiver).

pub fn send_cluster_message<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(
    target_id: &str,
    msg_type: MsgType,
    msg: T
) -> Result<(), Error>

Send a message to all the nodes in the cluster if target is empty, otherwise at the specified target.

The function returns Ok if the message was successfully sent, otherwise if the node is not connected or such node ID does not map to any known cluster node, Err is returned.

impl Context[src]

pub fn create_timer<F, T>(
    period_ms: Duration,
    callback: F,
    data: T
) -> Result<RedisModuleTimerID, Error> where
    F: FnOnce(&Context, T), 

Create a new timer that will fire after period milliseconds, and will call the specified function using data as argument. The returned timer ID can be used to get information from the timer or to stop it before it fires.

pub fn stop_timer<T>(&self, id: RedisModuleTimerID) -> Result<T, Error>[src]

Stop a timer, returns Ok if the timer was found, belonged to the calling module, and was stopped. Returns Ok with value touched when the timer was created, otherwise Err is returned.

pub fn get_timer_info<T>(
    id: RedisModuleTimerID
) -> Result<(Duration, &T), Error>

Obtain information about a timer: its remaining time before firing (in milliseconds), and the private data pointer associated with the timer. If the timer specified does not exist or belongs to a different module no information is returned and the function returns Err, otherwise Ok is returned.

impl Context[src]

pub fn is_keys_position_request(&self) -> bool[src]

Return true if a module command, that was declared with the flag "getkeys-api", is called in a special way to get the keys positions and not to get executed. Otherwise false is returned

pub fn key_at_pos(&self, pos: i32)[src]

When a module command is called in order to obtain the position of keys, since it was flagged as "getkeys-api" during the registration, the command implementation checks for this special call using the Context::is_keys_position_request API and uses this function in order to report keys, like in the following example:

    if (ctx.is_keys_position_request()) {

Note: in the example below the get keys API would not be needed since keys are at fixed positions. This interface is only used for commands with a more complex structure.

pub fn reply(&self, r: RResult)[src]

Send reply to client

It will choose the correct redis ffi function to reply depends on the result::RResult value.

pub fn call<T: AsRef<str>>(
    command: T,
    flags: Option<CallFlag>,
    args: &[T]
) -> Result<CallReply, Error>

Exported API to call any Redis command from modules.

pub fn replicate<T: AsRef<str>>(
    command: T,
    flags: Option<CallFlag>,
    args: &[T]
) -> Result<(), Error>

Replicate the specified command and arguments to slaves and AOF, as effect of execution of the calling command implementation.

The replicated commands are always wrapped into the MULTI/EXEC that contains all the commands replicated in a given module command execution. However the commands replicated with Context::call are the first items, the ones replicated with Context::replicate will all follow before the EXEC.

Modules should try to use one interface or the other.

This command follows exactly the same interface of Context::call, so a set of format specifiers must be passed, followed by arguments matching the provided format specifiers.

Please refer to Context::call for more information.

Using the special "A" and "R" modifiers, the caller can exclude either the AOF or the replicas from the propagation of the specified command. Otherwise, by default, the command will be propagated in both channels.

Note about calling this function from a thread safe context:

Normally when you call this function from the callback implementing a module command, or any other callback provided by the Redis Module API, Redis will accumulate all the calls to this function in the context of the callback, and will propagate all the commands wrapped in a MULTI/EXEC transaction. However when calling this function from a threaded safe context that can live an undefined amount of time, and can be locked/unlocked in at will, the behavior is different: MULTI/EXEC wrapper is not emitted and the command specified is inserted in the AOF and replication stream immediately.

Return value

The command returns Err if the format specifiers are invalid or the command name does not belong to a known command.

pub fn replicate_verbatim(&self)[src]

This function will replicate the command exactly as it was invoked by the client. Note that this function will not wrap the command into a MULTI/EXEC stanza, so it should not be mixed with other replication commands.

Basically this form of replication is useful when you want to propagate the command to the slaves and AOF file exactly as it was called, since the command can just be re-executed to deterministically re-create the new state starting from the old one.

pub fn get_client_id(&self) -> u64[src]

Return the ID of the current client calling the currently active module command. The returned ID has a few guarantees: `

  1. The ID is different for each different client, so if the same client executes a module command multiple times, it can be recognized as having the same ID, otherwise the ID will be different.
  2. The ID increases monotonically. Clients connecting to the server later are guaranteed to get IDs greater than any past ID previously seen.

Valid IDs are from 1 to 2^64-1. If 0 is returned it means there is no way to fetch the ID in the context the function was currently called.

pub fn get_select_db(&self) -> i64[src]

Return the currently selected DB

pub fn get_context_flags(&self) -> u64[src]

Return the current context's flags. The flags provide information on the current request context (whether the client is a Lua script or in a MULTI), and about the Redis instance in general, i.e replication and persistence.

It is possible to call this function even with a NULL context, however in this case the following flags will not be reported:

  • LUA, MULTI, REPLICATED, DIRTY (see below for more info).

Available flags and their meaning:

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_LUA: The command is running in a Lua script

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_MULTI: The command is running inside a transaction

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_REPLICATED: The command was sent over the replication link by the MASTER

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_MASTER: The Redis instance is a master

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_SLAVE: The Redis instance is a slave

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_READONLY: The Redis instance is read-only

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_CLUSTER: The Redis instance is in cluster mode

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_AOF: The Redis instance has AOF enabled

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_RDB: The instance has RDB enabled

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_MAXMEMORY: The instance has Maxmemory set

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_EVICT: Maxmemory is set and has an eviction policy that may delete keys

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_OOM: Redis is out of memory according to the maxmemory setting.

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_OOM_WARNING: Less than 25% of memory remains before reaching the maxmemory level.


  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_REPLICA_IS_STALE: No active link with the master.

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_REPLICA_IS_CONNECTING: The replica is trying to connect with the master.

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_REPLICA_IS_TRANSFERRING: Master -> Replica RDB transfer is in progress.

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_REPLICA_IS_ONLINE: The replica has an active link with its master. This is the contrary of STALE state.

  • REDISMODULE_CTX_FLAGS_ACTIVE_CHILD: There is currently some background process active (RDB, AUX or module).

pub fn select_db(&self, newid: i32) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Change the currently selected DB. Returns an error if the id is out of range.

Note that the client will retain the currently selected DB even after the Redis command implemented by the module calling this function returns.

If the module command wishes to change something in a different DB and returns back to the original one, it should call Context::get_selected_db before in order to restore the old DB number before returning.

pub fn open_read_key(&self, keyname: &RStr) -> ReadKey[src]

Return an handle representing a Redis key with read permission only, so that it is possible, to call other APIs with the key handle as argument to perform operations on the key.

Note The key may be not existed.

pub fn open_write_key(&self, keyname: &RStr) -> WriteKey[src]

Return an handle representing a Redis key with write permission only, so that it is possible, to call other APIs with the key handle as argument to perform operations on the key.

pub fn signal_key_as_ready(&self, key: &RStr)[src]

This function is used in order to potentially unblock a client blocked on keys with Context::block_client_on_keys. When this function is called, all the clients blocked for this key will get their reply callback called, and if the callback returns REDISMODULE_OK the client will be unblocked.

pub fn log<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, level: LogLevel, message: T)[src]

Produces a log message to the standard Redis log

There is a fixed limit to the length of the log line this function is able to emit, this limit is not specified but is guaranteed to be more than a few lines of text.

pub fn notice<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, message: T)[src]

Log with notice loglevel

pub fn debug<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, message: T)[src]

Log with debug loglevel

pub fn verbose<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, message: T)[src]

Log with verbose loglevel

pub fn warning<T: AsRef<str>>(&self, message: T)[src]

Log with warning loglevel

pub fn create_cmd(
    name: &str,
    func: extern "C" fn(_: *mut RedisModuleCtx, _: *mut *mut RedisModuleString, _: c_int) -> c_int,
    flags: &str,
    first_key: usize,
    last_key: usize,
    key_step: usize
) -> Result<(), Error>

Register a new command in the Redis server

Note: prefer to use define_module macro to regiser command

pub fn deauthenticate_and_close_client(&self, id: u64)[src]

Deauthenticate and close the client. The client resources will not be be immediately freed, but will be cleaned up in a background job. This is the recommended way to deauthenicate a client since most clients can't handle users becomming deauthenticated.

The client ID is returned from the Context:authenticate_client_with_user and Context::authenticate_client_with_acl_user APIs, but can be obtained through the CLIENT api or through server events.

This function is not thread safe, and must be executed within the context of a command or thread safe context.

pub fn authenticate_client_with_acl_user<T>(
    name: &str,
    callback: RedisModuleUserChangedFunc,
    privdata: Option<T>
) -> Result<u64, Error>

Authenticate the current context's user with the name of provided redis acl user. Returns Err if the user is disabled or the user does not exist.

See Context::authenticate_client_with_user for information about callback, client_id, and general usage for authentication.

pub fn authenticate_client_with_user<T>(
    user: &User,
    callback: RedisModuleUserChangedFunc,
    privdata: Option<T>
) -> Result<u64, Error>

Authenticate the current context's user with the provided redis acl user. Returns REDISMODULE_ERR if the user is disabled.

This authentication can be tracked with the optional callback and private data fields. The callback will be called whenever the user of the client changes. This callback should be used to cleanup any state that is being kept in the module related to the client authentication. It will only be called once, even when the user hasn't changed, in order to allow for a new callback to be specified. If this authentication does not need to be tracked, pass in NULL for the callback and privdata.

If returned client_id can be used with the Context::deauthenticate_and_close_client API in order to deauthenticate a previously authenticated client if the authentication is no longer valid.

For expensive authentication operations, it is recommended to block the client and do the authentication in the background and then attach the user to the client in a threadsafe context.

pub fn db_size(&self) -> u64[src]

Returns the number of keys in the current db.

pub fn publish_message(&self, channel: &RStr, msg: &RStr) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Publish a message to subscribers (see PUBLISH command).

pub fn signal_modified_key(&self, key: &RStr) -> Result<(), Error>[src]

Signals that the key is modified from user's perspective (i.e. invalidate WATCH and client side caching).

pub fn set_module_options(&self, options: i32)[src]

Set flags defining capabilities or behavior bit flags.

REDISMODULE_OPTIONS_HANDLE_IO_ERRORS: Generally, modules don't need to bother with this, as the process will just terminate if a read error happens, however, setting this flag would allow repl-diskless-load to work if enabled. The module should use RedisModule_IsIOError after reads, before using the data that was read, and in case of error, propagate it upwards, and also be able to release the partially populated value and all it's allocations.

pub fn scan<T>(
    cursor: &ScanCursor,
    callback: RedisModuleScanCB,
    privdata: Option<T>
) -> Result<(), Error>

Scan API that allows a module to scan all the keys and value in the selected db.

Callback for scan implementation. void scan_callback(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, RedisModuleString *keyname, RedisModuleKey *key, void *privdata); ctx - the redis module context provided to for the scan. keyname - owned by the caller and need to be retained if used after this function.

key - holds info on the key and value, it is provided as best effort, in some cases it might be NULL, in which case the user should (can) use RedisModule_OpenKey (and CloseKey too). when it is provided, it is owned by the caller and will be free when the callback returns.

privdata - the user data provided to RedisModule_Scan.

The way it should be used:

let cursor = ScanCursor::new();
loop {
    if ctx.scan(cursor, callback, privdata).is_err() { break; }

It is also possible to use this API from another thread while the lock is acquired durring the actuall call to RM_Scan:

let cursor = ScanCursor::new();
loop {
    if ctx.scan(cursor, callback, privdata).is_err() { break; }
    // do some background job

The function will return 1 if there are more elements to scan and 0 otherwise, possibly setting errno if the call failed.

It is also possible to restart and existing cursor using ScanCursor::restart.

IMPORTANT: This API is very similar to the Redis SCAN command from the point of view of the guarantees it provides. This means that the API may report duplicated keys, but guarantees to report at least one time every key that was there from the start to the end of the scanning process.

NOTE: If you do database changes within the callback, you should be aware that the internal state of the database may change. For instance it is safe to delete or modify the current key, but may not be safe to delete any other key. Moreover playing with the Redis keyspace while iterating may have the effect of returning more duplicates. A safe pattern is to store the keys names you want to modify elsewhere, and perform the actions on the keys later when the iteration is complete. Howerver this can cost a lot of memory, so it may make sense to just operate on the current key when possible during the iteration, given that this is safe.

pub fn export_shared_api(
    name: &str,
    fn_ptr: *mut c_void
) -> Result<(), Error>

This function is called by a module in order to export some API with a given name. Other modules will be able to use this API by calling the symmetrical function Context::get_shared_api and casting the return value to the right function pointer.

IMPORTANT: the apiname argument should be a string literal with static lifetime. The API relies on the fact that it will always be valid in the future.

pub fn get_shared_api(&self, name: &str) -> Option<*mut c_void>[src]

Request an exported API pointer. The return value is just a void pointer that the caller of this function will be required to cast to the right function pointer, so this is a private contract between modules.

If the requested API is not available then None is returned. Because modules can be loaded at different times with different order, this function calls should be put inside some module generic API registering step, that is called every time a module attempts to execute a command that requires external APIs: if some API cannot be resolved, the command should return an error.

pub fn subscribe_to_keyspace_events(
    types: i32,
    callback: RedisModuleNotificationFunc
) -> Result<(), Error>

keyspace-notifications API. A module can register callbacks to be notified when keyspce events occur.

Notification events are filtered by their type (string events, set events, etc), and the subscriber callback receives only events that match a specific mask of event types.

When subscribing to notifications with RedisModule_SubscribeToKeyspaceEvents the module must provide an event type-mask, denoting the events the subscriber is interested in. This can be an ORed mask of any of the following flags:

  • REDISMODULE_NOTIFY_ZSET: Sorted Set events

We do not distinguish between key events and keyspace events, and it is up to the module to filter the actions taken based on the key.

type is the event type bit, that must match the mask given at registration time. The event string is the actual command being executed, and key is the relevant Redis key.

Notification callback gets executed with a redis context that can not be used to send anything to the client, and has the db number where the event occurred as its selected db number.

Notice that it is not necessary to enable notifications in redis.conf for module notifications to work.

Warning: the notification callbacks are performed in a synchronous manner, so notification callbacks must to be fast, or they would slow Redis down. If you need to take long actions, use threads to offload them.

See https://redis.io/topics/notifications for more information.

pub fn subscribe_to_server_event(
    events: ServerEvent,
    callback: RedisModuleEventCallback
) -> Result<(), Error>

Register to be notified, via a callback, when the specified server event happens. The callback is called with the event as argument, and an additional argument which is a void pointer and should be cased to a specific type that is event-specific (but many events will just use NULL since they do not have additional information to pass to the callback).

If the callback is NULL and there was a previous subscription, the module will be unsubscribed. If there was a previous subscription and the callback is not null, the old callback will be replaced with the new one.

The 'ctx' is a normal Redis module context that the callback can use in order to call other modules APIs. The 'eid' is the event itself, this is only useful in the case the module subscribed to multiple events: using the 'id' field of this structure it is possible to check if the event is one of the events we registered with this callback. The 'subevent' field depends on the event that fired.

Finally the 'data' pointer may be populated, only for certain events, with more relevant data.

Here is a list of events you can use as 'eid' and related sub events:


     This event is called when the instance switches from master
     to replica or the other way around, however the event is
     also called when the replica remains a replica but starts to
     replicate with a different master.

     The following sub events are available:


     The 'data' field can be casted by the callback to a
     RedisModuleReplicationInfo structure with the following fields:

         int master; // true if master, false if replica
         char *masterhost; // master instance hostname for NOW_REPLICA
         int masterport; // master instance port for NOW_REPLICA
         char *replid1; // Main replication ID
         char *replid2; // Secondary replication ID
         uint64_t repl1_offset; // Main replication offset
         uint64_t repl2_offset; // Offset of replid2 validity


     This event is called when RDB saving or AOF rewriting starts
     and ends. The following sub events are available:


     The above events are triggered not just when the user calls the
     relevant commands like BGSAVE, but also when a saving operation
     or AOF rewriting occurs because of internal server triggers.
     The SYNC_RDB_START sub events are happening in the forground due to
     SAVE command, FLUSHALL, or server shutdown, and the other RDB and
     AOF sub events are executed in a background fork child, so any
     action the module takes can only affect the generated AOF or RDB,
     but will not be reflected in the parent process and affect connected
     clients and commands. Also note that the AOF_START sub event may end
     up saving RDB content in case of an AOF with rdb-preamble.


     The FLUSHALL, FLUSHDB or an internal flush (for instance
     because of replication, after the replica synchronization)
     happened. The following sub events are available:


     The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleFlushInfo
     structure with the following fields:

         int32_t async;  // True if the flush is done in a thread.
                            See for instance FLUSHALL ASYNC.
                            In this case the END callback is invoked
                            immediately after the database is put
                            in the free list of the thread.
         int32_t dbnum;  // Flushed database number, -1 for all the DBs
                            in the case of the FLUSHALL operation.

     The start event is called *before* the operation is initated, thus
     allowing the callback to call DBSIZE or other operation on the
     yet-to-free keyspace.


     Called on loading operations: at startup when the server is
     started, but also after a first synchronization when the
     replica is loading the RDB file from the master.
     The following sub events are available:


     Note that AOF loading may start with an RDB data in case of
     rdb-preamble, in which case you'll only recieve an AOF_START event.


     Called when a client connects or disconnects.
     The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleClientInfo
     structure, documented in RedisModule_GetClientInfoById().
     The following sub events are available:



     The server is shutting down. No subevents are available.


     This event is called when the instance (that can be both a
     master or a replica) get a new online replica, or lose a
     replica since it gets disconnected.
     The following sub events are availble:


     No additional information is available so far: future versions
     of Redis will have an API in order to enumerate the replicas
     connected and their state.


     This event is called every time Redis calls the serverCron()
     function in order to do certain bookkeeping. Modules that are
     required to do operations from time to time may use this callback.
     Normally Redis calls this function 10 times per second, but
     this changes depending on the "hz" configuration.
     No sub events are available.

     The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleCronLoop
     structure with the following fields:

         int32_t hz;  // Approximate number of events per second.


     This is called for replicas in order to notify when the
     replication link becomes functional (up) with our master,
     or when it goes down. Note that the link is not considered
     up when we just connected to the master, but only if the
     replication is happening correctly.
     The following sub events are available:



     This event is called when a new module is loaded or one is unloaded.
     The following sub events are availble:


     The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleModuleChange
     structure with the following fields:

         const char* module_name;  // Name of module loaded or unloaded.
         int32_t module_version;  // Module version.


     This event is called repeatedly called while an RDB or AOF file
     is being loaded.
     The following sub events are availble:


     The data pointer can be casted to a RedisModuleLoadingProgress
     structure with the following fields:

         int32_t hz;  // Approximate number of events per second.
         int32_t progress;  // Approximate progress between 0 and 1024,
                               or -1 if unknown.

The function returns REDISMODULE_OK if the module was successfully subscrived for the specified event. If the API is called from a wrong context then REDISMODULE_ERR is returned.

pub fn notify_keyspace_event<T: AsRef<str>>(
    type_: i32,
    event: T,
    key: &RStr
) -> Result<(), Error>

Notify keyspace event to redis core to broadcast

Trait Implementations

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Context

impl !Send for Context

impl !Sync for Context

impl Unpin for Context

impl UnwindSafe for Context

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.