[][src]Crate irc_rust

This crate implements a simple irc message wrapper. Its goal is to ease the access to fields of the message without requiring the user to handle offsets and other IRC related things. Therefore this project expects the strings passed to tÖLhe struct constructors to be valid parts of the IRC standard.

As reference the RFC2812 and some extensions from IRCv3 are used.


Current support (as of version '0.1.1'):

  • Message: Create read-only Message from &str and with a builder Message::builder().
  • Tags: access through the indexing operator and iterating over all tags.
  • Prefix: Read-only access + Builder.
  • Parameters List: Read-only access, Iteration over elements, separate access to trailing parameter.

Examples - for starters

use irc_rust::message::Message;

let message = Message::new("@key1=value1;key2=value2 :name!user@host CMD param1 param2 :trailing");

assert_eq!(message.to_string(), "@key1=value1;key2=value2 :name!user@host CMD param1 param2 :trailing");

