ipp 2.0.0

Asynchronous IPP print protocol implementation


Asynchronous IPP protocol implementation for Rust


This crate implements IPP protocol as defined in RFC 8010, RFC 8011.

Transport support can be selected by feature options: client-isahc or client-reqwest. The default client is isahc.

Note: for the reqwest client a runtime is needed such as tokio and default-features = false flag.

Usage example (no runtime, simple future blocking):

use ipp::prelude::*;

pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let args: Vec<_> = std::env::args().collect();

    if args.len() < 2 {
        println!("Usage: {} uri [attrs]", args[0]);
    } else {
        let uri: Uri = args[1].parse()?;
        let client = IppClient::new(uri.clone());
        let operation = IppOperationBuilder::get_printer_attributes(uri)
        let attrs = futures::executor::block_on(client.send(operation))?;
        for v in attrs.groups_of(DelimiterTag::PrinterAttributes)
            println!("{}: {}", v.name(), v.value());


Licensed under MIT or Apache license (LICENSE-MIT or LICENSE-APACHE)