ipnet 0.24.2

Provides types and methods for working with IPv4 and IPv6 network addresses, commonly called IP prefixes. Uses only stable Rust features and aligns to the standard library IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, and Ipv6Addr types.
// TODO: Would it be possible to get something like this in Rust core?
// Does not support negative right hand sides. This is fine for my uses
// where I only need lhs=u64 and rhs=u8. But if implemented with RHS as
// an integer and a negative is supplied it will panic at runtime. Easy
// change to fix below if needed.

use emu128::Emu128;

pub trait SaturatingShl<RHS> {
    type Output;
    fn saturating_shl(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

macro_rules! saturating_shl_impl {
    ($t:ty, $f:ty, $w:expr, $z:expr) => (
        impl SaturatingShl<$f> for $t {
            type Output = $t;

            fn saturating_shl(self, rhs: $f) -> $t {
                if rhs < $w { self << rhs } else { $z }

pub trait SaturatingShr<RHS> {
    type Output;
    fn saturating_shr(self, rhs: RHS) -> Self::Output;

macro_rules! saturating_shr_impl {
    ($t:ty, $f:ty, $w:expr, $z:expr) => (
        impl SaturatingShr<$f> for $t {
            type Output = $t;

            fn saturating_shr(self, rhs: $f) -> $t {
                if rhs < $w { self >> rhs } else { $z }

saturating_shl_impl!(u32, u8, 32, 0);
saturating_shr_impl!(u32, u8, 32, 0);
saturating_shl_impl!(u64, u8, 64, 0);
saturating_shr_impl!(u64, u8, 64, 0);
saturating_shl_impl!(Emu128, u8, 128, Emu128 { hi: 0, lo: 0 });
saturating_shr_impl!(Emu128, u8, 128, Emu128 { hi: 0, lo: 0 });

mod tests {
    use std::mem::size_of;
    use super::*;
    macro_rules! saturating_shl_tests {
        ($($name:ident: ($lhs:ty, $rhs:ty),)*) => {
            fn $name() {
                let a: $lhs = 0b1;
                let z: $rhs = 0;
                let w: $rhs = 8 * size_of::<$lhs>() as $rhs;
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shl(z), a);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shl(w-1), a << w-1);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shl(w), 0);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shl(z.wrapping_sub(1)), 0);
    macro_rules! saturating_shr_tests {
        ($($name:ident: ($lhs:ty, $rhs:ty),)*) => {
            fn $name() {
                let a: $lhs = 0b1;
                let z: $rhs = 0;
                let w: $rhs = 8 * size_of::<$lhs>() as $rhs;
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shr(z), a);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shr(w-1), a >> w-1);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shr(w), 0);
                assert_eq!(a.saturating_shr(z.wrapping_sub(1)), 0);

    saturating_shl_tests! {
        saturating_shl_u32_u8: (u32, u8),
        saturating_shl_u64_u8: (u64, u8),

    saturating_shr_tests! {
        saturating_shr_u32_u8: (u32, u8),
        saturating_shr_u64_u8: (u64, u8),