ipfs-sqlite-block-store 0.13.0

block store for ipfs, using sqlite
use crate::{
    cache::{BlockInfo, CacheTracker, WriteInfo},
    Block, BlockStore, Result, StoreStats, TempPin,
use fnv::FnvHashSet;
use libipld::{cid, codec::References, store::StoreParams, Cid, Ipld};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::{
    borrow::Cow, collections::HashSet, convert::TryFrom, iter::FromIterator, marker::PhantomData,
    mem, sync::Arc,

pub struct Transaction<'a, S> {
    inner: &'a mut rusqlite::Connection,
    info: TransactionInfo,
    expired_temp_pins: Arc<Mutex<Vec<i64>>>,
    _s: PhantomData<S>,

struct TransactionInfo {
    written: Vec<WriteInfo>,
    accessed: Vec<BlockInfo>,
    committed: bool,
    tracker: Arc<dyn CacheTracker>,

impl Drop for TransactionInfo {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if !self.accessed.is_empty() {
            let blocks = mem::take(&mut self.accessed);
        // if the transaction was not committed, we don't report blocks written!
        if self.committed && !self.written.is_empty() {
            let blocks = mem::take(&mut self.written);

impl<'a, S> Transaction<'a, S>
    S: StoreParams,
    Ipld: References<S::Codecs>,
    pub(crate) fn new(owner: &'a mut BlockStore<S>) -> Self {
        Self {
            inner: &mut owner.conn,
            info: TransactionInfo {
                written: Vec::new(),
                accessed: Vec::new(),
                committed: false,
                tracker: owner.config.cache_tracker.clone(),
            expired_temp_pins: owner.expired_temp_pins.clone(),
            _s: PhantomData,

    /// Set or delete an alias
    pub fn alias<'b>(
        &mut self,
        name: impl Into<Cow<'b, [u8]>>,
        link: Option<&'b Cid>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let link: Option<CidBytes> = link.map(CidBytes::try_from).transpose()?;
        let name = name.into().into_owned();
        in_txn(self.inner, None, true, move |txn| {
            alias(txn, name.as_ref(), link.as_ref())

    /// Returns the aliases referencing a cid.
    pub fn reverse_alias(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<Option<HashSet<Vec<u8>>>> {
        let cid = CidBytes::try_from(cid)?;
        in_txn(self.inner, None, true, move |txn| {
            reverse_alias(txn, cid.as_ref())

    /// Resolves an alias to a cid.
    pub fn resolve<'b>(&mut self, name: impl Into<Cow<'b, [u8]>>) -> Result<Option<Cid>> {
        let name = name.into().into_owned();
        in_txn(self.inner, None, true, move |txn| {
            resolve::<CidBytes>(txn, name.as_ref())?
                .map(|c| Cid::try_from(&c))

    /// Get a temporary pin for safely adding blocks to the store
    pub fn temp_pin(&mut self) -> TempPin {

    /// Extend temp pin with an additional cid
    pub fn extend_temp_pin(&mut self, pin: &mut TempPin, link: &Cid) -> Result<()> {
        let link = CidBytes::try_from(link)?;
        let id = pin.id;
        pin.id = in_txn(self.inner, None, true, move |txn| {
            extend_temp_pin(txn, id, vec![link])

    /// Checks if the store knows about the cid.
    /// Note that this does not necessarily mean that the store has the data for the cid.
    pub fn has_cid(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<bool> {
        let cid = CidBytes::try_from(cid)?;
        in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| has_cid(txn, cid))

    /// Checks if the store has the data for a cid
    pub fn has_block(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<bool> {
        let cid = CidBytes::try_from(cid)?;
        in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| has_block(txn, cid))

    /// Get all cids that the store knows about
    pub fn get_known_cids<C: FromIterator<Cid>>(&mut self) -> Result<C> {
        let res = in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| {
        let res = res.iter().map(Cid::try_from).collect::<cid::Result<C>>()?;

    /// Get all cids for which the store has blocks
    pub fn get_block_cids<C: FromIterator<Cid>>(&mut self) -> Result<C> {
        let res = in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| {
        let res = res.iter().map(Cid::try_from).collect::<cid::Result<C>>()?;

    /// Get descendants of a cid
    pub fn get_descendants<C: FromIterator<Cid>>(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<C> {
        let cid = CidBytes::try_from(cid)?;
        let res = in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| {
            get_descendants(txn, cid)
        let res = res.iter().map(Cid::try_from).collect::<cid::Result<C>>()?;

    /// Given a root of a dag, gives all cids which we do not have data for.
    pub fn get_missing_blocks<C: FromIterator<Cid>>(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<C> {
        let cid = CidBytes::try_from(cid)?;
        let result = in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| {
            get_missing_blocks(txn, cid)
        let res = result

    /// list all aliases
    pub fn aliases<C: FromIterator<(Vec<u8>, Cid)>>(&mut self) -> Result<C> {
        let result: Vec<(Vec<u8>, CidBytes)> =
            in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| aliases(txn))?;
        let res = result
            .map(|(alias, cid)| {
                let cid = Cid::try_from(&cid)?;
                Ok((alias, cid))

    /// Put a block. This will only be completed once the transaction is successfully committed
    pub fn put_block(&mut self, block: Block<S>, pin: Option<&mut TempPin>) -> Result<()> {
        let cid_bytes = CidBytes::try_from(block.cid())?;
        let mut links = Vec::new();
        block.references(&mut links)?;
        let links = links
            .collect::<std::result::Result<FnvHashSet<_>, cid::Error>>()?;
        let id = pin.as_ref().map(|p| p.id);
        let cid = *block.cid();
        let len = block.data().len();
        let (opt_id, res) = in_txn(self.inner, None, true, move |txn| {
            put_block(txn, &cid_bytes, block.data(), links.iter().copied(), id)
        if let (Some(id), Some(pin)) = (opt_id, pin) {
            pin.id = id;
        let write_info = WriteInfo::new(BlockInfo::new(res.id, &cid, len), res.block_exists);

    /// Get a block
    pub fn get_block(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
        let cid1 = *cid;
        let response = in_txn(self.inner, None, false, move |txn| {
            get_block(txn, &CidBytes::try_from(&cid1)?)
        if let Some(info) = response
            .map(|(id, data)| BlockInfo::new(*id, cid, data.len()))
        Ok(response.map(|(_id, data)| data))

    /// Get the stats for the store.
    /// The stats are kept up to date, so this is fast.
    pub fn get_store_stats(&mut self) -> Result<StoreStats> {
        in_txn(self.inner, None, false, get_store_stats)

    /// Commit and consume the transaction. Default is to not commit.
    pub fn commit(mut self) -> Result<()> {
        self.info.committed = true;