ipasir 0.1.0

Bindings for the IPASIR API to communicate with incremental SAT solvers.

IPASIR interface for Rust

What it is

IPASIR is a simple C interface to incremental SAT solvers. (It stands for Reentrant Incremental Sat solver API, in reverse.) This interface is supported by a few different solvers because it is used in the SAT competition's incremental track. The IPASIR distribution, containing the interface and some sample solvers, can be found at this GitHub repository. This IPASIR library is an attempt to semi-soundly allow Rust programs to interface with such SAT solver libraries.

How the FFI is structured

For users of this FFI there are two distinct ways of usage. Users can build their application on top of the raw module that offers direct but unsafe calls into the C-API. The recommended way to use this FFI is to use the Solver type that acts as safe wrapper around the C-API.

Allocate a new solver instance with: ipasir::Solver::init()


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