iota-client 2.0.1-rc.5

The official, general-purpose IOTA client library in Rust for interaction with the IOTA network (Tangle)
// Copyright 2021 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

//! Secret manager module enabling address generation and transaction essence signing.

#[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
pub mod ledger_nano;
/// Module for signing with a mnemonic or seed
pub mod mnemonic;
/// Module for the PlaceholderSecretManager
pub mod placeholder;
/// Module for signing with a Stronghold vault
#[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
pub mod stronghold;
/// Signing related types
pub mod types;

#[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{collections::HashMap, ops::Range, str::FromStr};

use async_trait::async_trait;
use iota_types::block::{
    unlock::{AliasUnlock, NftUnlock, ReferenceUnlock, Unlock, Unlocks},
pub use types::{GenerateAddressOptions, LedgerNanoStatus};
use zeroize::ZeroizeOnDrop;

#[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
use self::ledger_nano::LedgerSecretManager;
#[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
use self::stronghold::StrongholdSecretManager;
use self::{mnemonic::MnemonicSecretManager, placeholder::PlaceholderSecretManager};
#[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
use crate::secret::types::StrongholdDto;
use crate::{
    api::{PreparedTransactionData, RemainderData},

/// The secret manager interface.
pub trait SecretManage: Send + Sync {
    /// Generates addresses.
    /// For `coin_type`, see also <>.
    async fn generate_addresses(
        coin_type: u32,
        account_index: u32,
        address_indexes: Range<u32>,
        internal: bool,
        options: Option<GenerateAddressOptions>,
    ) -> crate::Result<Vec<Address>>;

    /// Sign on `essence`, unlock `input` by returning an [Unlock].
    async fn signature_unlock(
        input: &InputSigningData,
        essence_hash: &[u8; 32],
        remainder: &Option<RemainderData>,
    ) -> crate::Result<Unlock>;

/// An extension to [`SecretManager`].
/// This trait is automatically implemented for any type that implements [`SecretManager`] - it contains methods for
/// internal use that are based on the methods in [`SecretManager`]. Secret managers don't implement this on their
/// sides.
pub trait SecretManageExt {
    /// Signs transaction essence.
    /// Secret managers usually don't implement this, as the default implementation has taken care of the placement of
    /// blocks (e.g. references between them). [SecretManager::signature_unlock()] will be invoked every time a
    /// necessary signing action needs to be performed.
    async fn sign_transaction_essence(
        prepared_transaction_data: &PreparedTransactionData,
    ) -> crate::Result<Unlocks>;

/// Supported secret managers

// Boxes make this type clumsy to use.

pub enum SecretManager {
    /// Secret manager that uses [`iota_stronghold`] as the backing storage.
    #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "stronghold")))]

    /// Secret manager that uses a Ledger Nano hardware wallet or Speculos simulator.
    #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")))]

    /// Secret manager that uses a mnemonic in plain memory. It's not recommended for production use. Use
    /// LedgerNano or Stronghold instead.

    /// Secret manager that's just a placeholder, so it can be provided to an online wallet, but can't be used for
    /// signing.

impl std::fmt::Debug for SecretManager {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            Self::Stronghold(_) => f.debug_tuple("Stronghold").field(&"...").finish(),
            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            Self::LedgerNano(_) => f.debug_tuple("LedgerNano").field(&"...").finish(),
            Self::Mnemonic(_) => f.debug_tuple("Mnemonic").field(&"...").finish(),
            Self::Placeholder(_) => f.debug_struct("Placeholder").finish(),

impl FromStr for SecretManager {
    type Err = crate::Error;

    fn from_str(s: &str) -> crate::Result<Self> {

/// DTO for secret manager types with required data.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, ZeroizeOnDrop)]
pub enum SecretManagerDto {
    /// Stronghold
    #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
    #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "stronghold")))]
    #[serde(alias = "stronghold")]
    /// Ledger Device, bool specifies if it's a simulator or not
    #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
    #[serde(alias = "ledgerNano")]
    /// Mnemonic
    #[serde(alias = "mnemonic")]
    /// Hex seed
    #[serde(alias = "hexSeed")]
    /// Placeholder
    #[serde(alias = "placeholder")]

impl TryFrom<&SecretManagerDto> for SecretManager {
    type Error = crate::Error;
    fn try_from(value: &SecretManagerDto) -> crate::Result<Self> {
        Ok(match value {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            SecretManagerDto::Stronghold(stronghold_dto) => {
                let mut builder = StrongholdSecretManager::builder();

                if let Some(password) = &stronghold_dto.password {
                    builder = builder.password(password);

                if let Some(timeout) = &stronghold_dto.timeout {
                    builder = builder.timeout(Duration::from_secs(*timeout));


            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            SecretManagerDto::LedgerNano(is_simulator) => Self::LedgerNano(LedgerSecretManager::new(*is_simulator)),

            SecretManagerDto::Mnemonic(mnemonic) => Self::Mnemonic(MnemonicSecretManager::try_from_mnemonic(mnemonic)?),

            SecretManagerDto::HexSeed(hex_seed) => Self::Mnemonic(MnemonicSecretManager::try_from_hex_seed(hex_seed)?),

            SecretManagerDto::Placeholder => Self::Placeholder(PlaceholderSecretManager),

impl From<&SecretManager> for SecretManagerDto {
    fn from(value: &SecretManager) -> Self {
        match value {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            SecretManager::Stronghold(stronghold_adapter) => Self::Stronghold(StrongholdDto {
                password: None,
                timeout: stronghold_adapter.get_timeout().map(|duration| duration.as_secs()),
                snapshot_path: stronghold_adapter

            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            SecretManager::LedgerNano(ledger_nano) => Self::LedgerNano(ledger_nano.is_simulator),

            // `MnemonicSecretManager(Seed)` doesn't have Debug or Display implemented and in the current use cases of
            // the client/wallet we also don't need to convert it in this direction with the mnemonic/seed, we only need
            // to know the type
            SecretManager::Mnemonic(_mnemonic) => Self::Mnemonic("...".to_string()),
            SecretManager::Placeholder(_) => Self::Placeholder,

impl SecretManage for SecretManager {
    async fn generate_addresses(
        coin_type: u32,
        account_index: u32,
        address_indexes: Range<u32>,
        internal: bool,
        options: Option<GenerateAddressOptions>,
    ) -> crate::Result<Vec<Address>> {
        match self {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            SecretManager::Stronghold(secret_manager) => {
                    .generate_addresses(coin_type, account_index, address_indexes, internal, options)
            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            SecretManager::LedgerNano(secret_manager) => {
                    .generate_addresses(coin_type, account_index, address_indexes, internal, options)
            SecretManager::Mnemonic(secret_manager) => {
                    .generate_addresses(coin_type, account_index, address_indexes, internal, options)
            SecretManager::Placeholder(secret_manager) => {
                    .generate_addresses(coin_type, account_index, address_indexes, internal, options)

    async fn signature_unlock(
        input: &InputSigningData,
        essence_hash: &[u8; 32],
        metadata: &Option<RemainderData>,
    ) -> crate::Result<Unlock> {
        match self {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            SecretManager::Stronghold(secret_manager) => {
                secret_manager.signature_unlock(input, essence_hash, metadata).await
            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            SecretManager::LedgerNano(secret_manager) => {
                secret_manager.signature_unlock(input, essence_hash, metadata).await
            SecretManager::Mnemonic(secret_manager) => {
                secret_manager.signature_unlock(input, essence_hash, metadata).await
            SecretManager::Placeholder(secret_manager) => {
                secret_manager.signature_unlock(input, essence_hash, metadata).await

impl SecretManageExt for SecretManager {
    async fn sign_transaction_essence(
        prepared_transaction_data: &PreparedTransactionData,
    ) -> crate::Result<Unlocks> {
        match self {
            #[cfg(feature = "stronghold")]
            SecretManager::Stronghold(_) => self.default_sign_transaction_essence(prepared_transaction_data).await,
            #[cfg(feature = "ledger_nano")]
            SecretManager::LedgerNano(secret_manager) => {
            SecretManager::Mnemonic(_) => self.default_sign_transaction_essence(prepared_transaction_data).await,
            SecretManager::Placeholder(_) => self.sign_transaction_essence(prepared_transaction_data).await,

impl SecretManager {
    // Shared implementation for MnemonicSecretManager and StrongholdSecretManager
    async fn default_sign_transaction_essence<'a>(
        prepared_transaction_data: &PreparedTransactionData,
    ) -> crate::Result<Unlocks> {
        // The hashed_essence gets signed
        let hashed_essence = prepared_transaction_data.essence.hash();
        let mut blocks = Vec::new();
        let mut block_indexes = HashMap::<Address, usize>::new();

        // Assuming inputs_data is ordered by address type
        for (current_block_index, input) in prepared_transaction_data.inputs_data.iter().enumerate() {
            // Get the address that is required to unlock the input
            let (_, input_address) = Address::try_from_bech32(&input.bech32_address)?;

            // Check if we already added an [Unlock] for this address
            match block_indexes.get(&input_address) {
                // If we already have an [Unlock] for this address, add a [Unlock] based on the address type
                Some(block_index) => match input_address {
                    Address::Alias(_alias) => blocks.push(Unlock::Alias(AliasUnlock::new(*block_index as u16)?)),
                    Address::Ed25519(_ed25519) => {
                        blocks.push(Unlock::Reference(ReferenceUnlock::new(*block_index as u16)?));
                    Address::Nft(_nft) => blocks.push(Unlock::Nft(NftUnlock::new(*block_index as u16)?)),
                None => {
                    // We can only sign ed25519 addresses and block_indexes needs to contain the alias or nft
                    // address already at this point, because the reference index needs to be lower
                    // than the current block index
                    if !input_address.is_ed25519() {
                        return Err(crate::Error::MissingInputWithEd25519Address);

                    let block = self
                        .signature_unlock(input, &hashed_essence, &prepared_transaction_data.remainder)

                    // Add the ed25519 address to the block_indexes, so it gets referenced if further inputs have
                    // the same address in their unlock condition
                    block_indexes.insert(input_address, current_block_index);

            // When we have an alias or Nft output, we will add their alias or nft address to block_indexes,
            // because they can be used to unlock outputs via [Unlock::Alias] or [Unlock::Nft],
            // that have the corresponding alias or nft address in their unlock condition
            match &input.output {
                Output::Alias(alias_output) => block_indexes.insert(
                Output::Nft(nft_output) => block_indexes.insert(
                _ => None,
