Macro ion_rs::ion_sexp

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macro_rules! ion_sexp {
    ($($element:expr)*) => { ... };
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Constructs an s-expression Element with the specified child values.

use ion_rs::ion_sexp;
use ion_rs::element::Element;
// Construct an s-expression Element from Rust values
let actual: Element = ion_sexp!("foo" 7 false ion_sexp!(1.5f64 8.25f64)).into();
// Construct an Element from serialized Ion data
let expected = Element::read_one(r#"("foo" 7 false (1.5e0 8.25e0))"#).unwrap();
// Compare the two Elements
assert_eq!(expected, actual);

Child values can be anything that implements Into<Element>, which includes existing Element values.

// Construct a s-expression Element from existing Elements
use ion_rs::ion_sexp;
use ion_rs::element::{Element, IntoAnnotatedElement};

let string_element: Element = "foo".into();
let bool_element: Element = true.into();

let actual: Element = ion_sexp!(
    10i64.with_annotations(["bar"]) // .with_annotations() constructs an Element
// Construct an Element from serialized Ion data
let expected = Element::read_one(r#"("foo" true bar::10 {{"hello"}} world)"#).unwrap();
// Compare the two Elements
assert_eq!(expected, actual);