macro_rules! ion_struct {
    ($($field_name:tt : $element:expr),*) => { ... };
Expand description

Constructs an struct Element with the specified fields.

For each field, the name must implement Into<Symbol> and the value must implement Into<Element>.

use ion_rs::element::Element;
use ion_rs::{ion_struct, IonType};
let field_name_2 = "x";
let prefix = "abc";
let suffix = "def";
// Construct an s-expression Element from Rust values
let actual = ion_struct! {
    "w": "foo",
//   ^--- Quoted strings are field name literals
//   v--- Unquoted field names are interpreted as variables
    field_name_2: 7,
    "y": false,
    "z": ion_struct!{ "a": 1.5f64, "b": -8.25f64},
//        Arbitrary expressions are acceptable, though some may require
//   v--- an extra scope (braces: `{}`) to be understood properly.
     {format!("{}_{}", prefix, suffix)}: IonType::Null
// Construct an Element from serialized Ion data
let expected = Element::read_one(
    r#"{w: "foo", x: 7, y: false, z: {a: 1.5e0, b: -8.25e0}, abc_def: null}"#,
// Compare the two Elements
assert_eq!(expected, actual);