ion-rs 0.15.0

Implementation of Amazon Ion
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;

use crate::constants::v1_0;
use crate::symbol::Symbol;
use crate::types::SymbolId;

/// Stores mappings from Symbol IDs to text and vice-versa.
// SymbolTable instances always have at least system symbols; they are never empty.
pub struct SymbolTable {
    symbols_by_id: Vec<Symbol>,
    ids_by_text: HashMap<Symbol, SymbolId>,

impl Default for SymbolTable {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl SymbolTable {
    /// Constructs a new symbol table pre-populated with the system symbols defined in the spec.
    pub fn new() -> SymbolTable {
        let mut symbol_table = SymbolTable {
            symbols_by_id: Vec::with_capacity(v1_0::SYSTEM_SYMBOLS.len()),
            ids_by_text: HashMap::new(),

    // Interns the v1.0 system symbols
    fn initialize(&mut self) {
        for (_id, text) in v1_0::SYSTEM_SYMBOLS.iter().enumerate() {

    pub fn reset(&mut self) {

    /// If `text` is already in the symbol table, returns the corresponding [SymbolId].
    /// Otherwise, adds `text` to the symbol table and returns the newly assigned [SymbolId].
    pub fn intern<A: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, text: A) -> SymbolId {
        let text = text.as_ref();
        // If the text is already in the symbol table, return the ID associated with it.
        if let Some(id) = self.ids_by_text.get(text) {
            return *id;

        // Otherwise, intern it and return the new ID.
        let id = self.symbols_by_id.len();
        let rc: Rc<str> = Rc::from(text);
        let symbol = Symbol::shared(rc);
        self.ids_by_text.insert(symbol, id);

    /// Assigns unknown text to the next available symbol ID. This is used when an Ion reader
    /// encounters null or non-string values in a stream's symbol table.
    pub fn add_placeholder(&mut self) -> SymbolId {
        let sid = self.symbols_by_id.len();

    /// If `maybe_text` is `Some(text)`, this method is equivalent to `intern(text)`.
    /// If `maybe_text` is `None`, this method is equivalent to `add_placeholder()`.
    pub fn intern_or_add_placeholder<A: AsRef<str>>(&mut self, maybe_text: Option<A>) -> SymbolId {
        match maybe_text {
            Some(text) => self.intern(text),
            None => self.add_placeholder(),

    /// If defined, returns the Symbol ID associated with the provided text.
    pub fn sid_for<A: AsRef<str>>(&self, text: &A) -> Option<SymbolId> {

    /// If defined, returns the text associated with the provided Symbol ID.
    pub fn text_for(&self, sid: SymbolId) -> Option<&str> {
            // If the SID is out of bounds, returns None
            // If the text is unknown, returns None

    /// If defined, returns the Symbol associated with the provided Symbol ID.
    pub fn symbol_for(&self, sid: SymbolId) -> Option<&Symbol> {

    /// Returns true if the provided symbol ID maps to an entry in the symbol table (i.e. it is in
    /// the range of known symbols: 0 to max_id)
    /// Note that a symbol ID can be valid but map to unknown text. If a symbol table contains
    /// a null or non-string value, that entry in the table will be defined but not have text
    /// associated with it.
    /// This method allows users to distinguish between a SID with unknown text and a SID that is
    /// invalid.
    pub fn sid_is_valid(&self, sid: SymbolId) -> bool {
        sid < self.symbols_by_id.len()

    /// Returns a slice of references to the symbol text stored in the table.
    /// The symbol table can contain symbols with unknown text; see the documentation for
    /// [Symbol] for more information.
    pub fn symbols(&self) -> &[Symbol] {

    /// Returns a slice of references to the symbol text stored in the table starting at the given
    /// symbol ID. If a symbol table append occurs during reading, this function can be used to
    /// easily view the new symbols that has been added to the table.
    /// The symbol table can contain symbols with unknown text; see the documentation for
    /// [Symbol] for more information.
    pub fn symbols_tail(&self, start: usize) -> &[Symbol] {

    /// Returns the number of symbols defined in the table.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {