iobuf 3.3.2

A contiguous region of bytes, useful for I/O operations.

name = "iobuf"
version = "3.3.2"
authors = ["Clark Gaebel <>"]

documentation = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""

readme = ""

keywords = [ "iobuf", "parsing", "buffer", "zero-copy", "io" ]

license = "MIT"

description = "A contiguous region of bytes, useful for I/O operations."

opt-level = 1  # Controls the --opt-level the compiler builds with
debug = true   # Controls whether the compiler passes -g or `--cfg ndebug`
rpath = false  # Controls whether the compiler passes `-C rpath`
lto = false    # Controls `-C lto` for binaries and staticlibs

# The release profile, used for `cargo build --release`
opt-level = 3
debug = false
rpath = false
lto = false

# The testing profile, used for `cargo test`
opt-level = 0
debug = true
rpath = false
lto = false

# The benchmarking profile, used for `cargo bench`
opt-level = 3
debug = false
rpath = false
lto = false

# The documentation profile, used for `cargo doc`
opt-level = 0
debug = true
rpath = false
lto = false