investments 4.16.1

Helps you with managing your investments
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;

use log::warn;
use matches::matches;
use xls_table_derive::XlsTableRow;

use crate::broker_statement::dividends::{DividendId, DividendAccruals};
use crate::broker_statement::taxes::{TaxId, TaxAccruals};
use crate::core::{GenericResult, EmptyResult};
use crate::currency::Cash;
use crate::formatting;
use crate::instruments::{InstrumentId, Instrument, IssuerTaxationType, parse_isin};
use crate::localities::Jurisdiction;
use crate::time::Date;
use crate::types::Decimal;
use crate::util::{self, DecimalRestrictions, RoundingMethod};
use crate::xls::{self, XlsStatementParser, SheetParser, SheetReader, Section, SectionParser,
                 TableReader, Cell, SkipCell};

use super::common::{parse_date_cell, parse_decimal_cell, parse_quantity_cell};

const SHEET_NAME: &str = "Отчет";
const TITLE_PREFIX: &str = "Отчет о выплате доходов по ценным бумагам иностранных эмитентов";

pub struct ForeignIncomeStatementReader {

impl ForeignIncomeStatementReader {
    pub fn is_statement(path: &str) -> GenericResult<bool> {
        if !path.ends_with(".xlsx") {
            return Ok(false);

        let sheet = match xls::open_sheet(path, SHEET_NAME)? {
            Some(sheet) => sheet,
            None => return Ok(false),

        for mut row in sheet.rows() {
            row = xls::trim_row_right(row);
            if row.len() == 1 && matches!(&row[0], Cell::String(value) if value.starts_with(TITLE_PREFIX)) {
                return Ok(true);


    pub fn read(path: &str) -> GenericResult<HashMap<DividendId, (DividendAccruals, TaxAccruals)>> {
        let parser = Box::new(ForeignIncomeSheetParser {});
        let foreign_income = Rc::new(RefCell::new(HashMap::new()));

        XlsStatementParser::read(path, parser, vec![
                .parser(Box::new(ForeignIncomeParser {income: foreign_income.clone()})),


struct ForeignIncomeSheetParser {

impl SheetParser for ForeignIncomeSheetParser {
    fn sheet_name(&self) -> &str {

    fn repeatable_table_column_titles(&self) -> bool {

struct ForeignIncomeParser {
    income: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<DividendId, (DividendAccruals, TaxAccruals)>>>,

impl SectionParser for ForeignIncomeParser {
    fn parse(&mut self, parser: &mut XlsStatementParser) -> EmptyResult {
        let mut all_income = self.income.borrow_mut();

        for income in xls::read_table::<ForeignIncomeRow>(&mut parser.sheet)? {
            let (dividend_id, amount, tax_withheld) = income.parse().map_err(|e| format!(
                "Error while parsing {:?} dividend income from {}: {}",
      , formatting::format_date(, e))?;

            let (dividends, taxes) = all_income.entry(dividend_id).or_insert_with(|| (

            dividends.add(, amount);
            if !tax_withheld.is_zero() {
                taxes.add(, tax_withheld);


struct ForeignIncomeRow {
    #[column(name="Дата фиксации реестра")]
    _0: SkipCell,
    #[column(name="Дата выплаты", parse_with="parse_date_cell")]
    date: Date,
    #[column(name="Тип*", alias="Тип выплаты*")]
    type_: String,
    #[column(name="Наименование ценной бумаги")]
    name: String,
    isin: String,
    #[column(name="Страна эмитента**", alias="Страна эмитента")]
    _5: SkipCell,
    #[column(name="Количество ценных бумаг", parse_with="parse_quantity_cell")]
    quantity: u32,
    #[column(name="Выплата на одну бумагу", parse_with="parse_decimal_cell")]
    amount_per_stock: Decimal,
    #[column(name="Комиссия внешних платежных агентов***",
             alias="Комиссия внешних платежных агентов**",
    commission: Decimal,
    #[column(name="Сумма до удержания налога", parse_with="parse_decimal_cell", optional=true)]
    result_amount: Option<Decimal>,
    #[column(name="Сумма налога, удержанного агентом",
             alias="Сумма налога, удержанного эмитентом",
    tax_withheld: Decimal,
    #[column(name="Итоговая сумма выплаты", parse_with="parse_decimal_cell")]
    paid_amount: Decimal,
    currency: String,

impl TableReader for ForeignIncomeRow {
    fn next_row(sheet: &mut SheetReader) -> Option<&[Cell]> {
        loop {
            let row = match sheet.next_row() {
                Some(row) => row,
                None => return None,

            let left_trimmed_row = xls::trim_row_left(row);

            if let Some(Cell::String(value)) = left_trimmed_row.iter().next() {
                if value.starts_with(TITLE_PREFIX) {
                } else if value.starts_with("Депонент: ") &&
                    value.split_once('\n').unwrap_or_default().1.starts_with("Депозитарный(е) договор(ы) №") {
                } else if (value.starts_with("* Типы выплат: ") || value.starts_with("*Типы выплат: ")) &&
                    xls::trim_row_right(left_trimmed_row).len() == 1 {
                    return None;

            return Some(unsafe {
                // Loop confuses the borrow checker
                std::slice::from_raw_parts(row.as_ptr(), row.len())

impl ForeignIncomeRow {
    fn parse(&self) -> GenericResult<(DividendId, Cash, Cash)> {
        let cash = |amount| Cash::new(&self.currency, amount);

        if self.type_.trim() != "1" {
            return Err!("Unsupported payment type: {:?}", self.type_);

        let dividend_id = DividendId::new(
  , InstrumentId::Isin(parse_isin(&self.isin)?));

        let stock_quantity = util::validate_named_decimal(
            "stock quantity", self.quantity.into(),

        let amount_per_stock = util::validate_named_decimal(
            "dividend amount per stock", self.amount_per_stock,

        let commission = util::validate_named_decimal(
            "commission", self.commission, DecimalRestrictions::PositiveOrZero)?;

        let mut tax_withheld = util::validate_named_decimal(
            "withheld tax amount", self.tax_withheld,

        let paid_amount = util::validate_named_decimal(
            "dividend paid amount", self.paid_amount,

        let mut expected_result_amount = amount_per_stock * stock_quantity - commission;

        // It looks like dividend and paid amounts are always valid, but withheld tax amount might
        // be invalid.
        let result_amount = match self.result_amount {
            Some(result_amount) => {
                    result_amount != util::round_with(expected_result_amount, 2, RoundingMethod::Truncate) &&
                    result_amount != util::round_with(expected_result_amount, 2, RoundingMethod::ToBigger)
                    return Err!(
                        "Got an unexpected dividend result amount: {} vs {}",
                        cash(result_amount), cash(expected_result_amount));

                if paid_amount > result_amount {
                    return Err!(
                        "Got an invalid dividend result and paid amount pair: {} and {}",
                        cash(result_amount), cash(paid_amount));

                let expected_tax_withheld = result_amount - paid_amount;
                if expected_tax_withheld != tax_withheld {
                        "Got an unexpected withheld tax amount for {} dividend from {}: {}. ",
                        "Using {} instead."
                    ),, formatting::format_date(, cash(tax_withheld), cash(expected_tax_withheld));
                    tax_withheld = expected_tax_withheld;

            None => {
                if paid_amount > expected_result_amount {
                    if paid_amount > util::round_with(expected_result_amount, 2, RoundingMethod::ToBigger) {
                        return Err!(
                            "Got an unexpected dividend result and paid amount pair: {} and {}",
                            cash(expected_result_amount), cash(paid_amount));
                    expected_result_amount = paid_amount;

                let mut result_amount = paid_amount + tax_withheld;

                    result_amount != util::round_with(expected_result_amount, 2, RoundingMethod::Round) &&
                    result_amount != util::round_with(expected_result_amount, 2, RoundingMethod::Truncate)
                    let expected_tax_withheld = expected_result_amount - paid_amount;

                        "Got an unexpected withheld tax amount for {} dividend from {}: {}. ",
                        "Using {} instead."
                    ),, formatting::format_date(, cash(tax_withheld), cash(expected_tax_withheld));

                    result_amount = expected_result_amount;
                    tax_withheld = expected_tax_withheld;


        Ok((dividend_id, cash(result_amount), cash(tax_withheld)))

pub fn match_statement_dividends_to_foreign_income(
    dividend_id: &DividendId, instrument: &Instrument,
    dividend_accruals: DividendAccruals, tax_accruals: Option<TaxAccruals>,
    foreign_income: &mut HashMap<DividendId, (DividendAccruals, TaxAccruals)>,
    show_missing_foreign_income_info_warning: &mut bool,
) -> GenericResult<(DividendAccruals, Option<TaxAccruals>)> {
    if instrument.isin.is_empty() {
        return Err!(
            "Failed to process {}: there is no ISIN information for the instrument",

    let mut foreign_income_details = None;

    for isin in &instrument.isin {
        let foreign_dividend_id = DividendId::new(
  , InstrumentId::Isin(isin.clone()));

        if let Some((dividends, taxes)) = foreign_income.remove(&foreign_dividend_id) {
            if foreign_income_details.replace((foreign_dividend_id, dividends, taxes)).is_some() {
                return Err!(
                    "Failed to process {}: Got multiple dividends with different ISIN",

    let is_foreign = match instrument.get_taxation_type(Jurisdiction::Russia)? {
        IssuerTaxationType::Manual(_) => true,
        IssuerTaxationType::TaxAgent => false,

    let (
        foreign_dividend_id, foreign_dividend_accruals, foreign_tax_accruals,
    ) = if let Some(details) = foreign_income_details {
        if !is_foreign {
            return Err!(
                "Got foreign dividend income from {} which is not expected to be foreign",
    } else {
        if is_foreign && *show_missing_foreign_income_info_warning {
            let url = "";

                "There is no information about some dividend details from foreign issuers. ",
                "All calculations for such dividends will be very inaccurate, ",
                "foreign income statement is required (see {}). ",
                "First occurred dividend: {} from {}",
            ), url, dividend_id.issuer, formatting::format_date(;

            *show_missing_foreign_income_info_warning = false;
        return Ok((dividend_accruals, tax_accruals))

    let tax_id = TaxId::new(, dividend_id.issuer.clone());
    let foreign_tax_id = TaxId::new(, foreign_dividend_id.issuer.clone());

    let (foreign_amount, _) = foreign_dividend_accruals.clone().get_result().map_err(|e| format!(
        "Failed to process {}: {}", foreign_dividend_id.description(), e))?;

    let (foreign_tax, _) = foreign_tax_accruals.clone().get_result().map_err(|e| format!(
        "Failed to process {}: {}", foreign_tax_id.description(), e))?;

    let (statement_amount, _) = dividend_accruals.get_result().map_err(|e| format!(
        "Failed to process {}: {}", dividend_id.description(), e))?;

    let foreign_amount = foreign_amount.unwrap();
    let statement_amount = statement_amount.unwrap();
    let foreign_tax = foreign_tax.unwrap_or_else(|| Cash::zero(foreign_amount.currency));

    if let Some(tax_accruals) = tax_accruals {
        let (statement_tax, _) = tax_accruals.get_result().map_err(|e| format!(
            "Failed to process {}: {}", tax_id.description(), e))?;
        let statement_tax = statement_tax.unwrap();

        if statement_amount != foreign_amount || statement_tax != foreign_tax {
            return Err!(concat!(
                "The broker and foreign income statements have different dividend / withheld tax ",
                "amounts for {}: {} / {} vs {} / {}"
            ), dividend_id.description(), statement_amount, statement_tax, foreign_amount, foreign_tax)
    } else {
        let paid_amount = foreign_amount.sub(foreign_tax).map_err(|_| format!(
            "Failed to process {}: dividend and withheld tax currency aren't the same",

        if statement_amount != paid_amount {
            return Err!(concat!(
                "The broker and foreign income statements have different paid dividend amount ",
                "for {}: {} vs {}",
            ), dividend_id.description(), statement_amount, paid_amount)

    Ok((foreign_dividend_accruals, Some(foreign_tax_accruals)))

mod tests {
    use rstest::rstest;
    use super::*;

    #[rstest(name => ["foreign-income/report.xlsx", "complex-full/foreign-income-report.xlsx"])]
    fn parse_real(name: &str) {
        let path = format!("testdata/tinkoff/{}", name);

        let is_statement = ForeignIncomeStatementReader::is_statement(&path).unwrap();

        let income = ForeignIncomeStatementReader::read(&path).unwrap();