inventory 0.1.9

Typed distributed plugin registration
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//! <br>
//! **Typed distributed plugin registration.**
//! This crate provides a way to set up a plugin registry into which plugins
//! can be registered from any source file linked into your application. There
//! does not need to be a central list of all the plugins.
//! # Examples
//! Suppose we are writing a command line flags library and want to allow any
//! source file in the application to register command line flags that are
//! relevant to it.
//! This is the flag registration style used by [gflags] and is better suited
//! for large scale development than maintaining a single central list of flags,
//! as the central list would become an endless source of merge conflicts in an
//! application developed simultaneously by thousands of developers.
//! [gflags]:
//! ## Instantiating the plugin registry
//! Let's use a `struct Flag` as the plugin type, which will contain the short
//! name of the flag like `-v`, the full name like `--verbose`, and maybe other
//! information like argument type and help text. We instantiate a plugin
//! registry with an invocation of `inventory::collect!`.
//! ```
//! pub struct Flag {
//!     short: char,
//!     name: &'static str,
//!     /* ... */
//! }
//! impl Flag {
//!     pub fn new(short: char, name: &'static str) -> Self {
//!         Flag { short, name }
//!     }
//! }
//! inventory::collect!(Flag);
//! ```
//! This `collect!` call must be in the same crate that defines the plugin type.
//! This macro does not "run" anything so place it outside of any function body.
//! ## Registering plugins
//! Now any crate with access to the `Flag` type can register flags as a plugin.
//! Plugins can be registered by the same crate that declares the plugin type,
//! or by any downstream crate.
//! ```
//! # struct Flag;
//! #
//! # impl Flag {
//! #     fn new(short: char, name: &'static str) -> Self {
//! #         Flag
//! #     }
//! # }
//! #
//! # inventory::collect!(Flag);
//! #
//! inventory::submit! {
//!     Flag::new('v', "verbose")
//! }
//! #
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! The `submit!` macro does not "run" anything so place it outside of any
//! function body. In particular, note that all `submit!` invocations across all
//! source files linked into your application all take effect simultaneously. A
//! `submit!` invocation is not a statement that needs to be called from `main`
//! in order to execute.
//! ## Iterating over plugins
//! The value `inventory::iter::<T>` is an iterator with element type `&'static
//! T` that iterates over all plugins registered of type `T`.
//! ```
//! # struct Flag {
//! #     short: char,
//! #     name: &'static str,
//! # }
//! #
//! # inventory::collect!(Flag);
//! #
//! for flag in inventory::iter::<Flag> {
//!     println!("-{}, --{}", flag.short,;
//! }
//! ```
//! There is no guarantee about the order that plugins of the same type are
//! visited by the iterator. They may be visited in any order.

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(not(inventory_require_std), no_std)]

extern crate alloc;
use alloc::boxed::Box;

// Not public API.
pub use ctor::ctor;

// Not public API.
pub use inventory_impl as r#impl;

use core::ops::Deref;
use core::ptr;
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};

// Not public API. Used by generated code.
pub struct Registry<T: 'static> {
    head: AtomicPtr<Node<T>>,

struct Node<T: 'static> {
    value: T,
    next: Option<&'static Node<T>>,

/// Trait bound corresponding to types that can be iterated by inventory::iter.
/// This trait cannot be implemented manually. Instead use the [`collect`] macro
/// which expands to an implementation of this trait for the given type.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use inventory::Collect;
/// fn count_plugins<T: Collect>() -> usize {
///     inventory::iter::<T>.into_iter().count()
/// }
/// ```
pub trait Collect: Sized + 'static {
    fn registry() -> &'static Registry<Self>;

// Not public API. Used by generated code.
pub fn submit<T: Collect>(value: T) {
    // TODO: Avoid allocation by storing node in a static mut Option<Node<T>>
    // after existential type is stable. See comment in inventory-impl.
    T::registry().submit(Box::new(Node { value, next: None }));

impl<T: 'static> Registry<T> {
    // Not public API. Used by generated code.
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Registry {
            head: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),

    fn submit(&'static self, new: Box<Node<T>>) {
        let mut new = ptr::NonNull::from(Box::leak(new));
        let mut head = self.head.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
        loop {
            // `new` is always a valid Node<T>, and is not yet visible through the registry.
            // `head` is always null or valid &'static Node<T>.
            unsafe { new.as_mut().next = head.as_ref() };
            let prev = self
                .compare_and_swap(head, new.as_ptr(), Ordering::SeqCst);
            if prev == head {
            } else {
                head = prev;

mod private {
    use ghost::phantom;

    pub struct iter<T>;

/// An iterator over plugins registered of a given type.
/// The value `inventory::iter::<T>` is an iterator with element type `&'static
/// T`.
/// There is no guarantee about the order that plugins of the same type are
/// visited by the iterator. They may be visited in any order.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # struct Flag {
/// #     short: char,
/// #     name: &'static str,
/// # }
/// #
/// # inventory::collect!(Flag);
/// #
/// # const IGNORE: &str = stringify! {
/// use my_flags::Flag;
/// # };
/// fn main() {
///     for flag in inventory::iter::<Flag> {
///         println!("-{}, --{}", flag.short,;
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// Refer to the [crate level documentation](index.html) for a complete example
/// of instantiating a plugin registry and submitting plugins.
pub type iter<T> = private::iter<T>;

pub use crate::private::*;

const ITER: () = {
    fn into_iter<T: Collect>() -> Iter<T> {
        let head = T::registry().head.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
        Iter {
            // Head pointer is always null or valid &'static Node<T>.
            node: unsafe { head.as_ref() },

    impl<T: Collect> IntoIterator for iter<T> {
        type Item = &'static T;
        type IntoIter = Iter<T>;

        fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

    impl<T: Collect> Deref for iter<T> {
        type Target = fn() -> Iter<T>;
        fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
            &(into_iter as fn() -> Iter<T>)

    pub struct Iter<T: 'static> {
        node: Option<&'static Node<T>>,

    impl<T: 'static> Iterator for Iter<T> {
        type Item = &'static T;

        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            let node = self.node?;
            let value = &node.value;
            self.node =;

/// Associate a plugin registry with the specified type.
/// This call must be in the same crate that defines the plugin type. This macro
/// does not "run" anything so place it outside of any function body.
/// # Examples
/// Suppose we are writing a command line flags library and want to allow any
/// source file in the application to register command line flags that are
/// relevant to it.
/// This is the flag registration style used by [gflags] and is better suited
/// for large scale development than maintaining a single central list of flags,
/// as the central list would become an endless source of merge conflicts.
/// [gflags]:
/// ```
/// pub struct Flag {
///     short: char,
///     name: &'static str,
///     /* ... */
/// }
/// inventory::collect!(Flag);
/// ```
/// Refer to the [crate level documentation](index.html) for a complete example
/// of submitting plugins and iterating a plugin registry.
macro_rules! collect {
    ($ty:ty) => {
        impl $crate::Collect for $ty {
            fn registry() -> &'static $crate::Registry<Self> {
                static REGISTRY: $crate::Registry<$ty> = $crate::Registry::new();

/// Enter an element into the plugin registry corresponding to its type.
/// This call may be in the same crate that defines the type, or downstream in
/// any crate that depends on that crate.
/// This macro does not "run" anything so place it outside of any function body.
/// In particular, note that all `submit!` invocations across all source files
/// linked into your application all take effect simultaneously. A `submit!`
/// invocation is not a statement that needs to be called from `main` in order
/// to execute.
/// # Examples
/// Put `submit!` invocations outside of any function body.
/// ```
/// # struct Flag;
/// #
/// # impl Flag {
/// #     fn new(short: char, name: &'static str) -> Self {
/// #         Flag
/// #     }
/// # }
/// #
/// # inventory::collect!(Flag);
/// #
/// inventory::submit! {
///     Flag::new('v', "verbose")
/// }
/// #
/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// Do not try to invoke `submit!` from inside of a function body as it does not
/// do what you want.
/// ```compile_fail
/// // Do not do this.
/// fn submit_flags(has_verbose_flag: bool) {
///     if has_verbose_flag {
///         inventory::submit! {
///             Flag::new('v', "verbose")
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// Refer to the [crate level documentation](index.html) for a complete example
/// of instantiating and iterating a plugin registry.
macro_rules! submit {
    ($($value:tt)*) => {
        $crate::r#impl::submit! {

fn unused() {
    let _ = ITER;