intspan 0.3.2

Command line tools for IntSpan related bioinformatics operations
# intspan

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## Install

Current release: 0.3.2

`cargo install intspan`


### `spanr`

$ spanr help
intspan 0.2.1-alpha.0
wang-q <>
`intspan` operates chromosome IntSpan files

    spanr [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    combine    Combine multiple sets of runlists in a yaml file
    compare    Compare 2 YAML files
    convert    Convert runlist file to ranges file
    cover      Output covers on chromosomes
    genome     Convert chr.size to runlists
    gff        Convert gff3 to covers on chromosomes
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    merge      Merge runlist yaml files
    range      Convert runlist file to ranges file
    some       Extract some records from a runlist yaml file
    span       Operate spans in a YAML file
    split      Split a runlist yaml file
    stat       Coverage on chromosomes for runlists
    statop     Coverage on chromosomes for one YAML crossed another


### `linkr`

$ linkr help
linkr 0.2.1-alpha.0
wang-q <>
`linkr` operates ranges on chromosomes and links of ranges

    linkr [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    circos     Convert links to circos links or highlights
    clean      Replace ranges within links, incorporate hit strands and remove nested links
    connect    Connect bilateral links into multilateral ones
    filter     Filter links by numbers of ranges or length differences
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    merge      Merge overlapped ranges via overlapping graph
    sort       Sort links and ranges within links


## Concepts

### IntSpans

An IntSpan represents sets of integers as a number of inclusive ranges, for example `1-10,19,45-48`
or `-99--10,1-10,19,45-48`.

The following picture is the schema of an IntSpan object. Jump lines are above the baseline; loop
lines are below it.


Also, [AlignDB::IntSpan]( and
[jintspan]( are implements of IntSpan objects in Perl and Java,

### IntSpans on chromosomes

* `chr.sizes`

* Single

* Multi

### Ranges

Examples in [`S288c.ranges`](tests/spanr/S288c.ranges)



Simple rules:

* `chromosome` and `start` are required
* `species`, `strand` and `end` are optional
* `.` to separate `species` and `chromosome`
* `strand` is one of `+` and `-` and surround by round brackets
* `:` to separate names and digits
* `-` to separate `start` and `end`
* For `species`:
    * `species` should be alphanumeric and without spaces, one exception char is `/`.
    * `species` is an identity, you can also treat is as a strain name, a lineage or something else. 


### Links of ranges

Types of links:

* Bilateral links

        I(+):13063-17220    I(-):215091-219225
        I(+):139501-141431  XII(+):95564-97485

* Bilateral links with hit strand

        I(+):13327-17227    I(+):215084-218967  -
        I(+):139501-141431  XII(+):95564-97485  +

* Multilateral links

        II(+):186984-190356 IX(+):12652-16010   X(+):12635-15993


### `spanr`

# cargo install --path . --force

spanr genome tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes

spanr genome tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes |
    spanr stat tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes stdin --all

spanr some tests/spanr/Atha.yml tests/spanr/Atha.list

spanr merge tests/spanr/I.yml tests/spanr/II.yml

spanr cover tests/spanr/S288c.ranges
spanr cover tests/spanr/S288c.ranges -c 2
spanr cover tests/spanr/dazzname.ranges

spanr gff tests/spanr/NC_007942.gff --tag tRNA

spanr range --op overlap tests/spanr/intergenic.yml tests/spanr/S288c.ranges

spanr span --op cover tests/spanr/brca2.yml

spanr combine tests/spanr/Atha.yml
jrunlist combine -o stdout tests/spanr/Atha.yml

spanr compare \
    --op intersect \
    tests/spanr/intergenic.yml \

spanr split tests/spanr/I.II.yml

spanr stat tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes tests/spanr/intergenic.yml

spanr stat tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes tests/spanr/I.II.yml

diff <(spanr stat tests/spanr/Atha.chr.sizes tests/spanr/Atha.yml) \
    <(jrunlist stat -o stdout tests/spanr/Atha.chr.sizes tests/spanr/Atha.yml)

spanr statop \
    --op intersect \
    tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes \
    tests/spanr/intergenic.yml \

diff <(spanr statop \
        --op intersect --all\
        tests/spanr/Atha.chr.sizes \
        tests/spanr/Atha.yml \
        tests/spanr/paralog.yml ) \
    <(jrunlist statop \
        -o stdout \
        --op intersect --all \
        tests/spanr/Atha.chr.sizes \
        tests/spanr/Atha.yml \
        tests/spanr/paralog.yml )

spanr convert tests/spanr/repeat.yml tests/spanr/intergenic.yml |
    spanr cover stdin |
    spanr stat tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes stdin --all
spanr merge tests/spanr/repeat.yml tests/spanr/intergenic.yml |
    spanr combine stdin |
    spanr stat tests/spanr/S288c.chr.sizes stdin --all


### `linkr`

# cargo install --path . --force

linkr sort tests/linkr/II.links.tsv -o tests/linkr/II.sort.tsv

linkr merge tests/linkr/II.links.tsv -v

linkr clean tests/linkr/II.sort.tsv
linkr clean tests/linkr/II.sort.tsv --bundle 500 
linkr clean tests/linkr/II.sort.tsv -r tests/linkr/II.merge.tsv

linkr connect tests/linkr/II.clean.tsv -v

linkr filter tests/linkr/II.connect.tsv -n 2
linkr filter tests/linkr/II.connect.tsv -n 3 -r 0.99

linkr circos tests/linkr/II.connect.tsv
linkr circos --highlight tests/linkr/II.connect.tsv



    clean -> merge
      |     /
      |  /

### S288c

linkr sort tests/S288c/links.lastz.tsv tests/S288c/links.blast.tsv \
    -o tests/S288c/sort.tsv

linkr clean tests/S288c/sort.tsv \
    -o tests/S288c/sort.clean.tsv

linkr merge tests/S288c/sort.clean.tsv -c 0.95 \
    -o tests/S288c/merge.tsv

linkr clean tests/S288c/sort.clean.tsv -r tests/S288c/merge.tsv --bundle 500 \
    -o tests/S288c/clean.tsv

linkr connect tests/S288c/clean.tsv -r 0.8 \
    -o tests/S288c/connect.tsv

linkr filter tests/S288c/connect.tsv -r 0.8 \
    -o tests/S288c/filter.tsv

wc -l tests/S288c/*.tsv
#     229 tests/S288c/clean.tsv
#     148 tests/S288c/connect.tsv
#     148 tests/S288c/filter.tsv
#     566 tests/S288c/links.blast.tsv
#     346 tests/S288c/links.lastz.tsv
#      74 tests/S288c/merge.tsv
#     282 tests/S288c/sort.clean.tsv
#     626 tests/S288c/sort.tsv

cat tests/S288c/filter.tsv |
    perl -nla -F"\t" -e 'print for @F' |
    spanr cover stdin -o tests/S288c/cover.yml

spanr stat tests/S288c/chr.sizes tests/S288c/cover.yml -o stdout


### Atha

gzip -dcf tests/Atha/links.lastz.tsv.gz tests/Atha/links.blast.tsv.gz |
    linkr sort stdin -o tests/Atha/sort.tsv

linkr clean tests/Atha/sort.tsv -o tests/Atha/sort.clean.tsv

linkr merge tests/Atha/sort.clean.tsv -c 0.95 \
    -o tests/Atha/merge.tsv

linkr clean tests/Atha/sort.clean.tsv -r tests/Atha/merge.tsv --bundle 500 \
    -o tests/Atha/clean.tsv

linkr connect tests/Atha/clean.tsv -o tests/Atha/connect.tsv

linkr filter tests/Atha/connect.tsv -r 0.8 \
    -o tests/Atha/filter.tsv

wc -l tests/Atha/*.tsv
#    4500 tests/Atha/clean.tsv
#    3832 tests/Atha/connect.tsv
#    3832 tests/Atha/filter.tsv
#     785 tests/Atha/merge.tsv
#    5416 tests/Atha/sort.clean.tsv
#    7754 tests/Atha/sort.tsv

cat tests/Atha/filter.tsv |
    perl -nla -F"\t" -e 'print for @F' |
    spanr cover stdin -o tests/Atha/cover.yml

spanr stat tests/Atha/chr.sizes tests/Atha/cover.yml -o stdout


## License
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