intersect2d 0.4.2

Line segment intersection detection
Line segment intersection detection library.

Copyright (C) 2021 eadf

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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intersection2d Copyright (C) 2021 eadf

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.

This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
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The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
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License instead of this License. But first, please read <
licenses /why-not-lgpl.html>.


use core::fmt;
use geo::algorithm::intersects::Intersects;
use num_traits::{Float, Zero};
use thiserror::Error;

pub mod algorithm;

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum IntersectError {
    #[error("Something bad happened")]
    #[error("No NaN, inf etc. are allowed")]
    #[error("When searching for intersections in LineStrings the 'ignore_end_point_intersections' parameter must be set to 'true'.")]
    #[error("Results already taken from the algorithm data struct")]

/// Utility function converting an array slice into a vec of Line
pub fn to_lines<U, T>(points: &[[U; 4]]) -> Vec<geo::Line<T>>
    U: num_traits::ToPrimitive + Copy,
    T: Float + approx::UlpsEq + geo::CoordFloat,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    let mut rv = Vec::with_capacity(points.len());
    for p in points.iter() {
            geo::Coordinate {
                x: T::from(p[0]).unwrap(),
                y: T::from(p[1]).unwrap(),
            geo::Coordinate {
                x: T::from(p[2]).unwrap(),
                y: T::from(p[3]).unwrap(),

/// Get any intersection point between line segment and point.
/// Inspired by <>
pub fn intersect_line_point<T>(
    line: &geo::Line<T>,
    point: &geo::Coordinate<T>,
) -> Option<Intersection<T>>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    // take care of end point equality
    if approx::ulps_eq!(&line.start.x, &point.x) && approx::ulps_eq!(&line.start.y, &point.y) {
        return Some(Intersection::Intersection(*point));
    if approx::ulps_eq!(&line.end.x, &point.x) && approx::ulps_eq!(&line.end.y, &point.y) {
        return Some(Intersection::Intersection(*point));

    let x1 = line.start.x;
    let x2 = line.end.x;
    let y1 = line.start.y;
    let y2 = line.end.y;
    let x = point.x;
    let y = point.y;

    let ab = ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)).sqrt();
    let ap = ((x - x1) * (x - x1) + (y - y1) * (y - y1)).sqrt();
    let pb = ((x2 - x) * (x2 - x) + (y2 - y) * (y2 - y)).sqrt();

    #[cfg(feature = "console_trace")]
    println!("ab={:?}, ap={:?}, pb={:?}, ap+pb={:?}", ab, ap, pb, ap + pb);
    if approx::ulps_eq!(&ab, &(ap + pb)) {
        return Some(Intersection::Intersection(*point));

pub enum Intersection<T>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    // Normal one point intersection
    // Collinear overlapping

impl<T> Intersection<T>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// return a single, simple intersection point
    pub fn single(&self) -> geo::Coordinate<T> {
        match self {
            Self::OverLap(a) => a.start,
            Self::Intersection(a) => *a,

impl<T> fmt::Debug for Intersection<T>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::OverLap(a) => a.fmt(f),
            Self::Intersection(a) => a.fmt(f),

/// Get any intersection point between line segments.
/// Note that this function always detects endpoint-to-endpoint intersections.
/// Most of this is from <>
pub fn intersect<T>(one: &geo::Line<T>, other: &geo::Line<T>) -> Option<Intersection<T>>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
        // AABB tests
        if one.end.x > other.end.x
            && one.end.x > other.start.x
            && one.start.x > other.end.x
            && one.start.x > other.start.x
            return None;
        if one.end.x < other.end.x
            && one.end.x < other.start.x
            && one.start.x < other.end.x
            && one.start.x < other.start.x
            return None;
        if one.end.y > other.end.y
            && one.end.y > other.start.y
            && one.start.y > other.end.y
            && one.start.y > other.start.y
            return None;
        if one.end.y < other.end.y
            && one.end.y < other.start.y
            && one.start.y < other.end.y
            && one.start.y < other.start.y
            return None;
    let p = one.start;
    let q = other.start;
    let r = one.end - p;
    let s = other.end - q;

    let r_cross_s = cross_z(&r, &s);
    let q_minus_p = q - p;
    let q_minus_p_cross_r = cross_z(&q_minus_p, &r);

    // If r × s = 0 then the two lines are parallel
    if approx::ulps_eq!(&r_cross_s, &T::zero()) {
        // one (or both) of the lines may be a point
        let one_is_a_point = ulps_eq_c(&one.start, &one.end);
        let other_is_a_point = ulps_eq_c(&other.start, &other.end);
        if one_is_a_point || other_is_a_point {
            if one_is_a_point && other_is_a_point && ulps_eq_c(&one.start, &other.start) {
                return Some(Intersection::Intersection(one.start));
            return if one_is_a_point {
                intersect_line_point(other, &one.start)
            } else {
                intersect_line_point(one, &other.start)

        // If r × s = 0 and (q − p) × r = 0, then the two lines are collinear.
        if approx::ulps_eq!(&q_minus_p_cross_r, &T::zero()) {
            let r_dot_r = dot(&r, &r);
            let r_div_r_dot_r = div(&r, r_dot_r);
            let s_dot_r = dot(&s, &r);
            let t0 = dot(&q_minus_p, &r_div_r_dot_r);
            let t1 = t0 + s_dot_r / r_dot_r;

                scale_to_coordinate(&p, &r, t0),
                scale_to_coordinate(&p, &r, t1),
        } else {
            // If r × s = 0 and (q − p) × r ≠ 0,
            // then the two lines are parallel and non-intersecting.
    } else {
        // the lines are not parallel
        let t = cross_z(&q_minus_p, &div(&s, r_cross_s));
        let u = cross_z(&q_minus_p, &div(&r, r_cross_s));

        // If r × s ≠ 0 and 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ u ≤ 1,
        // the two line segments meet at the point p + t r = q + u s.
        if T::zero() <= t && t <= T::one() && T::zero() <= u && u <= T::one() {
            Some(Intersection::Intersection(scale_to_coordinate(&p, &r, t)))
        } else {

pub fn scale_to_coordinate<T>(
    point: &geo::Coordinate<T>,
    vector: &geo::Coordinate<T>,
    scale: T,
) -> geo::Coordinate<T>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    geo::Coordinate {
        x: point.x + scale * vector.x,
        y: point.y + scale * vector.y,

/// Divides a 'vector' by 'b'. Obviously, don't feed this with 'b' == 0
fn div<T>(a: &geo::Coordinate<T>, b: T) -> geo::Coordinate<T>
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    geo::Coordinate {
        x: a.x / b,
        y: a.y / b,

/// from :
///  "Define the 2-dimensional vector cross product v × w to be vx wy − vy wx."
/// This function returns the z component of v × w
fn cross_z<T>(a: &geo::Coordinate<T>, b: &geo::Coordinate<T>) -> T
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x

/// calculate the dot product of two lines
fn dot<T>(a: &geo::Coordinate<T>, b: &geo::Coordinate<T>) -> T
    T: Float + Zero + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y

/// Trait for self intersection tests where the end points are excluded
pub trait SelfIntersectingExclusive<T>
    T: Float
        + num_traits::ToPrimitive
        + geo::GeoFloat
        + geo::CoordFloat
        + approx::AbsDiffEq
        + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// Returns true if any line intersects any other line in the collection.
    fn is_self_intersecting(&self) -> Result<bool, IntersectError>;

    /// Returns a list of intersection points and the involved lines, if any intersections are found.
    fn self_intersections<'a>(
    ) -> Result<
        Box<dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = (geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)> + 'a>,
        T: 'a;

/// Trait for self intersection tests where the end points are included
pub trait SelfIntersectingInclusive<T>
    T: Float
        + num_traits::ToPrimitive
        + geo::GeoFloat
        + geo::CoordFloat
        + approx::AbsDiffEq
        + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// Returns true if any line intersects any other line in the collection.
    /// If the end points are identical they will be reported too.
    fn is_self_intersecting_inclusive(&self) -> Result<bool, IntersectError>;

    /// Returns a list of intersection points and the involved lines, if any intersections are found.
    /// If the end points are identical they will be reported too.
    fn self_intersections_inclusive<'a>(
    ) -> Result<
        Box<dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = (geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)> + 'a>,
        T: 'a;

impl<T> SelfIntersectingInclusive<T> for Vec<geo::Line<T>>
    T: Float
        + num_traits::ToPrimitive
        + geo::GeoFloat
        + geo::CoordFloat
        + approx::AbsDiffEq
        + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// Returns true if the LineString is self intersecting.
    /// LineStrings.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingInclusive;
    /// let lines: Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// assert!(lines.is_self_intersecting_inclusive().unwrap());
    /// let lines: Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// assert!(lines.is_self_intersecting_inclusive().unwrap());
    /// ```
    fn is_self_intersecting_inclusive(&self) -> Result<bool, IntersectError> {
        // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster
        if self.len() < 25 {
            for l1 in self.iter().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.iter().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if l1.1.intersects(l2) {
                        return Ok(true);
        } else {

    /// Returns an iterator containing the found intersections.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingInclusive;
    /// # use intersect2d::ulps_eq_c;
    /// let lines : Vec<geo::Line<_>>= geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// assert!(!lines.self_intersections_inclusive().expect("err").count()>0);
    /// let lines : Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// let rv :Vec<(geo::Coordinate<_>,Vec<usize>)> =
    ///     lines.self_intersections_inclusive().expect("err").collect();
    /// for f in rv.iter() {
    ///   println!("{:?}", f);
    /// }
    /// assert_eq!(rv.len(), 7);
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[0].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 200., y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[0].1, vec!(0_usize, 1));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[1].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 166.66666666666666, y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[1].1, vec!(0_usize, 2));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[2].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 133.33333333333333, y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[2].1, vec!(0_usize, 3));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[3].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 100., y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[3].1, vec!(0_usize, 4));
    /// // and more...
    /// ```
    fn self_intersections_inclusive<'a>(
    ) -> Result<
        Box<dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = (geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)> + 'a>,
        T: 'a,
        if self.len() < 25 {
            // at around <25 line segments the brute force test is faster

            // sanity check for each line
            for a_line in self.iter() {
                if !a_line.start.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.start.y.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.y.is_finite()
                    return Err(IntersectError::InvalidData(
                        "Can't check for intersections on non-finite data".to_string(),
            let mut rv = Vec::<(geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)>::new();
            for l1 in self.iter().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.iter().enumerate().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if let Some(i) = intersect(l1.1, l2.1) {
                        rv.push((i.single(), vec![l1.0, l2.0]));
            // This will only return intersections between two lines at a single point
            // If more than that are intersecting it will be reported once for each pair.
            // Todo: fix it!
        } else {
            // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster

impl<T> SelfIntersectingExclusive<T> for Vec<geo::Line<T>>
    T: Float
        + num_traits::ToPrimitive
        + geo::GeoFloat
        + geo::CoordFloat
        + approx::AbsDiffEq
        + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// Returns true if the LineString is self intersecting.
    /// LineStrings.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingExclusive;
    /// let lines: Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// assert!(!lines.is_self_intersecting().unwrap());
    /// let lines: Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// assert!(lines.is_self_intersecting().unwrap());
    /// ```
    fn is_self_intersecting(&self) -> Result<bool, IntersectError> {
        // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster
        if self.len() < 25 {
            // sanity check for each line
            for a_line in self.iter() {
                if !a_line.start.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.start.y.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.y.is_finite()
                    return Err(IntersectError::InvalidData(
                        "Can't check for intersections on non-finite data".to_string(),
            for l1 in self.iter().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.iter().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.end)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.end)
                    if l1.1.intersects(l2) {
                        return Ok(true);
        } else {

    /// Returns an iterator containing the found intersections.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingExclusive;
    /// # use intersect2d::ulps_eq_c;
    /// let lines : Vec<geo::Line<_>>= geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// let rv :Vec<(geo::Coordinate<_>,Vec<usize>)> =
    ///     lines.self_intersections().expect("err").collect();
    /// assert!(rv.is_empty());
    /// let lines : Vec<geo::Line<_>> = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]).lines().collect();
    /// let rv :Vec<(geo::Coordinate<_>,Vec<usize>)> =
    ///     lines.self_intersections().expect("err").collect();
    /// assert_eq!(rv.len(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(rv[0].1, vec!(0_usize, 2));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[0].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 166.66666666666666, y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[1].1, vec!(0_usize, 3));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[1].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 133.33333333333333, y: 100.0}));
    /// ```
    fn self_intersections<'a>(
    ) -> Result<
        Box<dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = (geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)> + 'a>,
        T: 'a,
        if self.len() < 25 {
            // at around <25 line segments the brute force test is faster

            // sanity check for each line
            for a_line in self.iter() {
                if !a_line.start.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.start.y.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.x.is_finite()
                    || !a_line.end.y.is_finite()
                    return Err(IntersectError::InvalidData(
                        "Can't check for intersections on non-finite data".to_string(),
            let mut rv = Vec::<(geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)>::new();
            for l1 in self.iter().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.iter().enumerate().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.1.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.1.end)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.1.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.1.end)
                    if let Some(i) = intersect(l1.1, l2.1) {
                        rv.push((i.single(), vec![l1.0, l2.0]));
            // This will only return intersections between two lines at a single point
            // If more than that are intersecting it will be reported once for each pair.
            // Todo: fix it!
        } else {
            // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster

impl<T> SelfIntersectingExclusive<T> for geo::LineString<T>
    T: Float
        + num_traits::ToPrimitive
        + geo::GeoFloat
        + geo::CoordFloat
        + approx::AbsDiffEq
        + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    /// Returns true if the LineString is self intersecting.
    /// The 'ignore_end_point_intersections' parameter must always be set to true when testing
    /// LineStrings.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingExclusive;
    /// let line_string = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]);
    /// assert!(!line_string.is_self_intersecting().unwrap());
    /// let line_string = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]);
    /// assert!(line_string.is_self_intersecting().unwrap());
    /// ```
    fn is_self_intersecting(&self) -> Result<bool, IntersectError> {
        // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster
        if self.0.len() < 25 {
            // sanity check for each line
            for point in self.points_iter() {
                if !point.x().is_finite() || !point.y().is_finite() {
                    return Err(IntersectError::InvalidData(
                        "Can't check for intersections on non-finite data".to_string(),
            for l1 in self.lines().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.lines().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.end)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.end)
                    if l1.1.intersects(&l2) {
                        return Ok(true);
        } else {

    /// Returns an iterator containing the found intersections.
    /// The 'ignore_end_point_intersections' parameter must always be set to true when testing
    /// LineStrings.
    /// ```
    /// # use intersect2d::SelfIntersectingExclusive;
    /// # use intersect2d::ulps_eq_c;
    /// let line_string = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///     (100., 100.),
    ///     (200., 100.),
    ///     (200., 200.),
    ///     (100., 200.),
    ///     (100., 100.),
    /// ]);
    /// let rv :Vec<(geo::Coordinate<_>,Vec<usize>)> =
    ///     line_string.self_intersections().expect("err").collect();
    /// assert!(rv.is_empty());
    /// let line_string = geo::LineString::from(vec![
    ///    (100., 100.),
    ///    (200., 100.),
    ///    (200., 200.),
    ///    (150., 50.),
    ///    (100., 200.),
    ///    (100., 100.),
    /// ]);
    /// let rv :Vec<(geo::Coordinate<_>,Vec<usize>)> =
    ///     line_string.self_intersections().expect("err").collect();
    /// assert_eq!(line_string.0.len(),6);
    /// assert_eq!(rv.len(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(rv[0].1, vec!(0_usize,2));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[0].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 166.66666666666666, y: 100.0}));
    /// assert_eq!(rv[1].1, vec!(0_usize,3));
    /// assert!(ulps_eq_c(&rv[1].0, &geo::Coordinate{x: 133.33333333333334, y: 100.0}));
    /// ```
    fn self_intersections<'a>(
    ) -> Result<
        Box<dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = (geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)> + 'a>,
        T: 'a,
        if self.0.len() < 25 {
            // at around <25 line segments the brute force test is faster
            // sanity check for each line
            for point in self.points_iter() {
                if !point.x().is_finite() || !point.y().is_finite() {
                    return Err(IntersectError::InvalidData(
                        "Can't check for intersections on non-finite data".to_string(),
            let mut rv = Vec::<(geo::Coordinate<T>, Vec<usize>)>::new();
            for l1 in self.lines().enumerate() {
                for l2 in self.lines().enumerate().skip(l1.0 + 1) {
                    if ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.1.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.start, &l2.1.end)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.1.start)
                        || ulps_eq_c(&l1.1.end, &l2.1.end)
                    if let Some(i) = intersect(&l1.1, &l2.1) {
                        rv.push((i.single(), vec![l1.0, l2.0]));
            // This will only return intersections between two lines at a single point
            // If more than that are intersecting it will be reported once for each pair.
            // Todo: fix it!
        } else {
            // at around >25 line segments the sweep-line algorithm is faster

/// returns true if the two coordinates are virtually identical
pub fn ulps_eq_c<T>(a: &geo::Coordinate<T>, b: &geo::Coordinate<T>) -> bool
    T: Float + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    approx::ulps_eq!(&a.x, &b.x) && approx::ulps_eq!(&a.y, &b.y)

#[deprecated(since = "0.3.2", note = "please use `approx::ulps_eq!` instead")]
pub fn ulps_eq<T>(a: &T, b: &T) -> bool
    T: Float + geo::CoordFloat + approx::AbsDiffEq + approx::UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    approx::ulps_eq!(a, b)