interpolate 0.1.1

A simple form of string interpolation


A simple form of Rust string interpolation, e.g., s!("Today is $date").



Note: interpolate currently requires experimental proc_macro functionality in nightly.

use interpolate::s;

let name = "Jane";
let fav_num = 32;
let greeting = s!("$name's favorite number is $fav_num);


The goal of interpolate is to provide basic string interpolation functionality with a very light-weight syntax.

It is not:

  • A replacement for format!, println!, and related macros
  • Capable of non-trivial formatting of types
  • Anything that requires extensive documentation

Honestly, I created this after a working on a CLI tools where I used format! a LOT. I really wanted something lighter weight, closer to Scala's s"Today is $date", so I decided to experiment here, with the idea of possibly turning any learnings into a Pre-RFC for further discussion.

After trying to use this, I found that the indirection of hiding rust idents and expressions in a string literal made formatting bad and errors less intuitive. Since it's less featureful than format!, I found my particular code switching between the two styles more than expected. And finally, a fair bit of the "lighter-weight" feeling could be achieved by just aliasing format! to s!. So for now, I'm sorta setting this idea aside until/unless I discover a more compelling use or direction for it, but if you use or like it, jot me a note.