interoptopus 0.1.15

Extensible, lightweight, convenient FFI bindings for any language calling Rust. C#, C, Python included. Add yours in 4 hours. No pull request needed. 🐙

[![Latest Version]][]

## Interoptopus 🐙

Extensible, lightweight, convenient FFI bindings for _any_<sup>*</sup> language calling Rust.

Escape hatchets included. 🪓

<sup>*</sup> C#, C, Python provided. Add yours in 4 hours. No pull request needed.

### Code you write ...

use interoptopus::{ffi_function, ffi_type, inventory_function};

pub struct Vec2 {
    pub x: f32,
    pub y: f32,

pub extern "C" fn my_function(input: Vec2) {
    println!("{}", input.x);

inventory_function!(ffi_inventory, [], [my_function], []);

### ... Interoptopus generates

| Language | Crate | Sample Output |
| --- | --- | --- |
| C# (incl. Unity) | [**interoptopus_backend_csharp**] | [Interop.cs] |
| C | [**interoptopus_backend_c**] | [my_header.h] |
| Python [CFFI] | [**interoptopus_backend_cpython_cffi**] | [] |
| Your language | Write your own backend! | - |

## Getting Started 🍼

If you ...
- want to **create a new API** see the [**example projects**],
- need to **support a new language** or rewrite a backend, [**copy and adapt the C backend**]

### Features

- explicit, type-safe, **single source of truth** API definition in Rust,
- **minimal on dependencies**, build time, tooling impact
- if your **project compiles your bindings should work**<sup>TM, &#42;*cough*&#42;</sup> (i.e., generated and callable)
- **extensible**, multiple backends, **easy to support new languages**, or totally change existing ones
- **quality-of-life [patterns]crate::patterns** on **both sides** (e.g., [options]crate::patterns::option, [slices]crate::patterns::slice, [services]crate::patterns::service, ...)
- doesn't need build scripts, `cargo build` + `cargo test` **can produce and test** (if lang installed) generated bindings

### Supported Rust Constructs
See the [**reference project**](; it lists all supported constructs including:
- [functions] (`extern "C"` functions and delegates)
- [types] (primitives, composite, enums (numeric only), opaques, references, pointers, ...)
- [constants] (primitive constants; results of const evaluation)
- [patterns] (ASCII pointers, options, slices, classes, ...)

As a rule of thumb we recommend to be slightly conservative with your signatures and always "think C", since other languages don't track lifetimes
well and it's is easy to accidentally pass an outlived pointer or doubly alias a `&mut X` on reentrant functions.

### Current Status

- June 20, 2021 - Alpha. Has generated simple working<sup>TM</sup> bindings for a few projects for a week now, many things missing.
- June 13, 2021 - Pre-alpha. Has generated C#, C, Python-CFFI bindings at least once, many things missing, untested.

### FAQ

- [FAQ and Safety Guides]

### Contributing

PRs are welcome.

- Bug fixes can be submitted directly. Major changes should be filed as issues

- Anything that would make previously working bindings change behavior or stop compiling
is a major change; which doesn't mean we're opposed to breaking stuff before 1.0, just that
we'd like to talk about it before it happens.

- New features or patterns must be materialized in the reference project and accompanied by
an interop test (i.e., a backend test running C# / Python against a DLL invoking that code)
in at least one included backend.

[Latest Version]: