Module interlink::service

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Interlink uses services to represent asynchronous tasks that can hold their own state and communicate between each-other using messages and handlers.

You can derive the service trait using its derive macro or implement it manually to get access to the Service::started and Service::stopping functions.

With derive macro:

use interlink::prelude::*;

struct MyService {
    value: String,

Without derive macro. Both the started and stopping functions are optional

use interlink::prelude::*;

struct MyService {
    value: String,

impl Service for MyService {
    fn started(&mut self, ctx: &mut ServiceContext<Self>) {
        println!("My service is started")

Then you can start your service using the Service::start function which will start the service in a tokio task and return you a Link to the service. Alternatively if you need access to the service context while creating your service you can use the Service::create function which provides the context.

See Link for what to do from here


  • Backing context for a service which handles storing the reciever for messaging and the original link for spawning copies


  • Trait implemented by structures that can be spawned as services and used by the app