interlink 0.1.0-alpha

Framework for writing async code


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Interlink Async framework

Interlink runs on the Tokio async runtime and structures portions of your app using "Services" which can be communicated with using "Links" which allow sending messages to Services that can then be handled

🚩 This project is in its very early infantcy so breaking changes are expected and at this stage its not entirely feature complete or tested

Using Interlink

Adding the following cargo dependency to include interlink in your project

interlink = "0.1.0-alpha" 

Starting a service

In order to get a link to a service and for the service to run you will first need to start the service

use interlink::prelude::*;

// Define your backing structure for the service
struct Example;

// Implement the service trait
impl Service for Example {}

// You must be within the tokio runtime to use interlink
async fn main() {
    // Create the service
    let service = Example {};
    // Start the service to get a link to the service
    let link = service.start();

Sending a message to a service

To communicate with services and between services you use messages below is an example of how to create and send messages.

use interlink::prelude::*;

// Define your backing structure for the service
struct Example;

// Implement the service trait
impl Service for Example {}

// The message struct
struct TextMessage {
    value: String,

// Implement the message trait for messages
impl Message for TextMessage {
    // The type of response from handling this message
    type Response = String;

/// Implement a handler for the message type
impl Handler<TextMessage> for Example {
    fn handle(
        &mut self, 
        msg: TextMessage, 
        ctx: &mut ServiceContext<Self>
    ) -> String {
        println!("Got message: {}", &msg.value)

// You must be within the tokio runtime to use interlink
async fn main() {
    // Create the service
    let service = Example {};
    // Start the service to get a link to the service
    let link = service.start();

    // Send the text message to the service and await the response
    let res: String = link.send(TextMessage {
            value: "Example".to_string(),

    assert_eq!(&res, "Example");

    // You can also send without waiting for a response
    link.do_send(TextMessage {
            value: "Example".to_string(),
