interfacer-http 0.1.7

A magic HTTP client, like retrofit in Java failed to build interfacer-http-0.1.7
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Visit the last successful build: interfacer-http-0.2.2

A magic http client, like retrofit in Java

// define interface

#![feature(custom_attribute, async_await, param_attrs)]

use interfacer_http::derive::{FromContent, ToContent};
use interfacer_http::{content_types, http::header::COOKIE, http_interface, Response, Result};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, FromContent, ToContent, Debug)]
struct User {
    name: String,
    age: i32,

trait UserInterface: Clone {
    #[expect(200, content_types::APPLICATION_JSON)]
    async fn put_user(
        id: u64,
        age: i32,
        #[body] user: &User,
        #[header(COOKIE)] cookie: &str
    ) -> Result<Response<User>>;

// use it
use interfacer_http_hyper::AsyncService;