interactor 0.1.1

A library for simple (usually command-line) user interaction.

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A Rust library for simple (usually command-line) user interaction.

  • Reading input from the console with a callback for each byte (e.g. for displaying colorhash256 for a password)
  • Selecting an item from a list using an external menu program (usually a fuzzy finder) or a built-in simple menu
  • Selecting a file using the "item from a list" thing above

Menu program?

A program that accepts a newline-separated list of items on stdin, presents a UI to the user (directly on /dev/tty if it's a CLI; can also be a GUI), and outputs the selected item on stdout.

You should let the users of your application pick their own favorite tool as a config option.
I propose the $MENU environment variable, like $EDITOR, as a place to look for user preference.


extern crate interactor;
use interactor::*;

fn main() {
    let read_result = read_from_tty(|buf, b, tty| {
        tty.write(&format!("({:?} | {})\n", buf, b).into_bytes());
    }, false, false).unwrap();
    println!("Read: {}", String::from_utf8(read_result).unwrap());

    let chosen_ext = pick_from_list(default_menu_cmd().as_mut(), &["first", "second"], "Selection: ").unwrap();
    println!("Congratulations, you chose '{}'!!", chosen_ext);


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This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE file or