interact_derive 0.3.0

A framework for online program state introspection
# Interact   [![Build Status]][travis] [![Latest Version]][]

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**Interact is a framework for friendly online introspection of the running program state in an intuitive command-line *interact*ive way.**

You may be looking for:

* Documentation: [stable], [master branch]
* [Book] (master branch version).


Interact is useful for server programs that otherwise receive no input. You can use Interact to make your server receive commands using the special prompt from the `interact_prompt` crate. The commands can be used to browse your server's internal state, modify it, and call function methods that were specified in `interact` derive attributes.

Interact is implemented for stable Rust, using only safe mode.

## Introduction

While dynamically-typed interpreted languages offer the advantage of being able look at a running program state using a prompt, compiled languages often do not provide that feature. Being hard as it is to introduce interpreters into compiled languages, the Interact project aimes to provide a midway solution using stable Rust.

## How to make your server Interact-able

* Custom-derive types using `#[derive(Interact)]`.
	* Use `#[interact(skip)` for problematic fields.
	* No need to worry about `Rc`, `RefCell`, `Arc`, `Mutex`, even with reference loop. Handling for that exists, as demonstrated further.
* Register process-global or TLS-local state via `interact_prompt`'s registry.
* Invoke `interact_prompt` either directly or in its own OS thread (async not supported yet).

## Interact Prompt features

* Provide Rust-like expressions to explore from the root nodes, e.g. `node.some_map["value"].field.sub_field`.
* Full auto-complete and completion hints for type names, field names, enum names, function names, and punctuation.
* Modify the state from the prompt: at places where mutable access is possible in compile time, you can assign to fields of inner structs in run-time via appending `= <value>`.
* It is possible to call function methods that were linked in using special `interact` attributes.
* State prints have an adjustable limit - if the state is too big it can be automatically capped so your terminal is not overwhelmed.
* Reference cycles (via `Rc` or otherwise) are handled gracefully in reflected values - a unique number is printed at the all the common sites: the first encounter and the repeats.
* Data indirection is supported - for example Actix's `Addr<T>` can be traversed into, exposing the full server state (an example for this is shown).

## Interact mini-example with a recorded demo

The program below registers states and invokes the Interact prompt on the main thread.

extern crate interact;

use interact::Interact;
use interact_prompt::{LocalRegistry, Settings};
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

struct State {
    maybe_point: Option<Point>,
    complex: ((((usize, usize), u32, (u32, (u32,))), u32), u32),
    behind_rc: Rc<RefCell<u32>>,
    behind_rc2: Rc<RefCell<u32>>,

fn main() -> Result<(), interact_prompt::PromptError> {
    let rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(3));
    let state = State {
        maybe_point: Some(Point { x: 3, y: 3 }),
        complex: ((((0, 0), 0, (0, (0,))), 0), 0),
        behind_rc: rc.clone(),
        behind_rc2: rc,

    LocalRegistry::insert("state", Box::new(state));
    interact_prompt::direct(Settings::default(), ())?;

It can be run using `cargo run --example mini-example`. Here's a recorded session:

<p align="center">
  <img src="doc/demo.apng">

## Getting help

You are more than welcome to browse and open new issues!


## License

Interact is licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in Interact by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.