intaglio 1.8.0

UTF-8 string and byte string interner and symbol table
#![warn(trivial_casts, trivial_numeric_casts)]
// Enable feature callouts in generated documentation:
// This approach is borrowed from tokio.
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_alias))]

//! This crate provides a library for interning strings.
//! The primary API is a symbol table. Its API is similar to a bimap in that
//! symbols can resolve an underlying string and a string slice can retrieve
//! its associated symbol.
//! For more specific details on the API for interning strings into a symbol
//! table, please see the documentation for the [`SymbolTable`] type.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # use intaglio::SymbolTable;
//! # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let mut table = SymbolTable::new();
//! let sym_id = table.intern("abc")?;
//! assert_eq!(sym_id, table.intern("abc".to_string())?);
//! assert!(table.contains(sym_id));
//! assert!(table.is_interned("abc"));
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! # example().unwrap();
//! ```
//! # String interning
//! Intaglio `SymbolTable`s store at most one copy of a string. All requests to
//! intern a string that is already present in the table, regardless of whether
//! the string is an owned `String` or borrowed `&'static str`, will return the
//! same immutable [`Symbol`].
//! [`Symbol`]s are `u32` indexes into a `SymbolTable` that are cheap to
//! compare, copy, store, and send.
//! # Allocations
//! `SymbolTable` exposes several constructors for tuning the initial allocated
//! size of the table. It also exposes several APIs for tuning the table's
//! memory usage such as [`SymbolTable::reserve`] and [`SymbolTable::shrink_to_fit`].
//! [`SymbolTable::intern`] does not clone or copy interned strings. It takes
//! ownership of the string contents with no additional allocations.
//! # Types of Interners
//! Intaglio includes multiple symbol tables which differ in the types of strings
//! they allow you to intern.
//! - [`SymbolTable`] interns UTF-8 strings: [`String`] and [`&str`](prim@str).
    feature = "bytes",
    doc = "- [`bytes::SymbolTable`] interns binary strings: [`Vec<u8>`] and `&[u8]`."
    feature = "cstr",
    doc = "- [`cstr::SymbolTable`] interns C strings: [`CString`] and [`&CStr`]."
    feature = "osstr",
    doc = "- [`osstr::SymbolTable`] interns platform strings: [`OsString`] and [`&OsStr`]."
    feature = "path",
    doc = "- [`path::SymbolTable`] interns path strings: [`PathBuf`] and [`&Path`]."
//! # Crate features
//! All features are enabled by default.
//! - **bytes** - Enables an additional symbol table implementation for interning
//!   byte strings ([`Vec<u8>`] and `&'static [u8]`).
//! - **cstr** - Enables an additional symbol table implementation for interning
//!   C strings ([`CString`] and [`&'static CStr`]).
//! - **osstr** - Enables an additional symbol table implementation for interning
//!   platform strings ([`OsString`] and [`&'static OsStr`]).
//! - **path** - Enables an additional symbol table implementation for interning
//!   path strings ([`PathBuf`] and [`&'static Path`]).
//! [`Vec<u8>`]: std::vec::Vec
//! [`CString`]: std::ffi::CString
//! [`&CStr`]: std::ffi::CStr
//! [`&'static CStr`]: std::ffi::CStr
//! [`OsString`]: std::ffi::OsString
//! [`&OsStr`]: std::ffi::OsStr
//! [`&'static OsStr`]: std::ffi::OsStr
//! [`PathBuf`]: std::path::PathBuf
//! [`&Path`]: std::path::Path
//! [`&'static Path`]: std::path::Path

#![doc(html_root_url = "")]

use core::fmt;
use core::num::TryFromIntError;
use std::error;

macro_rules! const_assert {
    ($x:expr $(,)?) => {
        #[allow(unknown_lints, clippy::eq_op)]
        const _: [(); 0 - !{
            const ASSERT: bool = $x;
        } as usize] = [];

#[cfg(feature = "bytes")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "bytes")))]
pub mod bytes;
mod convert;
#[cfg(feature = "cstr")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "cstr")))]
pub mod cstr;
mod eq;
mod internal;
#[cfg(feature = "osstr")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "osstr")))]
pub mod osstr;
#[cfg(feature = "path")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "path")))]
pub mod path;
mod str;

pub use crate::str::*;

// To prevent overflows when indexing into the backing `Vec`, `intaglio`
// requires `usize` to be at least as big as `u32`.
const_assert!(usize::BITS >= u32::BITS);

/// Default capacity for a new [`SymbolTable`] created with
/// [`SymbolTable::new`].
pub const DEFAULT_SYMBOL_TABLE_CAPACITY: usize = 4096;

/// Error returned when a [`SymbolTable`] or symbol identifier overflows.
/// `SymbolTable` uses `u32` identifiers for symbols to save space. If more than
/// `u32::MAX` symbols are stored in the table, no more identifiers can be
/// generated. Any subsequent inserts into the table will fail with this error.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct SymbolOverflowError {
    _private: (),

impl SymbolOverflowError {
    /// Construct a new `SymbolOverflowError` with no source.
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self { _private: () }

    /// Return the maximum capacity of the [`SymbolTable`] that returned this
    /// error.
    pub const fn max_capacity(self) -> usize {
        // The valid representation of `Symbol` is:
        // ```
        // Symbol(0_u32)..=Symbol(u32::MAX)
        // ```
        // The length of a range from `0..uX::MAX` is `uX::MAX + 1`.
        // On 32-bit architectures, `usize` cannot hold `u32::MAX + 1`, but a
        // `SymbolTable` will not be able to allocate that much anyway, so
        // saturate and return `usize::MAX`.
        let capa = u32::MAX as usize;

impl From<TryFromIntError> for SymbolOverflowError {
    fn from(err: TryFromIntError) -> Self {
        let _ = err;

impl fmt::Display for SymbolOverflowError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        f.write_str("Symbol overflow")

impl error::Error for SymbolOverflowError {}

/// Identifier bound to an interned string.
/// [`SymbolTable`] is guaranteed to return an equivalent `Symbol` each time
/// an equivalent string is interned.
/// A `Symbol` allows retrieving a reference to the original interned string.
/// `Symbol`s are based on a `u32` index.
/// `Symbol`s are not constrained to the `SymbolTable` which created them.  No
/// runtime checks ensure that [`SymbolTable::get`] is called with a `Symbol`
/// that the table itself issued.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Symbol(u32);

impl Symbol {
    /// Construct a new `Symbol` from the given `u32`.
    /// `Symbol`s constructed outside a [`SymbolTable`] may fail to resolve to
    /// an underlying string using [`SymbolTable::get`].
    /// `Symbol`s are not constrained to the `SymbolTable` which created them.
    /// No runtime checks ensure that [`SymbolTable::get`] is called with a
    /// `Symbol` that the table itself issued.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use intaglio::Symbol;
    /// let sym = Symbol::new(263);
    /// assert_eq!(263,;
    /// ```
    pub const fn new(sym: u32) -> Self {

    /// Return the `u32` identifier from this `Symbol`.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use intaglio::SymbolTable;
    /// # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// let mut table = SymbolTable::new();
    /// let sym = table.intern("intaglio")?;
    /// assert_eq!(u32::from(sym),;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// # example().unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub const fn id(self) -> u32 {

mod tests {
    use core::cmp::Ordering;
    use core::fmt::Write as _;
    use core::hash::{BuildHasher as _, Hash as _, Hasher as _};
    use std::collections::hash_map::RandomState;

    use super::SymbolOverflowError;

    #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
    fn max_capacity_is_length_of_symbol_range_usize_64_bit() {
        let symbol_range = 0_u32..=u32::MAX;
        let len = symbol_range.size_hint().0;
        assert_eq!(SymbolOverflowError::new().max_capacity(), len);
        let len = symbol_range.size_hint().1.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(SymbolOverflowError::new().max_capacity(), len);

    #[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
    fn max_capacity_is_length_of_symbol_range_usize_32_bit() {
        assert_eq!(SymbolOverflowError::new().max_capacity(), usize::MAX);

    fn error_display_is_not_empty() {
        let tc = SymbolOverflowError::new();
        let mut buf = String::new();
        write!(&mut buf, "{}", tc).unwrap();

    fn error_debug_is_not_empty() {
        let tc = SymbolOverflowError::new();
        let mut buf = String::new();
        write!(&mut buf, "{:?}", tc).unwrap();

    fn error_from_int_conversion_error() {
        let try_from_int_error = i8::try_from(u8::MAX).unwrap_err();
        let err = SymbolOverflowError::from(try_from_int_error);
        assert_eq!(err, SymbolOverflowError::new());

    fn error_default_is_error_new() {
        let default = SymbolOverflowError::default();
        let new = SymbolOverflowError::new();
        assert_eq!(default, new);

    fn error_clone_is_equal_to_self() {
        let default = SymbolOverflowError::default();
        let clone = default.clone();
        assert_eq!(default, clone);

    fn error_ord_is_equal_to_self() {
        let default = SymbolOverflowError::default();
        let new = SymbolOverflowError::new();
        assert_eq!(default.cmp(&new), Ordering::Equal);
        assert_eq!(new.cmp(&default), Ordering::Equal);

    fn error_hash_is_equal_to_self() {
        let default = SymbolOverflowError::default();
        let new = SymbolOverflowError::new();

        let s = RandomState::new();
        let default_hash = {
            let mut hasher = s.build_hasher();
            default.hash(&mut hasher);
        let new_hash = {
            let mut hasher = s.build_hasher();
            new.hash(&mut hasher);

        assert_eq!(default_hash, new_hash);

// Ensure code blocks in `` compile
// The README contains examples from all interners, so only run these doctests
// when all features are enabled.
// This module declaration should be kept at the end of the file, in order to
// not interfere with code coverage.
    feature = "bytes",
    feature = "cstr",
    feature = "osstr",
    feature = "path"
#[doc = include_str!("../")]
mod readme {}