insult 2.0.1

insult is the command line "utility" to insult you with a "Oh... Sir! The Insult Simulator"-like fashion!

insult - The Oh...Sir!-like insult generator

insult is the command line "utility" to insult you with a "Oh... Sir! The Insult Simulator"-like fashion!

Note: Windows is no longer supported.


Did you know that the Royal Family can't exercise because of your sister or that your wife probably murdered your husband?
Well, me neither.


You can edit this project's config files.
They follow the XDG standard, so by default they're in ~/.config/insult.


The easiest way to install is with cargo:

cargo install insult


Thanks to #1, the core has now been split into a separate crate!
This means you can generate your own insults from your own applications!


let words = WordsFile {
    nouns: include_str!("nouns"),
    endings: include_str!("endings"),
    verbs: include_str!("verbs")
println!("{}", words.generate());