macro_rules! glob {
    ($glob:expr, $closure:expr) => { ... };
Available on crate feature glob only.
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Executes a closure for all input files matching a glob.

The closure is passed the path to the file. You can use std::fs::read_to_string or similar functions to load the file and process it.

use std::fs;

glob!("inputs/*.txt", |path| {
    let input = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();

The INSTA_GLOB_FILTER environment variable can be set to only execute certain files. The format of the filter is a semicolon separated filter. For instance by setting INSTA_GLOB_FILTER to foo-*txt;bar-*.txt only files starting with foo- or bar- end ending in .txt will be executed. When using cargo-insta the --glob-filter option can be used instead.