insta 1.13.0

A snapshot testing library for Rust
# Changelog

All notable changes to insta and cargo-insta are documented here.

## 1.13.0

- Fixed a bug where an extra newline was emitted following the snapshot header.
- `assertion_line` is no longer retained in snapshots. (#218)

## 1.12.0

- Add support for sorting redactions (`sorted_redaction` and `Settings::sort_selector`). (#212)
- Changed snapshot name detection to no longer use thread names but function names. (#213)

**Upgrade Notes:**

Insta used to detect the current test name by using the current thread name. This
appeared to work well but unfortunatley ran into various limitations. In particular
in some cases the thread name was truncated, missing or did not point to the current
test name. To better support different platforms and situations insta now uses the
function name instead.

This however changes behavior. In particular if you are using a helper function to
assert, a different snapshot name will now be used. You can work around this issue
by using a helper macro instead or to explicitly pass a snapshot name in such

## 1.11.0

- Trim down some unnecessary dependencies and switch to `once_cell`. (#208)

## 1.10.0

- Update internal dependencies for console and ron.

## 1.9.0

- `cargo-insta` now correctly handles the package (`-p`) argument
  on `test` when deleting unreferenced snapshots. (#201)

## 1.8.0

- Added the ability to redact into a key. (#192)
- Insta now memorizes assertion line numbers in snapshots. While these
  will quickly be old, they are often useful when reviewing snapshots
  immediately after creation with `cargo-insta`. (#191)

## 1.7.2

- Fixed an issue where selectors could not start with underscore. (#189)
- Allow passing arguments to `cargo test`. (#183)
- Avoid the use of `Box::leak`. (#185)
- When `INSTA_WORKSPACE_ROOT` is set, the value is used as the manifest
  directory rather than whatever `CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` was set to at compile
  time. (#180)

## 1.7.1

- Removed an accidental debug print. (#175)

## 1.7.0

- Added support for u128/i128. (#169)
- Normalize newlines to unix before before asserting. (#172)
- Switch diffing to patience. (#173)

## 1.6.3

- Fix a bug with empty lines in inline snapshots. (#166)

## 1.6.2

- Lower Rust support to 1.41.0 (#165)

## 1.6.1

- Bump similar dependency to reintroduce support for Rust 1.43.0 (#162)
- Fixed custom extension support in cargo-insta (#163)

## 1.6.0

- Change CSV serialization format to format multiple structs as
  multiple rows. (#156)
- Improvements to diff rendering.
- Detect some snapshot name clashes. (#159)

## 1.5.3

- Replace [difference] with

## 1.5.2

- API documentation updates.

## 1.5.1

- Fixed glob not working correctly.
- Fail by default if glob is not returning any matches. Fixes #151.

## 1.5.0

- Add `pending-snapshots` parameter to `cargo-insta`.
- `cargo-insta` now honors ignore files. This can be overridden
  with `--no-ignore`.
- `cargo-insta` now supports the vscode extension.

## 1.4.0

- Add `--delete-unreferenced-snapshots` parameter to `cargo-insta`.
- Switch to the `globset` crate for the `glob` feature.
- When `INSTA_UPDATE` is set to `always` or `unseen` it won't
  fail on execution.
- Changed informational outputs also show on pass.

## 1.3.0

- Expose more useful methods from `Content`.
- Fixes for latest rustc version.

## 1.2.0

- Fix invalid offset calculation for inline snapshot (#137)
- Added support for newtype variant redactions. (#139)

## 1.1.0

- Added the `INSTA_SNAPSHOT_REFERENCES_FILE` environment variable to support
  deletions of unreferenced snapshot files. (#136)
- Added support for TOML serializations.
- Avoid diff calculation on large input files. (#135)
- Added `prepend_module_to_snapshot` flag to disable prepending of module
  names to snapshot files. (#133)
- Made `console` dependency optional. The `colors` feature can be disabled now
  which disables colored output.

## 1.0.0

- Globs now follow links (#132)
- Added CSV Support (#134)
- Changed globs to also include directories not just files.
- Support snapshots outside source folder. (#70)
- Update RON to 0.6.

## 0.16.1

- Add `Settings::bind_async` when the `async` feature is enabled. (#121)
- Bumped `console` dependency to 0.11. (#124)
- Fixed incorrect path handling for `glob!`. (#123)
- Remove `cargo-insta` from workspace and add `Cargo.lock`. (#116)

## 0.16.0

- Made snapshot names optional for inline snapshots. (#106)
- Remove legacy macros. (#115)
- Made small improvements to cargo-insta's messaging and flags (#114)
- Added new logo.
- Added `glob` support. (#112)
- Made `MetaData` fields internal. (#111)

## 0.15.0

- Added test output control (`INSTA_OUTPUT` envvar). (#103)

## 0.14.0

- Dependency bump for `console` (lowers total dependency count)
- Change binary name to `cargo insta` in help pages.

## 0.13.1

- Added support for `INSTA_UPDATE=unseen` to write out unseen snapshots without review (#96)
- Added the `backtrace` feature which adds support for test name (and thus snapshot name)
  recovery from the backtrace if rust-test is not used in concurrent mode (#94, #98)

## 0.13

- Add support for deep wildcard matches (#92)
- Use module paths for test names (#87)
- Do not emit useless indentations for empty lines (#88)

## 0.12

- Improve redactions support (#81)
- Deprecated macros are now hidden
- Reduce number of dependencies further.
- Added support for newtype struct redactions.
- Fixed bugs with recursive content operations (#80)

## 0.11

- redactions are now an optional feature that must be turned on to be used (`redactions`).
- RON format is now an optional feature that must be turned on to be used (`ron`).
- added support for sorting maps before serialization.
- added settings support.
- added support for overriding the snapshot path.
- correctly handle nested macros that might contain inline snapshots.
- use thread name as snapshot name for inline snapshots.
- use leading whitespace normalization for inline snapshots.
- removed `creator` and `created` field from snapshot metadata.
- removed the `_matches` suffix from all macros.
- added an `--accept` option to `cargo insta test`
- added `--force-update-snapshots` option to `cargo insta test`
- added `--jobs` and `--release` argument to `cargo insta test`.

To upgrade to the new insta macros and snapshot formats you can use
[`fastmod`]( and `cargo-insta` together:

    $ cargo install fastmod
    $ cargo install cargo-insta
    $ fastmod '\bassert_([a-z]+_snapshot)_matches!' 'assert_${`}!' -e rs --accept-all
    $ cargo insta test --all --force-update-snapshots --accept