inquire 0.5.3

inquire is a library for building interactive prompts on terminals
//! Global config definitions.

use std::sync::Mutex;

use lazy_static::lazy_static;

use crate::ui::RenderConfig;

lazy_static! {
    static ref GLOBAL_RENDER_CONFIGURATION: Mutex<RenderConfig> =

pub fn get_configuration() -> RenderConfig {

/// Acquires a write lock to the global RenderConfig object
/// and updates the inner value with the provided argument.
pub fn set_global_render_config(config: RenderConfig) {
    let mut guard = GLOBAL_RENDER_CONFIGURATION.lock().unwrap();
    *guard = config;

/// Default page size when displaying options to the user.
pub const DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE: usize = 7;

/// Default value of vim mode.
pub const DEFAULT_VIM_MODE: bool = false;