inplace_it 0.1.0

Place small arrays on the stack with a low-cost!

Inplace it!

Place small arrays on the stack with a low-cost!

The only price you should pay for this is the price of choosing a type based on the size of the requested array! This is just one match!


This crate is created for one purpose: allocating small arrays on the stack. The simplest way to use it is:

use inplace_it::inplace_array;
    150, // size of needed array to allocate
    4096, // limit in bytes allowed to allocate on the stack
          // if the limit is exceeded then Vec<T> will be used
    |index| index * 2, // initializer will be called for every item in the array
    |memory: &mut [usize]| { // and this is consumer of initialized memory
        assert!(memory.len() >= 150);
        // sometimes more memory may be placed on the stack than needed
        // but if Vec<T> is used that will never happen


Because allocation on the stack (i.e. placing variables) is MUCH FASTER then usual allocating in the heap.