inotify-sys 0.1.0

Rust bindings for inotify

Bindings for inotify

There are four types of statics:

  • Flags, to be passed to inotify_init1();
  • Events, that describe which events should be watched for (when calling inotify_add_watch()), and which event has occured (when returned by read());
  • Options, which can be added to the bit mask passed to inotify_add_watch(), to change default behavior;
  • Infos, indicating further details of the event that occured (returned by read()).

When events occur for monitored files and directories, those events are made available to the application as structured data that can be read from the inotify file descriptor using read().

When all file descriptors referring to an inotify instance have been closed (using close()), the underlying object and its resources are freed for reuse by the kernel; all associated watches are automatically freed.

A programmer wanting to use inotify should also carefully read through the inotify(7) man page, which contains many caveats, warnings, and recommendations for proper, robust, and efficient usage of inotify.