inlinable_string 0.1.15

The `inlinable_string` crate provides the `InlinableString` type -- an owned, grow-able UTF-8 string that stores small strings inline and avoids heap-allocation -- and the `StringExt` trait which abstracts string operations over both `std::string::String` and `InlinableString` (or even your own custom string type).
optional = true
version = "1"
version = "1"

nightly = []
no_std = []

authors = ["Nick Fitzgerald <>"]
description = "The `inlinable_string` crate provides the `InlinableString` type -- an owned, grow-able UTF-8 string that stores small strings inline and avoids heap-allocation -- and the `StringExt` trait which abstracts string operations over both `std::string::String` and `InlinableString` (or even your own custom string type)."
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
keywords = ["string", "inline", "inlinable"]
license = "Apache-2.0/MIT"
name = "inlinable_string"
readme = "./"
repository = ""
version = "0.1.15"