Crate ink_env

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The ink_env utilities used to interoperate with the contract executor.

Mainly provides entities to work on a contract’s storage as well as high-level collections on top of those. Also provides environmental utilities, such as storage allocators, FFI to interface with FRAME contracts and a primitive blockchain emulator for simple off-chain testing.


Utilities to call or instantiate contracts on the chain.
Definitions and utilities for calling chain extension methods.
Provides type definitions and traits for the built-in cryptographic hashes.
Operations on the off-chain testing environment.


Appends a formatted string to the debug_message buffer if message recording is enabled in the contracts pallet and if the call is performed via RPC (not via an extrinsic). The debug_message buffer will be:
Appends a formatted string to the debug_message buffer, as per debug_print but with a newline appended.
Prepend contract message call with value transfer. Used for tests in off-chain environment.


The flags used to change the behavior of a contract call.
The flags to indicate further information about the end of a contract execution.


The fundamental types of the default configuration.
Errors that can be encountered upon environmental interaction.
Placeholder for chains that have no defined chain extension.


Stores the used host environment type of the ink! smart contract.
Refers to the generated ink! smart contract reference type.
The environmental types usable by contracts defined with ink!.
Allows to instantiate a type from its little-endian bytes representation.
Implemented by event types to guide the event topic serialization using the topics builder.


Returns the account ID of the executed contract.
Returns the balance of the executed contract.
Returns the current block number.
Returns the current block timestamp.
Returns the address of the caller of the executed contract.
Checks whether the caller of the current contract is the origin of the whole call stack.
Clears the contract’s storage entry under the given storage key.
Retrieves the code hash of the contract at the specified account id.
Checks whether there is a value stored under the given storage key in the contract’s storage.
Appends the given message to the debug message buffer.
Returns the execution input to the executed contract and decodes it as T.
Recovers the compressed ECDSA public key for given signature and message_hash, and stores the result in output.
Returns an Ethereum address from the ECDSA compressed public key.
Emits an event with the given event data.
Returns the amount of gas left for the contract execution.
Returns the value stored under the given storage key in the contract’s storage if any.
Conducts the crypto hash of the given input and stores the result in output.
Conducts the crypto hash of the given encoded input and stores the result in output.
Instantiates another contract.
Invokes a contract message and returns its result.
Invokes a contract message via delegate call and returns its result.
Checks whether the specified account is a contract.
Returns the minimum balance that is required for creating an account (i.e. the chain’s existential deposit).
Retrieves the code hash of the currently executing contract.
Returns the value back to the caller of the executed contract.
Replace the contract code at the specified address with new code.
Writes the value to the contract storage under the given storage key and returns the size of pre-existing value if any.
Removes the value at key, returning the previous value at key from storage.
Terminates the existence of the currently executed smart contract.
Transfers value from the contract to the destination account ID.
Returns the transferred value for the contract execution.
Returns the price for the specified amount of gas.

Type Definitions

The default gas type.
A result of environmental operations.