[][src]Macro inject::call

call!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Call a function with dependency resolution for its arguments

`call!(..) accepts 2-3 arguments.

  1. The first argument can be any expression, and should return a reference to a Container instance.
  2. The second argument should be the name of a function that has been annotated using the #inject attribute.
  3. Optionally, a sequence of keyword-value-arguments (kwargs) can be supplied on the form kwargs = {arg1: expr1, arg2: expr2}, for a method with arguments


use ::inject::*;

// A function that can be called with call!(..)
fn foo(a: isize) -> isize {
    a + 1

// An empty container.
let container  = container![];

// call "foo", argument(s) resolved using injection.
// This time, it will be resolved to 0 (default).
let result = call!(&container, foo).unwrap();

assert_eq!(result, 1);

// call "foo", this time using the provided kwarg "a = 2"
let result = call!(&container, foo, kwargs = { a: 2 }).unwrap();

assert_eq!(result, 3);

Kwargs are parsed recursively and can be supplied in any order. They take precedence over any installed provider for the invoking of the function.

use ::inject::*;

// A struct which is allowed to be constructed
// with a provided "isize" type.
struct Injectable(isize);

impl Injectable {
    fn new(a: isize) -> Self {

fn callable(injectable: Injectable) {
    println!("{} + {} = {}", injectable.0, 2, injectable.0 + 2);

let mut container = container![];

// prints 0 + 2 = 2
call!(&container, callable);

container.install(|container: &Container| Ok(Injectable::new(3)));

// prints 3 + 2 = 5
call!(&container, callable);

// prints 1 + 2 = 3
call!(&container, callable, kwargs = { injectable: Injectable::new(1) });

Under the hood, if an arg is not provided a corresponding kwarg, the get! macro is used to evaluate the argument.