infrared 0.3.2

Infrared remote control library


A library for using infrared remote controls with Rust.


Supported protocols

  • The NEC Protocol and the Samsung variant of it
  • Philips Rc5
  • Philips Rc6


  • Receiving, NEC, Rc5 and Rc6 examples/bluepill-receiver
  • Transmitting NEC examples/bluepill-tx

Tested with

  • Tested with bluepill board
  • Vishay TSOP382 IR receiver
  • Various ir leds
  • NEC Generic "Special for MP3" and Samsung remotes
  • Rc6 tested with a Philips Bluray player remote


How to use it

The examples are the documentation right now.

Near time goals

- Implement support for more remotes of different kinds
- Investigate if the pwm traits from Embedded-hal can be used
- Hw Timer-Capture based example
- Better tracer/capture application so that remotes can be
 cloned easily
- More utilities

Long time goals

USB/Network support to be able to create "universal remote control" types of applications.




Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.