informalsystems-prost-build 0.8.1

Release based on a fork until upstream is updated.
//! Finds the appropriate `protoc` binary and Protobuf include directory for this host, and outputs
//! build directives so that the main `prost-build` crate can use them.
//! The following locations are checked for `protoc` in decreasing priority:
//!     1. The `PROTOC` environment variable.
//!     2. The bundled `protoc`.
//!     3. The `protoc` on the `PATH`.
//! If no `protoc` binary is available in these locations, the build fails.
//! The following locations are checked for the Protobuf include directory in decreasing priority:
//!     1. The `PROTOC_INCLUDE` environment variable.
//!     2. The bundled Protobuf include directory.

use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

/// Returns the path to the location of the bundled Protobuf artifacts.
fn bundle_path() -> PathBuf {

/// Returns the path to the `protoc` pointed to by the `PROTOC` environment variable, if it is set.
fn env_protoc() -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let protoc = match env::var_os("PROTOC") {
        Some(path) => PathBuf::from(path),
        None => return None,


/// We can only use a bundled protoc if the interpreter necessary to load the binary is available.
/// The interpreter is specific to the binary and can be queried via e.g. `patchelf
/// --print-interpreter`, or via readelf, or similar.
fn is_interpreter(path: &'static str) -> bool {
    // Here we'd check for it being executable and other things, but for now it being present is
    // probably good enough.

/// Returns the path to the bundled `protoc`, if it is available for the host platform.
fn bundled_protoc() -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let protoc_bin_name = match (env::consts::OS, env::consts::ARCH) {
        ("linux", "x86") if is_interpreter("/lib/") => "protoc-linux-x86_32",
        ("linux", "x86_64") if is_interpreter("/lib64/") => {
        ("linux", "aarch64") if is_interpreter("/lib/") => {
        ("macos", "x86_64") => "protoc-osx-x86_64",
        ("macos", "aarch64") => "protoc-osx-aarch64",
        ("windows", _) => "protoc-win32.exe",
        _ => return None,


/// Returns the path to the `protoc` included on the `PATH`, if it exists.
fn path_protoc() -> Option<PathBuf> {

/// Returns the path to the Protobuf include directory pointed to by the `PROTOC_INCLUDE`
/// environment variable, if it is set.
fn env_protoc_include() -> Option<PathBuf> {
    let protoc_include = match env::var_os("PROTOC_INCLUDE") {
        Some(path) => PathBuf::from(path),
        None => return None,

    if !protoc_include.exists() {
            "PROTOC_INCLUDE environment variable points to non-existent directory ({:?})",
    if !protoc_include.is_dir() {
            "PROTOC_INCLUDE environment variable points to a non-directory file ({:?})",


/// Returns the path to the bundled Protobuf include directory.
fn bundled_protoc_include() -> PathBuf {

fn main() {
    let protoc = env_protoc()
            "Failed to find the protoc binary. The PROTOC environment variable is not set, \
             there is no bundled protoc for this platform, and protoc is not in the PATH",

    let protoc_include = env_protoc_include().unwrap_or_else(bundled_protoc_include);

    println!("cargo:rustc-env=PROTOC={}", protoc.display());