infisearch 0.8.2

A complete and more scalable pre-built index approach to client-side search.


CI workflow

Easy, relevant, and efficient client-side search for static sites.


InfiSearch is a client-side search solution made for static sites, depending on a pre-built index generated by a CLI tool.

preview of InfiSearch' UI


  • Relevant Search 🔍: spelling correction, automatic prefix search, boolean and phrase queries, BM25 scoring, Proximity scoring, and more...
  • Speedy 🏇: WebAssembly & WebWorker powered, enabling efficient, non-blocking query processing. Persistent caching to minimize network requests. Multi-threaded CLI indexer powered by Rust.
  • Semi-Scalable, achieved by optionally splitting the index into tiny morsels, complete with incremental indexing.
  • A customisable, accessible user interface 🖥️
  • Support for multiple file formats (.json,csv,pdf,html) to satisfy more custom data requirements.

Getting Started

Powering static site search with InfiSearch is extremely easy, and requires just a folder of your HTML files — titles, headings, and other text are automatically extracted. Links to your pages are automatically generated based on your folder structure, but can also be manually specified.

1. Installing the indexer

If you have the rust / cargo toolchains setup, simply run cargo install infisearch --vers 0.8.2.

Alternatively, download the cli binaries here.

2. Running the indexer

Run the executable as such, replacing <source-folder-path> with the relative or absolute folder path of your source html files, and <output-folder-path> with your desired index output folder.

infisearch <source-folder-path> <output-folder-path>

3. Installing the Search UI via CDN

Add the following resources to your pages:

<!--  Search UI script -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Search UI css, this provides some basic styling for the search dropdown, and can be omitted if desired -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

If you wish to host the files, you can find them in the <output-folder-path>/assets directory generated by the indexer, or in the releases page.

4. UI Initialisation

Give any <input> element in your page an id of infi-search, then call:

  searcherOptions: {
    // Output folder URL specified as the second parameter in the cli command
    // URLs like '/output/' will work as well
    url: 'http://<your-domain>/output/',
  uiOptions: {
    // Input folder URL specified as the first parameter in the cli command
    // This is where the generated result preview links will point to,
    // and where you host your site.
    sourceFilesUrl: 'http://<your-domain>/source/',


The user guide, which also uses InfiSearch for its search function, can be found here.

Check out the website and medium article as well!


This project is MIT licensed.