inferno 0.11.14

Rust port of the FlameGraph performance profiling tool suite
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::iter;

use log::warn;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub(super) struct Frame<'a> {
    pub(super) function: &'a str,
    pub(super) depth: usize,

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(super) struct TimedFrame<'a> {
    pub(super) location: Frame<'a>,
    pub(super) start_time: usize,
    pub(super) end_time: usize,
    pub(super) delta: Option<isize>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(super) struct FrameTime {
    pub(super) start_time: usize,
    pub(super) delta: Option<isize>,

fn flow<'a, LI, TI>(
    tmp: &mut HashMap<Frame<'a>, FrameTime>,
    frames: &mut Vec<TimedFrame<'a>>,
    last: LI,
    this: TI,
    time: usize,
    delta: Option<isize>,
) where
    LI: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
    TI: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
    let mut this = this.into_iter().peekable();
    let mut last = last.into_iter().peekable();

    // remove common prefix
    let mut shared_depth = 0;
    while last.peek() == this.peek() {
        // they must both be None, so let's stop looping
        if last.peek().is_none() {

        // move along prefix iterators;;
        shared_depth += 1;

    // TODO: document this..

    for (i, func) in last.enumerate() {
        let key = Frame {
            function: func,
            depth: shared_depth + i,

        //eprintln!("at {} ending frame {:?}", time, key);
        let frame_time = tmp.remove(&key).unwrap_or_else(|| {
            unreachable!("did not have start time for {:?}", key);

        let frame = TimedFrame {
            location: key,
            start_time: frame_time.start_time,
            end_time: time,

    let mut i = 0;
    while this.peek().is_some() {
        let func =;
        let key = Frame {
            function: func,
            depth: shared_depth + i,

        let is_last = this.peek().is_none();
        let delta = match delta {
            Some(_) if !is_last => Some(0),
            d => d,
        let frame_time = FrameTime {
            start_time: time,
            // For some reason the Perl version does a `+=` for `delta`, but I can't figure out why.
            // See

        //eprintln!("stored tmp for time {}: {:?}", time, key);
        if let Some(frame_time) = tmp.insert(key, frame_time) {
                "start time {} already registered for frame",

        i += 1;

pub(super) fn frames<'a, I>(
    lines: I,
    suppress_sort_check: bool,
) -> quick_xml::Result<(Vec<TimedFrame<'a>>, usize, usize, usize)>
    I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
    let mut time = 0;
    let mut ignored = 0;
    let mut last = "";
    let mut tmp = Default::default();
    let mut frames = Default::default();
    let mut delta = None;
    let mut delta_max = 1;
    let mut stripped_fractional_samples = false;
    let mut prev_line = None;
    for line in lines {
        let mut line = line.trim();

        if !suppress_sort_check {
            if let Some(prev_line) = prev_line {
                if prev_line > line {
                    return Err(quick_xml::Error::Io(io::Error::new(
                        "unsorted input lines detected",

        // Parse the number of samples for the purpose of computing overall time passed.
        // Usually there will only be one samples column at the end of a line,
        // but for differentials there will be two. When there are two we compute the
        // delta between them and use the second one.
        let nsamples =
            if let Some(samples) = parse_nsamples(&mut line, &mut stripped_fractional_samples) {
                // See if there's also a differential column present
                if let Some(original_samples) =
                    parse_nsamples(&mut line, &mut stripped_fractional_samples)
                    delta = Some(samples as isize - original_samples as isize);
                    delta_max = std::cmp::max(delta.unwrap().unsigned_abs(), delta_max);
            } else {
                ignored += 1;

        if line.is_empty() {
            ignored += 1;
        let stack = line;

        // inject empty first-level stack frame to capture "all"
        let this = iter::once("").chain(stack.split(';'));
        if last.is_empty() {
            // need to special-case this, because otherwise iter("") + "".split(';') == ["", ""]
            //eprintln!("flow(_, {}, {})", stack, time);
            flow(&mut tmp, &mut frames, None, this, time, delta);
        } else {
            //eprintln!("flow({}, {}, {})", last, stack, time);
                &mut tmp,
                &mut frames,

        last = stack;
        time += nsamples;
        prev_line = Some(line);

    if !last.is_empty() {
        //eprintln!("flow({}, _, {})", last, time);
            &mut tmp,
            &mut frames,

    Ok((frames, time, ignored, delta_max))

// Parse and remove the number of samples from the end of a line.
fn parse_nsamples(line: &mut &str, stripped_fractional_samples: &mut bool) -> Option<usize> {
    if let Some((samplesi, doti)) = rfind_samples(line) {
        let mut samples = &line[samplesi..];
        // Strip fractional part (if any);
        // foobar 1.klwdjlakdj
        // The Perl version keeps the fractional part but this can be problematic
        // because of cumulative floating point errors. Instead we recommend to
        // use the --factor option. See
        // Warn if we're stripping a non-zero fractional part, but only the first time.
        if !*stripped_fractional_samples
            && doti < samples.len() - 1
            && !samples[doti + 1..].chars().all(|c| c == '0')
            *stripped_fractional_samples = true;
                "The input data has fractional sample counts that will be truncated to integers. \
                 If you need to retain the extra precision you can scale up the sample data and \
                 use the --factor option to scale it back down."
        samples = &samples[..doti];
        let nsamples = samples.parse::<usize>().ok()?;
        // remove nsamples part we just parsed from line
        *line = line[..samplesi].trim_end();
    } else {

// Tries to find a sample count at the end of a line.
// On success, the first value of the returned tuple will be the index to the sample count.
// If the sample count is fractional, the second value will be the offset of the dot within
// the sample count.
// If the sample count is not fractional, the second value returned is the offset
// to the last digit in the sample count.
// If no sample count is found, `None` will be returned.
pub(super) fn rfind_samples(line: &str) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
    let samplesi = line.rfind(' ')? + 1;
    let samples = &line[samplesi..];
    if let Some(doti) = samples.find('.') {
        if samples[..doti]
            .chain(samples[doti + 1..].chars())
            .all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit())
            Some((samplesi, doti))
        } else {
    } else if !samples.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_digit()) {
    } else {
        Some((samplesi, line.len() - samplesi))