failed to build inertia-0.2.0
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If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.


Inertia is a computational mathematics library for Rust.

This crate is currently under heavy development. The features listed below are of primary focus rigt now. Once these features are complete development of Inertia will focus on group theory and field theory, with an emphasis on abelian groups and galois number fields.

Please open an issue if there are any areas of research that would benefit you. The more information you provide, the more likely your request will receive attention.


This is a checklist of the main intended features and their current implementation progress. Features marked with an asterisk have their basic implementation done but need work on additional functions, arithmetic, conversion, etc.

  • arbitrary precision integers
  • rational numbers
  • *real numbers
  • *complex numbers
  • *integers mod n
  • *finite fields
  • *p-adic/q-adic numbers
  • polynomials
    • integer polynomials
    • rational polynomials
    • real polynomials
    • complex polynomials
    • *polynomials over integers mod n
    • *polynomials over finite fields
    • polynomials over p-adic/q-adics
  • matrices
    • integer matrices
    • rational matrices
    • real matrices
    • complex matrices
    • *matrices over integers mod n
    • *matrices over finite fields
    • matrices over p-adic/q-adics
  • multivariate polynomials
  • rational functions (currently disabled)
  • *number fields


To use Inertia in a Rust crate add it to your crate dependencies.

inertia = "0.1"

Inertia provides a prelude module for easy importing. Use

use inertia::prelude::*;

to make all of the primary features of Inertia available in the top level scope.

REPL/Jupyter notebook

It is also possible to use Inertia in a read-eval-print-loop (REPL) or Jupyter notebook for more convenient prototyping or experimentation. Install the Evcxr REPL or Jupyter notebook, open a new REPL/notebook, and add Inertia as a dependency with

dep: inertia = "0.1"

Then import the prelude module with use inertia::prelude::*;.