[][src]Function indyrs::ledger::build_acceptance_mechanism_request

pub fn build_acceptance_mechanism_request(
    submitter_did: &str,
    aml: &str,
    aml_context: Option<&str>
) -> Box<dyn Future<Item = String, Error = IndyError>>

Builds a SET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT_AML request. Request to add a new acceptance mechanism for transaction author agreement. Acceptance Mechanism is a description of the ways how the user may accept a transaction author agreement.


  • submitter_did: DID of the request sender.
  • aml: a set of new acceptance mechanisms: { “<acceptance mechanism label 1>”: { acceptance mechanism description 1}, “<acceptance mechanism label 2>”: { acceptance mechanism description 2}, ... }
  • aml_context: (Optional) common context information about acceptance mechanisms (may be a URL to external resource).


Request result as json.