indy 1.6.8-dev-877

A library for assisting developers using LibIndy API
use {ErrorCode, IndyHandle};

use std::ffi::CString;
use std::ptr::null;

use futures::Future;

use ffi::ledger;
use ffi::{ResponseStringCB,

use utils::callbacks::{ClosureHandler, ResultHandler};

/// Signs and submits request message to validator pool.
/// Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter
/// sign key (see Crypto::sign), and sends signed request message
/// to validator pool (see Pool::write_request).
/// # Arguments
/// * `pool_handle` - pool handle (created by Pool::open_ledger).
/// * `wallet_handle` - wallet handle (created by Wallet::open).
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `request_json` - Request data json.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn sign_and_submit_request(pool_handle: IndyHandle, wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _sign_and_submit_request(command_handle, pool_handle, wallet_handle, submitter_did, request_json, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _sign_and_submit_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, pool_handle: IndyHandle, wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let request_json = c_str!(request_json);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {

/// Publishes request message to validator pool (no signing, unlike sign_and_submit_request).
/// The request is sent to the validator pool as is. It's assumed that it's already prepared.
/// # Arguments
/// * `pool_handle` - pool handle (created by Pool::open_ledger).
/// * `request_json` - Request data json.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn submit_request(pool_handle: IndyHandle, request_json: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _submit_request(command_handle, pool_handle, request_json, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _submit_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, pool_handle: IndyHandle, request_json: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let request_json = c_str!(request_json);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_submit_request(command_handle, pool_handle, request_json.as_ptr(), cb) })

pub fn submit_action(pool_handle: IndyHandle, request_json: &str, nodes: Option<&str>, wait_timeout: Option<i32>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _submit_action(command_handle, pool_handle, request_json, nodes, wait_timeout, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _submit_action(command_handle: IndyHandle, pool_handle: IndyHandle, request_json: &str, nodes: Option<&str>, wait_timeout: Option<i32>, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let request_json = c_str!(request_json);
    let nodes_str = opt_c_str!(nodes);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
      ledger::indy_submit_action(command_handle, pool_handle, request_json.as_ptr(), opt_c_ptr!(nodes, nodes_str), wait_timeout.unwrap_or(-1), cb)

/// Signs request message.
/// Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter
/// sign key (see Crypto::sign).
/// # Arguments
/// * `wallet_handle` - wallet handle (created by Wallet::open).
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `request_json` - Request data json.
/// # Returns
/// Signed request json.
pub fn sign_request(wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _sign_request(command_handle, wallet_handle, submitter_did, request_json, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _sign_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let request_json = c_str!(request_json);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_sign_request(command_handle, wallet_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), request_json.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Multi signs request message.
/// Adds submitter information to passed request json, signs it with submitter
/// sign key (see Crypto::sign).
/// # Arguments
/// * `wallet_handle` - wallet handle (created by Wallet::open).
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `request_json` - Request data json.
/// # Returns
/// Signed request json.
pub fn multi_sign_request(wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _multi_sign_request(command_handle, wallet_handle, submitter_did, request_json, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _multi_sign_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, wallet_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, request_json: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let request_json = c_str!(request_json);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_multi_sign_request(command_handle, wallet_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), request_json.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a request to get a DDO.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet
/// * `target_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_ddo_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_ddo_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_ddo_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_ddo_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), target_did.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a NYM request. Request to create a new NYM record for a specific user.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `target_did` - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.
/// * `verkey` - Target identity verification key as base58-encoded string.
/// * `data`
/// * `role` - Role of a user NYM record:
///                             null (common USER)
///                             TRUSTEE
///                             STEWARD
///                             TRUST_ANCHOR
///                             empty string to reset role
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_nym_request(submitter_did: &str, target_did: &str, verkey: Option<&str>, data: Option<&str>, role: Option<&str>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_nym_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, verkey, data, role, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_nym_request(command_handle: IndyHandle,
                      submitter_did: &str,
                      target_did: &str,
                      verkey: Option<&str>,
                      data: Option<&str>,
                      role: Option<&str>,
                      cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);

    let verkey_str = opt_c_str!(verkey);
    let data_str = opt_c_str!(data);
    let role_str = opt_c_str!(role);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
                                       opt_c_ptr!(verkey, verkey_str),
                                       opt_c_ptr!(data, data_str),
                                       opt_c_ptr!(role, role_str),

/// Builds a GET_NYM request. Request to get information about a DID (NYM).
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `target_did` - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_nym_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_nym_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_nym_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_nym_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), target_did.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_TXN request. Request to get any transaction by its seq_no.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the request submitter.
/// * `ledger_type` - (Optional) type of the ledger the requested transaction belongs to:
///     DOMAIN - used default,
///     POOL,
///     CONFIG
/// * `seq_no` - seq_no of transaction in ledger.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_txn_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, ledger_type: Option<&str>, seq_no: i32) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_txn_request(command_handle, submitter_did, ledger_type, seq_no, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_txn_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, ledger_type: Option<&str>, seq_no: i32, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) ->  ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let ledger_type_str = opt_c_str!(ledger_type);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_txn_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), opt_c_ptr!(ledger_type, ledger_type_str), seq_no, cb) })

/// Builds an ATTRIB request. Request to add attribute to a NYM record.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `target_did` - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.
/// * `hash` - (Optional) Hash of attribute data.
/// * `raw` - (Optional) Json, where key is attribute name and value is attribute value.
/// * `enc` - (Optional) Encrypted value attribute data.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_attrib_request(submitter_did: &str, target_did: &str, hash: Option<&str>, raw: Option<&str>, enc: Option<&str>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_attrib_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, hash, raw, enc, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_attrib_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, target_did: &str, hash: Option<&str>, raw: Option<&str>, enc: Option<&str>, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);

    let hash_str = opt_c_str!(hash);
    let raw_str = opt_c_str!(raw);
    let enc_str = opt_c_str!(enc);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
                                          opt_c_ptr!(hash, hash_str),
                                          opt_c_ptr!(raw, raw_str),
                                          opt_c_ptr!(enc, enc_str),

/// Builds a GET_ATTRIB request. Request to get information about an Attribute for the specified DID.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `target_did` - Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value.
/// * `raw` - (Optional) Requested attribute name.
/// * `hash` - (Optional) Requested attribute hash.
/// * `enc` - (Optional) Requested attribute encrypted value.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_attrib_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str, raw: Option<&str>, hash: Option<&str>, enc: Option<&str>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_attrib_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, raw, hash, enc, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_attrib_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, target_did: &str, raw: Option<&str>, hash: Option<&str>, enc: Option<&str>, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);

    let raw_str = opt_c_str!(raw);
    let hash_str = opt_c_str!(hash);
    let enc_str = opt_c_str!(enc);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
                                              opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str),
                                              opt_c_ptr!(raw, raw_str),
                                              opt_c_ptr!(hash, hash_str),
                                              opt_c_ptr!(enc, enc_str),

/// Builds a SCHEMA request. Request to add Credential's schema.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `data` - Credential schema.
/// {
///     id: identifier of schema
///     attrNames: array of attribute name strings
///     name: Schema's name string
///     version: Schema's version string,
///     ver: Version of the Schema json
/// }
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_schema_request(submitter_did: &str, data: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_schema_request(command_handle, submitter_did, data, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_schema_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, data: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let data = c_str!(data);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_schema_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), data.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_SCHEMA request. Request to get Credential's Schema.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `id` - Schema ID in ledger
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_schema_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_schema_request(command_handle, submitter_did, id, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_schema_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let id = c_str!(id);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_schema_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), id.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Parse a GET_SCHEMA response to get Schema in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
/// # Arguments
/// * `get_schema_response` - response of GET_SCHEMA request.
/// # Returns
/// Schema Id and Schema json.
/// {
///     id: identifier of schema
///     attrNames: array of attribute name strings
///     name: Schema's name string
///     version: Schema's version string
///     ver: Version of the Schema json
/// }
pub fn parse_get_schema_response(get_schema_response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=(String, String), Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string_string();

    let err = _parse_get_schema_response(command_handle, get_schema_response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str_str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _parse_get_schema_response(command_handle: IndyHandle, get_schema_response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let get_schema_response = c_str!(get_schema_response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_parse_get_schema_response(command_handle, get_schema_response.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds an CRED_DEF request. Request to add a Credential Definition (in particular, public key),
/// that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `data` - credential definition json
/// {
///     id: string - identifier of credential definition
///     schemaId: string - identifier of stored in ledger schema
///     type: string - type of the credential definition. CL is the only supported type now.
///     tag: string - allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schema
///     value: Dictionary with Credential Definition's data: {
///         primary: primary credential public key,
///         Optional<revocation>: revocation credential public key
///     },
///     ver: Version of the CredDef json
/// }
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_cred_def_request(submitter_did: &str, data: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_cred_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did, data, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_cred_def_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, data: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let data = c_str!(data);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_cred_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), data.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_CRED_DEF request. Request to get a Credential Definition (in particular, public key),
/// that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `id` - Credential Definition ID in ledger.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_cred_def_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_cred_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did, id, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_cred_def_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let id = c_str!(id);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_cred_def_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), id.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Parse a GET_CRED_DEF response to get Credential Definition in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
/// # Arguments
/// * `get_cred_def_response` - response of GET_CRED_DEF request.
/// # Returns
/// Credential Definition Id and Credential Definition json.
/// {
///     id: string - identifier of credential definition
///     schemaId: string - identifier of stored in ledger schema
///     type: string - type of the credential definition. CL is the only supported type now.
///     tag: string - allows to distinct between credential definitions for the same issuer and schema
///     value: Dictionary with Credential Definition's data: {
///         primary: primary credential public key,
///         Optional<revocation>: revocation credential public key
///     },
///     ver: Version of the Credential Definition json
/// }
pub fn parse_get_cred_def_response(get_cred_def_response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=(String, String), Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string_string();

    let err = _parse_get_cred_def_response(command_handle, get_cred_def_response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str_str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _parse_get_cred_def_response(command_handle: IndyHandle, get_cred_def_response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let get_cred_def_response = c_str!(get_cred_def_response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_parse_get_cred_def_response(command_handle, get_cred_def_response.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a NODE request. Request to add a new node to the pool, or updates existing in the pool.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `target_did` - Target Node's DID.  It differs from submitter_did field.
/// * `data` - Data associated with the Node: {
///     alias: string - Node's alias
///     blskey: string - (Optional) BLS multi-signature key as base58-encoded string.
///     client_ip: string - (Optional) Node's client listener IP address.
///     client_port: string - (Optional) Node's client listener port.
///     node_ip: string - (Optional) The IP address other Nodes use to communicate with this Node.
///     node_port: string - (Optional) The port other Nodes use to communicate with this Node.
///     services: array<string> - (Optional) The service of the Node. VALIDATOR is the only supported one now.
/// }
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_node_request(submitter_did: &str, target_did: &str, data: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_node_request(command_handle, submitter_did, target_did, data, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_node_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, target_did: &str, data: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let target_did = c_str!(target_did);
    let data = c_str!(data);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_node_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), target_did.as_ptr(), data.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_validator_info_request(submitter_did: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_validator_info_request(command_handle, submitter_did, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_validator_info_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
      ledger::indy_build_get_validator_info_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), cb)

/// Builds a POOL_CONFIG request. Request to change Pool's configuration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `writes` - Whether any write requests can be processed by the pool
///         (if false, then pool goes to read-only state). True by default.
/// * `force` - Whether we should apply transaction (for example, move pool to read-only state)
///        without waiting for consensus of this transaction.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_pool_config_request(submitter_did: &str, writes: bool, force: bool) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_pool_config_request(command_handle, submitter_did, writes, force, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_pool_config_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, writes: bool, force: bool, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_pool_config_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), writes, force, cb) })

/// Builds a POOL_RESTART request.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - Id of Identity stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `action`-
/// * `datetime`-
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_pool_restart_request(submitter_did: &str, action: &str, datetime: Option<&str>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_pool_restart_request(command_handle, submitter_did, action, datetime, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_pool_restart_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, action: &str, datetime: Option<&str>, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let action = c_str!(action);
    let datetime_str = opt_c_str!(datetime);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
                                                opt_c_ptr!(datetime, datetime_str),

/// Builds a POOL_UPGRADE request. Request to upgrade the Pool (sent by Trustee).
/// It upgrades the specified Nodes (either all nodes in the Pool, or some specific ones).
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `name` - Human-readable name for the upgrade.
/// * `version` - The version of indy-node package we perform upgrade to.
///          Must be greater than existing one (or equal if reinstall flag is True).
/// * `action` - Either start or cancel.
/// * `sha256` - sha256 hash of the package.
/// * `upgrade_timeout` - (Optional) Limits upgrade time on each Node.
/// * `schedule` - (Optional) Schedule of when to perform upgrade on each node. Map Node DIDs to upgrade time.
/// * `justification` - (Optional) justification string for this particular Upgrade.
/// * `reinstall` - Whether it's allowed to re-install the same version. False by default.
/// * `force` - Whether we should apply transaction (schedule Upgrade) without waiting
///        for consensus of this transaction.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_pool_upgrade_request(submitter_did: &str,
                                  name: &str,
                                  version: &str,
                                  action: &str,
                                  sha256: &str,
                                  upgrade_timeout: Option<u32>,
                                  schedule: Option<&str>,
                                  justification: Option<&str>,
                                  reinstall: bool,
                                  force: bool,
                                  package: Option<&str>) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_pool_upgrade_request(command_handle, submitter_did, name, version, action, sha256, upgrade_timeout, schedule, justification, reinstall, force, package, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_pool_upgrade_request(command_handle: IndyHandle,
                               submitter_did: &str,
                               name: &str,
                               version: &str,
                               action: &str,
                               sha256: &str,
                               upgrade_timeout: Option<u32>,
                               schedule: Option<&str>,
                               justification: Option<&str>,
                               reinstall: bool,
                               force: bool,
                               package: Option<&str>,
                               cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let name = c_str!(name);
    let version = c_str!(version);
    let action = c_str!(action);
    let sha256 = c_str!(sha256);
    let upgrade_timeout =|t| t as i32).unwrap_or(-1);

    let schedule_str = opt_c_str!(schedule);
    let justification_str = opt_c_str!(justification);
    let package_str = opt_c_str!(package);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe {
                                                opt_c_ptr!(schedule, schedule_str),
                                                opt_c_ptr!(justification, justification_str),
                                                opt_c_ptr!(package, package_str),

/// Builds a REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to add the definition of revocation registry
/// to an exists credential definition.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `data` - Revocation Registry data:
///     {
///         "id": string - ID of the Revocation Registry,
///         "revocDefType": string - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now),
///         "tag": string - Unique descriptive ID of the Registry,
///         "credDefId": string - ID of the corresponding CredentialDefinition,
///         "value": Registry-specific data {
///             "issuanceType": string - Type of Issuance(ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT or ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND),
///             "maxCredNum": number - Maximum number of credentials the Registry can serve.
///             "tailsHash": string - Hash of tails.
///             "tailsLocation": string - Location of tails file.
///             "publicKeys": <public_keys> - Registry's public key.
///         },
///         "ver": string - version of revocation registry definition json.
///     }
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_revoc_reg_def_request(submitter_did: &str, data: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did, data, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, data: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let data = c_str!(data);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), data.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to get a revocation registry definition,
/// that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Definition.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `id` -  ID of Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_revoc_reg_def_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle, submitter_did, id, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, id: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let id = c_str!(id);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_revoc_reg_def_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), id.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF response to get Revocation Registry Definition in the format
/// compatible with Anoncreds API.
/// #Params
/// * `get_revoc_reg_def_response` - response of GET_REVOC_REG_DEF request.
/// # Returns
/// Revocation Registry Definition Id and Revocation Registry Definition json.
/// {
///     "id": string - ID of the Revocation Registry,
///     "revocDefType": string - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now),
///     "tag": string - Unique descriptive ID of the Registry,
///     "credDefId": string - ID of the corresponding CredentialDefinition,
///     "value": Registry-specific data {
///         "issuanceType": string - Type of Issuance(ISSUANCE_BY_DEFAULT or ISSUANCE_ON_DEMAND),
///         "maxCredNum": number - Maximum number of credentials the Registry can serve.
///         "tailsHash": string - Hash of tails.
///         "tailsLocation": string - Location of tails file.
///         "publicKeys": <public_keys> - Registry's public key.
///     },
///     "ver": string - version of revocation registry definition json.
/// }
pub fn parse_get_revoc_reg_def_response(get_revoc_reg_def_response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=(String, String), Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string_string();

    let err = _parse_get_revoc_reg_def_response(command_handle, get_revoc_reg_def_response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str_str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _parse_get_revoc_reg_def_response(command_handle: IndyHandle, get_revoc_reg_def_response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let get_revoc_reg_def_response = c_str!(get_revoc_reg_def_response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_parse_get_revoc_reg_def_response(command_handle, get_revoc_reg_def_response.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a REVOC_REG_ENTRY request.  Request to add the RevocReg entry containing
/// the new accumulator value and issued/revoked indices.
/// This is just a delta of indices, not the whole list.
/// So, it can be sent each time a new credential is issued/revoked.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the submitter stored in secured Wallet.
/// * `revoc_reg_def_id` - ID of the corresponding RevocRegDef.
/// * `rev_def_type` - Revocation Registry type (only CL_ACCUM is supported for now).
/// * `value` - Registry-specific data: {
///     value: {
///         prevAccum: string - previous accumulator value.
///         accum: string - current accumulator value.
///         issued: array<number> - an array of issued indices.
///         revoked: array<number> an array of revoked indices.
///     },
///     ver: string - version revocation registry entry json
/// }
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_revoc_reg_entry_request(submitter_did: &str, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, rev_def_type: &str, value: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_revoc_reg_entry_request(command_handle, submitter_did, revoc_reg_def_id, rev_def_type, value, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_revoc_reg_entry_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: &str, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, rev_def_type: &str, value: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did = c_str!(submitter_did);
    let revoc_reg_def_id = c_str!(revoc_reg_def_id);
    let rev_def_type = c_str!(rev_def_type);
    let value = c_str!(value);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_revoc_reg_entry_request(command_handle, submitter_did.as_ptr(), revoc_reg_def_id.as_ptr(), rev_def_type.as_ptr(), value.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_REVOC_REG request. Request to get the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry
/// by ID. The state is defined by the given timestamp.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `revoc_reg_def_id` -  ID of the corresponding Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.
/// * `timestamp` - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_revoc_reg_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, timestamp: i64) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_revoc_reg_request(command_handle, submitter_did, revoc_reg_def_id, timestamp, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_revoc_reg_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, timestamp: i64, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let revoc_reg_def_id = c_str!(revoc_reg_def_id);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_revoc_reg_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), revoc_reg_def_id.as_ptr(), timestamp, cb) })

/// Parse a GET_REVOC_REG response to get Revocation Registry in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
/// # Arguments
/// * `get_revoc_reg_response` - response of GET_REVOC_REG request.
/// # Returns
/// Revocation Registry Definition Id, Revocation Registry json and Timestamp.
/// {
///     "value": Registry-specific data {
///         "accum": string - current accumulator value.
///     },
///     "ver": string - version revocation registry json
/// }
pub fn parse_get_revoc_reg_response(get_revoc_reg_response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=(String, String, u64), Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string_string_u64();

    let err = _parse_get_revoc_reg_response(command_handle, get_revoc_reg_response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str_str_u64(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _parse_get_revoc_reg_response(command_handle: IndyHandle, get_revoc_reg_response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringStringU64CB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let get_revoc_reg_response = c_str!(get_revoc_reg_response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_parse_get_revoc_reg_response(command_handle,get_revoc_reg_response.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request. Request to get the delta of the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry.
/// The Delta is defined by from and to timestamp fields.
/// If from is not specified, then the whole state till to will be returned.
/// # Arguments
/// * `submitter_did` - DID of the read request sender.
/// * `revoc_reg_def_id` -  ID of the corresponding Revocation Registry Definition in ledger.
/// * `from` - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch
/// * `to` - Requested time represented as a total number of seconds from Unix Epoch
/// # Returns
/// Request result as json.
pub fn build_get_revoc_reg_delta_request(submitter_did: Option<&str>, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, from: i64, to: i64) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _build_get_revoc_reg_delta_request(command_handle, submitter_did, revoc_reg_def_id, from, to, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _build_get_revoc_reg_delta_request(command_handle: IndyHandle, submitter_did: Option<&str>, revoc_reg_def_id: &str, from: i64, to: i64, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let submitter_did_str = opt_c_str!(submitter_did);
    let revoc_reg_def_id = c_str!(revoc_reg_def_id);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_build_get_revoc_reg_delta_request(command_handle, opt_c_ptr!(submitter_did, submitter_did_str), revoc_reg_def_id.as_ptr(), from, to, cb) })

/// Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA response to get Revocation Registry Delta in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.
/// # Arguments
/// * `get_revoc_reg_response` - response of GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request.
/// # Returns
/// Revocation Registry Definition Id, Revocation Registry Delta json and Timestamp.
/// {
///     "value": Registry-specific data {
///         prevAccum: string - previous accumulator value.
///         accum: string - current accumulator value.
///         issued: array<number> - an array of issued indices.
///         revoked: array<number> an array of revoked indices.
///     },
///     "ver": string - version revocation registry delta json
/// }
pub fn parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response(get_revoc_reg_delta_response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=(String, String, u64), Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string_string_u64();

    let err = _parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response(command_handle, get_revoc_reg_delta_response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str_str_u64(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response(command_handle: IndyHandle, get_revoc_reg_delta_response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringStringU64CB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let get_revoc_reg_delta_response = c_str!(get_revoc_reg_delta_response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_parse_get_revoc_reg_delta_response(command_handle,get_revoc_reg_delta_response.as_ptr(), cb) })

/// Parse transaction response to fetch metadata.
/// The important use case for this method is validation of Node's response freshens.
/// Distributed Ledgers can reply with outdated information for consequence read request after write.
/// To reduce pool load libindy sends read requests to one random node in the pool.
/// Consensus validation is performed based on validation of nodes multi signature for current ledger Merkle Trie root.
/// This multi signature contains information about the latest ldeger's transaction ordering time and sequence number that this method returns.
/// If node that returned response for some reason is out of consensus and has outdated ledger
/// it can be caught by analysis of the returned latest ledger's transaction ordering time and sequence number.
/// There are two ways to filter outdated responses:
///     1) based on "seqNo" - sender knows the sequence number of transaction that he consider as a fresh enough.
///     2) based on "txnTime" - sender knows the timestamp that he consider as a fresh enough.
/// Note: response of GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request isn't supported
/// # Arguments
/// * `response` - response of write or get request.
/// Note: response of GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request isn't supported
/// # Returns
/// response metadata
/// {
///     "seqNo": Option<u64> - transaction sequence number,
///     "txnTime": Option<u64> - transaction ordering time,
///     "lastSeqNo": Option<u64> - the latest transaction seqNo for particular Node,
///     "lastTxnTime": Option<u64> - the latest transaction ordering time for particular Node
/// }
pub fn get_response_metadata(response: &str) -> Box<Future<Item=String, Error=ErrorCode>> {
    let (receiver, command_handle, cb) = ClosureHandler::cb_ec_string();

    let err = _get_response_metadata(command_handle, response, cb);

    ResultHandler::str(command_handle, err, receiver)

fn _get_response_metadata(command_handle: IndyHandle, response: &str, cb: Option<ResponseStringCB>) -> ErrorCode {
    let response = c_str!(response);

    ErrorCode::from(unsafe { ledger::indy_get_response_metadata(command_handle,response.as_ptr(), cb) })