indy 0.1.1-62

This is the official SDK for Hyperledger Indy (, which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity ( The major artifact of the SDK is a c-callable library.
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
    println!("target={}", target);
    match target.find("-windows-") {
        Some(..) => {
	    // do not build c-code on windows, use binaries
	    let output_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
	    let prebuilt_dir = env::var("INDY_PREBUILT_DEPS_DIR").unwrap();

	    let dst = Path::new(&output_dir[..]).join("..\\..\\..");
	    let prebuilt = Path::new(&prebuilt_dir[..]);

	    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", prebuilt_dir);
            println!("cargo:rustc-flags=-L {}/lib", prebuilt_dir);
            println!("cargo:include={}/include", prebuilt_dir);

	    let files = vec![ "libeay32md.dll", "libsodium.dll", "libzmq-pw.dll", "ssleay32md.dll" ];
	    for f in files.iter() {
	        if let Ok(_) = fs::copy(&prebuilt.join(f), &dst.join(f)) {
	            println!("copy {} -> {}", &prebuilt.join(f).display(), &dst.join(f).display());
        None => {}