indy-vdr 0.4.0

A library for interacting with Hyperledger Indy Node, a distributed ledger for self-sovereign identity (

A library for interacting with Hyperledger Indy Node ledger instances

Indy-VDR provides classes for connecting to a ledger, preparing requests for the validator nodes, and collecting the results. For alternative use cases try the indy-vdr-proxy standalone webserver for a basic HTTP interface, the C API (FFI), or the Python wrapper.

Getting Started

As a basic example, the code below demonstrates creating a [pool::LocalPool] instance and performing a transaction read request. There are additional helper functions in the [pool::helpers] module but in most cases you will use a [ledger::RequestBuilder] to construct a [pool::PreparedRequest] and dispatch it.

use futures_executor::block_on;
use indy_vdr::pool::{

// Load genesis transactions. The corresponding transactions for the ledger you
// are connecting to should be saved to a local file.
let txns = PoolTransactions::from_json_file("./genesis.txn").unwrap();

// Create a PoolBuilder instance
let pool_builder = PoolBuilder::default().transactions(txns).unwrap();
// Convert into a thread-local Pool instance
let pool = pool_builder.into_local().unwrap();

// Create a new GET_TXN request and dispatch it
let ledger_type = 1;  // 1 identifies the Domain ledger, see pool::LedgerType
let seq_no = 1;       // Transaction sequence number
let (result, _timing) = block_on(perform_get_txn(&pool, ledger_type, seq_no)).unwrap();