indy-crypto 0.1.4-rc-2

This is the shared crypto libirary for Hyperledger Indy components.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import sys
import venv
import json
import shutil
import argparse
import tempfile
from plumbum import local
from plumbum.cmd import tar, which, unzip, fpm, git, \
	mkdir, wget, rm, sed, find, python3, apt, dpkg, cp
import os.path
import logging
import importlib.util

def get_pkg_name(pkg_source_path):
	with local.cwd(pkg_source_path):
		return python3('', '--name').strip().split()[-1]

def get_pkg_dependencies(pkg_source_path):
	setup_py_path = os.path.join(pkg_source_path, '')
	with local.cwd(pkg_source_path):
		lines = python3('', 'install', '--verbose', '--dry-run', 
			'--user', '--skip-build', '--no-compile')
		deps = {}
		for l in lines.split('\n'):
			if l.startswith('Searching for'):
				name_ver = l.split(' ')[-1].split('==')
					{name_ver[0]: name_ver[1] if len(name_ver) == 2 else None}
	return deps

def load_config(path):
	return json.load(open(path))

def _get_fpm_args(pkg_name, build_conf):
	common_fpm_args = build_conf.get('fpm-args', [])
	pkg_fpm_args = build_conf['packages'][pkg_name].get('fpm-args', [])
	version = build_conf['packages'][pkg_name].get('version')
	maintainer = build_conf['packages'][pkg_name].get('maintainer')
	return common_fpm_args + \
			pkg_fpm_args + \
			(['-v', version] if version else []) + \
			['-p', build_conf["output_path"]] + \
			['-m', maintainer]

def clean_build(pkg_source_path):
	python3(os.path.join(pkg_source_path, ''), 'clean', '--all')
	find(pkg_source_path, '-name', '*.egg-info', '-exec', 'rm', '-fr', '{}', '+')
	find(pkg_source_path, '-name', '*.eggs', '-exec', 'rm', '-fr', '{}', '+')
	find(pkg_source_path, '-name', '*.pyc', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', '+')
	rm('-rf', os.path.join(pkg_source_path, 'build'))
	rm('-rf', os.path.join(pkg_source_path, 'dist'))
	rm('-rf', os.path.join(pkg_source_path, '.eggs'))
	logging.warning('"%s" cleaned up', pkg_source_path)

def build_pkg_pypi(pkg_name, build_conf):
	build_args = _get_fpm_args(pkg_name, build_conf)
	build_args += build_conf['fpm-python-args']

	build_args = with_python_preinst_prerm_hooks(pkg_name, build_args)
	fpm(build_args + [pkg_name])

def build_pkg_filesystem(pkg_name, pkg_source_path, build_conf):
	build_args = _get_fpm_args(pkg_name, build_conf)
	build_args += build_conf['fpm-python-args']

	build_args = with_python_preinst_prerm_hooks(pkg_name, build_args)
	fpm(build_args + [pkg_source_path])

def with_python_preinst_prerm_hooks(pkg_name, build_args):
	name = 'python3-' + pkg_name.lower()
	if '-n' in build_args:
		idx = build_args.index('-n')
		name = build_args[idx + 1]

	after_install_path = None
	if "--after-install" in build_args:
		idx = build_args.index("--after-install")
		after_install_path = build_args[idx + 1]
		del build_args[idx]
		del build_args[idx]
	build_args += [
		render_python_hook("postinst", name, after_install_path),

	before_remove_path = None
	if "--before-remove" in build_args:
		idx = build_args.index("--before-remove")
		before_remove_path = build_args[idx + 1]
		del build_args[idx]
		del build_args[idx]
	build_args += [
		render_python_hook("prerm", name, before_remove_path),
	return build_args

def render_python_hook(template_name, pkg_name, exist_hook_name=None):
	template_content = open(template_name).read()
	file_content = template_content.format(package_name=pkg_name)
	tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
	if exist_hook_name:
		exist_hook_content = open(exist_hook_name).read()
		file_content = exist_hook_content + '\n'*3 + file_content
		output_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, exist_hook_name)
		output_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, template_name)
	fd = open(output_file_path, 'a+')
	return output_file_path

def _build_pkg_pbc(pkg_name, build_conf):
	# TODO get tmp dir a more smart way
	pkg_conf = build_conf['packages'][pkg_name]
	version = pkg_conf['version']
	with local.cwd('/tmp'):	
		if not local.path(local.cwd / 'pbc').exists():
			git('clone', '')
		with local.cwd(local.cwd / 'pbc'):
			# because 0.5.14 has bug with building debs, see commit log
			git('checkout', '656ae0c90e120eacd3dc0d76dbc9504f8aca4ba8')
			local['dpkg-buildpackage']('-uc', '-us')
			pbc_lib_deb = 'libpbc0_{}_amd64.deb'.format(version)
			pbc_dev_deb = 'libpbc-dev_{}_amd64.deb'.format(version)
		# install pbc in system for building Charm-Crypto
		# TODO this will fail outside docker		
		dpkg('-i', pbc_lib_deb)
		dpkg('-i', pbc_dev_deb)
		cp(pbc_lib_deb, build_conf['output_path'])
		cp(pbc_dev_deb, build_conf['output_path'])

def build_deps(deps, build_conf):
	for name, version in deps.items():
		# TODO use 'version' if there is no any in the config
		dep_conf = build_conf["packages"].get(name)
		if dep_conf is None:
			logging.warning('Skip building "%s", not found config', name)
		# add extra dependencies if it is needed
		extra_deps = dict.fromkeys(dep_conf.get("requires", []), None)
		build_deps(extra_deps, build_conf)  # recursive'Build "%s"', name)
		if dep_conf["origin"] == 'pypi':
			build_pkg_pypi(name, build_conf)
		elif dep_conf["origin"] == 'custom':
			custom_builder_name = '_build_pkg_{}'.format(name.lower().replace('-', '_'))
			custom_builder = globals().get(custom_builder_name)
			if not custom_builder:
				raise Exception('Cannot find custom builder "{}"'.format(custom_builder_name))
			custom_builder(name, build_conf)

def main(pkg_name, pkg_source_path, output_path):
	# clean source folder before start

	# load build config
	build_conf = load_config('deb-build.json')
	build_conf['output_path'] = output_path

	if pkg_name not in build_conf["packages"]:
		logging.error('Config was not found for "%s"', pkg_name)

	# we must manage a better way with preinstalling pbc
	# if pkg_name == 'anoncreds':
	# 	_build_and_install_pbc('pbc', build_conf)

	# get_pkg_dependencies does not work because error: SandboxViolation: mkdir('/home/user/.plenum', 511) {}
	# deps = get_pkg_dependencies(pkg_source_path)
	deps = {}
	extra_deps = build_conf["packages"][pkg_name].get("requires", [])
	deps.update(dict.fromkeys(extra_deps, None))
	build_deps(deps, build_conf)

	# build the package itself
	build_pkg_filesystem(pkg_name, pkg_source_path, build_conf)


	# TODO print the buided packages

if __name__ == '__main__':
	FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s [%(name)-15s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'
	logging.basicConfig(format=FORMAT, level=logging.DEBUG)

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
	# TODO add json config as a parameter

	args = vars(parser.parse_args())
