indxvec 0.2.0

Sets implemented as generic vectors. Efficiently sorting, merging, ranking, searching, reversing, intersecting, etc.

IndxVec GitHub last commit (branch)


Insert into your Cargo.toml file [dependencies] section:

indxvec = "^0.2" 

Import into your source file(s) macro here, struct GS, functions and trait as you need. There is just one trait Indices implemented on indices of type &[usize]. There is a bunch of functions in module merge which usually take generic vector(s) as arguments and may produce some indices.

use indxvec::{here,GS,merge::*,Indices};

See tests/ for examples of usage. To run the tests, use single thread. It may be slower but will produce the results in the right order:

cargo test --release -- --test-threads=1 --nocapture --color always


Indxvec is a spin-off from rstats. It is a self-contained unit, both in terms of the subject matter and also in not having any dependencies.

The tools included are: efficient ranking, sorting, merging, searching, set operations and indices manipulations. They are applicable to generic slices &[T]. Thus they will work on primitive types but also on any arbitrarily complex end type T, as long as you implement their required traits, mostly just PartialOrd and/or Copy for T.


are in the module src/ They mostly take some generic slice(s) &[T] and produce the indices into them of type Vec<usize>, onto which the methods of the following trait can be conveniently chained. See the documentation.

Trait Index

The methods of this trait are implemented for slices of subscripts, i.e. they take the type &[usize] as input (self).

Release Notes (Latest First)

Version 0.2.0 - added set operations: sansrepeat, member, memsearch, memsearch_indexed, unite, unite_indexed, intersect, intersect_indexed, diff, diff_indexed. They are also used, with type/struct wrappers, by crate sets.

Version 0.1.9 - added method complindex to trait Indices.

Version 0.1.8 - added function minmax to module merge.

Version 0.1.7 - added convenience conversion method indx_to_f64.

Version 0.1.6 - improved comments. Used Vec::with_capacity for new vectors of known lengths. Maybe a bit faster but no change in functionality.

Version 0.1.5 - fixed an inconsistency in binsearch result.

Version 0.1.4 - swapped arguments of unindex for compatibility. Added more comments.

Version 0.1.3 - added wrapper struct GS (generic slice), though it is not really needed. However, it does pretty-print generic vectors.