indradb-proto 2.2.0

Protobuf/gRPC interfaces for IndraDB
syntax = "proto3";

package indradb;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";

// A UUID.
message Uuid {
    bytes value = 1;

// An edge or vertex type.
// Types must be less than 256 characters long, and can only contain letters,
// numbers, dashes and underscores.
message Type {
    string value = 1;

// A JSON value.
message Json {
    string value = 1;

// An edge.
// Edges are how you would represent a verb or a relationship in the
// datastore. An example might be "liked" or "reviewed". Edges are typed and
// directed.
message Edge {
    // The key to the edge.
    EdgeKey key = 1;
    // When the edge was created.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp created_datetime = 2;

// Represents a uniquely identifiable key to an edge.
message EdgeKey {
    // The id of the outbound vertex.
    Uuid outbound_id = 1;
    // The type of the edge.
    Type t = 2;
    // The id of the inbound vertex.
    Uuid inbound_id = 3;

// A vertex.
// Vertices are how you would represent nouns in the datastore. An example
// might be a user, or a movie. All vertices have a unique ID and a type.
message Vertex {
    // The id of the vertex.
    Uuid id = 1;
    // The type of the vertex.
    Type t = 2;

// A query for vertices.
message VertexQuery {
    oneof query {
        RangeVertexQuery range = 1;
        SpecificVertexQuery specific = 2;
        PipeVertexQuery pipe = 3;

// Gets a range of vertices.
message RangeVertexQuery {
    // Limits the number of vertices to get.
    uint32 limit = 1;
    // Filters the type of vertices returned.
    Type t = 2;
    // Sets the lowest vertex ID to return.
    Uuid start_id = 3;

// Gets a specific set of vertices.
message SpecificVertexQuery {
    // The IDs of the vertices to get.
    repeated Uuid ids = 1;

// Gets the vertices associated with edges.
message PipeVertexQuery {
    // The edge query to build off of.
    EdgeQuery inner = 1;
    // Whether to get outbound or inbound vertices on the edges.
    EdgeDirection direction = 2;
    // Limits the number of vertices to get.
    uint32 limit = 3;
    // Filters the type of vertices returned.
    Type t = 4;

// Gets property values associated with vertices.
message VertexPropertyQuery {
    // The vertex query to build off of.
    VertexQuery inner = 1;
    // The name of the property to get.
    string name = 2;

// A query for edges.
message EdgeQuery {
    oneof query {
        SpecificEdgeQuery specific = 1;
        PipeEdgeQuery pipe = 2;

// Gets a specific set of edges.
message SpecificEdgeQuery {
    // The keys of the edges to get.
    repeated EdgeKey keys = 1;

// Gets the edges associated with vertices.
message PipeEdgeQuery {
    // The vertex query to build off of.
    VertexQuery inner = 1;
    // Whether to get outbound or inbound edges on the vertices.
    EdgeDirection direction = 2;
    // Filters the type of edges returned.
    Type t = 3;
    // Specifies the newest update datetime for returned edges.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp high = 4;
    // Specifies the oldest update datetime for returned edges.
    google.protobuf.Timestamp low = 5;
    // Limits the number of edges to get.
    uint32 limit = 6;

// Gets property values associated with edges.
message EdgePropertyQuery {
    // The edge query to build off of.
    EdgeQuery inner = 1;
    // The name of the property to get.
    string name = 2;

// Specifies what kind of items should be piped from one type of query to
// another.
// Edge and vertex queries can build off of one another via pipes - e.g. you
// can get the outbound edges of a set of vertices by piping from a vertex
// query to an edge query. `EdgeDirection`s are used to specify which
// end of things you want to pipe - either the outbound items or the inbound
// items.
enum EdgeDirection {
    OUTBOUND = 0;
    INBOUND = 1;

// A property.
message NamedProperty {
    // The id of the vertex.
    string name = 1;
    // The property value.
    Json value = 2;

// Represents a vertex property.
message VertexProperty {
    // The id of the vertex.
    Uuid id = 1;
    // The property value.
    Json value = 2;

// A vertex with properties.
message VertexProperties {
    // The vertex.
    Vertex vertex = 1;
    // All of the vertex's properties.
    repeated NamedProperty props = 2;

// Represents an edge property.
message EdgeProperty {
    // The key to the edge.
    EdgeKey key = 1;
    // The property value.
    Json value = 2;

// An edge with properties.
message EdgeProperties {
    // The edge.
    Edge edge = 1;
    // All of the edge's properties.
    repeated NamedProperty props = 2;

// An item to insert, as part of a bulk insert request.
message BulkInsertItem {
    oneof item {
        Vertex vertex = 1;
        EdgeKey edge = 2;
        VertexPropertyBulkInsertItem vertex_property = 3;
        EdgePropertyBulkInsertItem edge_property = 4;

// A vertex property to insert.
message VertexPropertyBulkInsertItem {
    Uuid id = 1;
    string name = 2;
    Json value = 3;

// An edge property to insert.
message EdgePropertyBulkInsertItem {
    EdgeKey key = 1;
    string name = 2;
    Json value = 3;

message GetEdgeCountRequest {
    Uuid id = 1;
    Type t = 2;
    EdgeDirection direction = 3;

message SetVertexPropertiesRequest {
    VertexPropertyQuery q = 1;
    Json value = 2;

message SetEdgePropertiesRequest {
    EdgePropertyQuery q = 1;
    Json value = 2;

message TransactionRequest {
    uint32 request_id = 1;

    oneof request {
        // Creates a new vertex. Returns whether the vertex was successfully
        // created - if this is false, it's because a vertex with the same UUID
        // already exists.
        Vertex create_vertex = 2;

        // Creates a new vertex with just a type specification. As opposed to
        // `CreateVertex`, this is used when you do not want to manually specify
        // the vertex's UUID. Returns the new vertex's UUID.
        Type create_vertex_from_type = 3;

        // Gets a range of vertices specified by a query.
        VertexQuery get_vertices = 4;

        // Deletes existing vertices specified by a query.
        VertexQuery delete_vertices = 5;

        // Gets the number of vertices in the datastore.
        google.protobuf.Empty get_vertex_count = 6;

        // Creates a new edge. If the edge already exists, this will update it
        // with a new update datetime. Returns whether the edge was successfully
        // created - if this is false, it's because one of the specified vertices
        // is missing.
        EdgeKey create_edge = 7;

        // Gets a range of edges specified by a query.
        EdgeQuery get_edges = 8;

        // Deletes a set of edges specified by a query.
        EdgeQuery delete_edges = 9;

        // Gets the number of edges associated with a vertex.
        GetEdgeCountRequest get_edge_count = 10;

        // Gets vertex properties.
        VertexPropertyQuery get_vertex_properties = 11;

        // Sets vertex properties.
        SetVertexPropertiesRequest set_vertex_properties = 12;

        // Deletes vertex properties.
        VertexPropertyQuery delete_vertex_properties = 13;

        // Gets edge properties.
        EdgePropertyQuery get_edge_properties = 14;

        // Sets edge properties.
        SetEdgePropertiesRequest set_edge_properties = 15;

        // Deletes edge properties.
        EdgePropertyQuery delete_edge_properties = 16;

        // Gets vertexes and all properties for each vertex.
        VertexQuery get_all_vertex_properties = 17;

        // Gets edges and all properties for each edge.
        EdgeQuery get_all_edge_properties = 18;

message TransactionResponse {
    // The ID of the request associated with this response.
    uint32 request_id = 1;

    oneof response {
        // An empty response.
        google.protobuf.Empty empty = 2;
        // An ok response, indicating whether or not it was successful.
        bool ok = 3;
        // A response with a count.
        uint64 count = 4;
        // A response with a vertex ID.
        Uuid id = 5;
        // A response with a vertex.
        Vertex vertex = 6;
        // A response with an edge.
        Edge edge = 7;
        // A response with a vertex property.
        VertexProperty vertex_property = 8;
        // A response with vertex properties.
        VertexProperties vertex_properties = 9;
        // A response with an edge property.
        EdgeProperty edge_property = 10;
        // A response with edge properties.
        EdgeProperties edge_properties = 11;

service IndraDB {
    // Pings the server.
    rpc Ping(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    // Syncs persisted content. Depending on the datastore implementation,
    // this has different meanings - including potentially being a no-op.
    rpc Sync(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    // Bulk inserts many vertices, edges, and/or properties.
    // Note that datastores have discretion on how to approach safeguard vs
    // performance tradeoffs. In particular:
    // * If the datastore is disk-backed, it may or may not flush before
    //   returning.
    // * The datastore might not verify for correctness; e.g., it might not
    //   ensure that the relevant vertices exist before inserting an edge.
    // If you want maximum protection, use the equivalent functions in
    // transactions, which will provide more safeguards.
    rpc BulkInsert(stream BulkInsertItem) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
    // Runs a transaction.
    rpc Transaction(stream TransactionRequest) returns (stream TransactionResponse);